full of Love

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hey everyone I want to write this chapter for my own friend Ash coz it's about her I mean Ash is Laury and Laury is Ash..... sooo bestie this is for you only you I love you forever and ever and ever....XEMMA



today I'm getting out with Ashton alone....

" bab I'm still waiting..." I said taking a deep breath

"okay okay sweet heart I'm coming" he answered getting down the stairs... then he stopped and said " wow bab you look........undesirable " then I smiled and said... " thank you "

and we got into his car and drived to a fancy park all of the park was green and full of colorful flowers.  and different kinds of trees,

" wooooooow, bab since when you know this place? !" I asked shoked,

" ammm actually I nearly new this place, everyone said to me it's a good place.... and I wanted to visit this place for the first time with you" he said smiling.

" really,  ooooooh that means a lot to me hon..." I said adding " let's discover the place "

we walked everywhere in the park drinking banana milkshake,  it's Ashton's favourite drink,  mine too, but not like him,

we got in a small bridge under the bridge there was a small river with a ducks in it, they look so adorble, 

I got on the bridge, I took a lot of pictures of me on the bridge, " bab be careful to not fall of the bridge" a Australian accent said... and I smiled and replied " do not worry about me,  I'm alright", he was scared to get on the bridge coz he thinks that it's gonna brake down,

ohh the sky is turning black,  there was a lot of black clouds in the sky " what time is it ?!" I asked Ashton looking at the sky. .

" it's ((6:18))pm I think it's going to rain" he replied standing next to me, I looked down at the ducks to see how they move a few seconds to fall down to the river noo not just that.... it's raining too,

all the people were laughing... it's embarrassing my glasses were on the water,  and all of the people got into a circle and crowded me and Ashton they noticed him coz he took of his glasses when he came to help me,

"Ashton,  Ashton can you please tell us what is there between you two ?!" the people were asking "Ashton,  is she is your girlfriend? , Ashton Laury Hemmings is your girlfriend? !" they keeped asking

then Ashton covered me with his jacket and said " yes she is my girlfriend" and we bouth walked away I didn't want to go home it's still early,


she looked soo sweet and her blue hair is wet, her make up were all over her blue eyes,,

she looked like a sexy died girl, " you look like a died girl" I said giggling, and she looked at me sighing " thank you for telling me that "

and she stopped walking, " what?!" I asked " "wait a second I want to enjoy the winter " she closed her eyes and opened her arms and looked up at the sky enjoying the rain...

I got Closer and cough her  hand and said " this is the perfect time for the kiss that I've been waiting for..."

she opened her eyes slowly asking " you didn't had a kiss under the rain ?!" I got close enough and replied " never" she smiled and said " well, this is your Lucky day, I want to try it too"

our Lips met each other they enjoyed being together coz they stayed for too long, we stoped our kiss I smailed for her happy face sighing " it was per-fect" she ran into my car and I followed her.

in the car..

there was no response for a few minutes... but Laury brake the silent sighing " thanks for being my day complete " I smailed and said " mine too " the kiss was really good

my phone was ringing.... " Oh it's Dan" I said stopping the car somewhere and I answered

" hey Dan"

"hey Ash, where are you bouth it's raining outside and we are worried about you two, andddd why Laury is not answering her phone? !"

" Laury why you don't answer your phone? " I asked Laury

and she replied looking at her phone sighing " ummmm it's off"

" she said that it's off"

" oh, where are you now ?! Are you coming? !"

" Yes we are on our way "

" Okay then fine try to come back soon"

" Okay bye Dan "

" bye" then we hang up

I started to drive omg I needed to go to bathroom right now,  so I drived fast the place was 30 minutes away from the hotel...

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