Chapter 21

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Time flew by at Hogwarts. The snow on the ground melted and soon enough, Spring was about, setting many flowers into full bloom. With O.W.L.'s approaching quicker than ever, everyone made a point of studying, and The Quartet were set under a willow tree at the edge of the lake doing just that. Well...and having a picnic. They sat on a blanket, Harry and Hermione by each other while Ron stretched out and lay on the ground, his head in Anna's lap for comfort. In the middle of them sat food they had seized from the Great Hall. 

Yes, it was a cheesy scene, but they were all together and content, and that hadn't happened in a while.

It was almost like old times when they all got along, cracking jokes nonstop and Hermione scolding them about the seriousness of studying. There was no tension and it was great. Anna began to think that maybe her talk with Ron really did help.

Then again, she had no clue what Sirius had threatened the ginger with, but she chose to believe she was the influential one.

"Okay, Harry, when did the most well-known goblin riots take place?"

"The eighteenth century."

"Nice one, smarty," Anna commented, giving a wink and smile. "Alright Mione, who's next?"

"Ron, what's the translation the rune 'eihwaz'? Ron? Ron!" said Hermione irritably, her stern gaze fixed on the sleeping idiot in Anna's lap.

The blonde sighed and ruffled Ron's hair, saying, "Hey, knucklehead, get up."

"Ughh, let me sleep," he groaned, but when met with protests, he grumbled, "okay, okay, fine. What's the question?"

Hermione repeated it and Ron pretended to think but was clueless. Anna noticed and saved him.

"Hey, Hermione, I don't mean to interrupt, that Reeve and Draco over there? I haven't seen them together in a while."

"No..that's Cho and Macmillian...I think."

As the bushy-haired Gryffindor turned and squinted to see, Anna leaned down and whispered, "It means 'defense'." Harry gave her a narrowed look and shook his head, causing her to shrug and smile.

When Hermione turned back around, she asked if Ron knew the answer, and he feigned ignorance. "Hmm...I think it means 'defense'?"

"Correct...oh hippogriffs, I think that's Umbridge. If she catches us, we're done for...we could get expelled!"

"It's gonna be okay, Hermione," assured Harry, resisting the urge to laugh. 

"Guys, I've got this. Don't worry about packing up this food...I'll take care of it. Just run back to the castle."

"But, Anna-"

"Go! Trust me!" she exclaimed with a grin. They got up to leave, silently obeying her without protest. She flinched a bit when Ron went to hug her, but quickly smiled and bid them all goodbye.

They started towards the castle. She watched them for a second before quickly getting the picnic basket together and scampering off. Her heart swelled with happiness as she saw them, the golden trio that was her best friends, joking and laughing together. 

They glanced back and Ron exclaimed, "Bloody hell! Where's she gone?! That girl...she gets mad when we try to help and disappears seconds later."

"Yeah, she's quite a vixen, isn't she?" Harry said, laughing as he saw a flash orange run towards the forbidden forest...a fox carrying a picnic basket in its mouth.


Late that same night, the portrait door to the Gryffindor common room slammed open and shut. Just after, a teenager with jet black hair stormed in, his jaw clenched. His eyes flitted over to the couch and he saw Anna curled up, seemingly asleep. He was grateful for this, considering the fact that he didn't want to speak to anyone.

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