Heart attack

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After 30 minutes we got to back to the hotel.... no one is home.. I ran to bathroom when I got out of the bathroom I said to Laury" I'm going to call the rest of the boys and ask them where are they" she replied " Fine"

I pulled out of the phone and called Luke......

" hey Luke, man where are you ?!"

" we are at the hospital, "


" yeah, Dan had a heart attack "

" what a heart attack ?! But why!? well wait we are coming"

"Fine now gotta go bye" we hanged up the phone

"what is there? ! " Laury asked, I replied " You changed your clothes,,, great,  come with me fast Dan is in hospital she had a heart attack "

" what again? ! noooo hurry up bab " she said getting in to the car crying. .

we drived to the hospital she was crying all the time sighing " no, no , no this can't be happen, the doctor said that if she had it again she will die"

at the hospital ....


I ran to Daniel's room when the Nurse tell us where is she,,

I opened the door and I saw all of the boys were crying...

" what happened? !" I asked

"the doctor said that, that's because she was super worry" Michael answered in a sad note

"worry about what? !" Ashton asked

Calum replied  " it was raining outside and there was a strong storm and she heard in the news that there is some people died of it, and you were out and Luke was out too, as fast as she heard that she passed out coz she was worry about you guys"

While he was sighing that Luke was crying so hard I've never seen him crying like that in my life...

" first my parents and now my girlfriend why whyyyyy....?!" Luke said crying

I huged him tight and cried with him ... the doctor came in sighing " guys I have a good news"

"What doctor" Ashton said

"Daniel Calder is okay,  I mean but she have to stay at the hospital for 1 week,"

"ohhhhh, doctor thank you sooo much for letting us know that" Michael replied removing his tears

" her heart beats were 0 but we did all what we can to let her alive" he said getting out

" we have to make sure that she will be alright no worries at all " I said in a serious note

" specially you Luke, if you ever hurts her you'll be died" Calum addes

" I'll make sure of that" he replied sleeping next to Daniel


hey everyone can you please follow me on Twitter "@ArsnoEman" please Love to the moon and back ♥♡ please try to leave a comment I won't kill you XXEMMA

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