Chapter 9 : The end or the beginning

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Shantanu along with his family reached the Gujarati Samaj hall where the engagement ceremony was being conducted. As he steps out of the car, he saw Maccy and Nimit walking towards him. He asks his parents to go inside as he wanted to talk to his friends.

Maccy : Hi dude

Shantanu just looks at him but does not say anything.

Nimit : Hi Tannu

He still does not utter a word or look at them.

Maccy : We are sorry Tannu. We know we should not have avoided your calls but we didn't know how to convey this news to you.

Nimit : We knew that you have feelings for her and

Shantanu : Then , why did you guys do this? Why didn't you tell me anything before?

Maccy : Because she asked us not to.

Shantanu : What?

Nimit : Vrushy asked us not to tell you anything about her engagement. She knew that you always considered her as a good friend and didn't want to lose her.

Maccy : She said if you come to know about her engagement, you may get distracted. She wanted you to completely concentrate on the competition and win it. She never wanted to be the cause of your failure.

Shantanu : I have lost even after winning. I lost my life in my journey to win that trophy. I have lost everything guys.

Tears started flowing from his eyes. Maccy and Nimit were unable to see their friend in this condition. They took him away from there before anyone saw him in this condition.

Maccy : Tannu, you need to control your emotions. Today is an important day in Vrushy's life. We cannot ruin it for her.

Shantanu : I. ..I can't.

Nimit : You can Tannu because it's matter of her happiness.

Shantanu wipes off his tears and composes himself.

Shantanu : I want to meet her once before she becomes someone else's.

Maccy : But

Shantanu: Please guys. One last time.

Maccy : Okay. I will ask Sam to arrange something.

Sam with the help of their friends manage to get Shantanu to Vrushika's room. They stood  outside to make sure no one enters the room while their friends talk with each other.

Vrushika was adjusting her lehenga when she felt someone's presence in her room. She quickly turns around to see who it was and was surprised to see Shantanu standing before her.

Vrushika : Shantanu

Shantanu : Yeah, it's me. Even though you didn't bother to inform me about your engagement, I still reached here.

Vrushika : Shan, I

Shantanu : Don't bother with any explanation. I knew that you no longer need me in your life but I never thought you would just ignore me completely.

Vrushika : Shantanu

Shantanu : Vrushy, there was a time when we used to be such good friends that we shared all important decisions of our life with each other but now I have become so unimportant in your life that you didn't even tell me about such a big decision of your life. You called all our friends for your engagement except me. I have literally become a nobody in your life.

VruShan/SwaRon FF : Pyaar ka khel /Game of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now