boring day

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After 6 months.................


"Laury come on, you and Jesy,  we'll be late the interview will start in.......omg hurry up it will start after 15 minutes" I said to the girls wait for them in my Red Ford Mustang.....I love this car alot, 

"fine fine" Laury sighs setting next to me in the car.... "Jesy bab hurry up we don't have any time " I said as we both looked st Jesy who was into her phone for about 5 months,  uhhhhh poor girl can't handle it when her boyfriend is way from her...... she finally got in the car and we all drivers to the show in London calls ( talking to the stars ) mmm yeah we are in London.

we got there in 12 minutes and we ran to the studio as fast as we can,

Hana ( the interviewer ) was sitting waiting for us on her black chair. 

"Sorry we're late " I said sitting in the black long couch with the girls,  actually these few months I was the leader cause these girls are so tired of being away from there boys, while it was hard for me too, but I have to use to it.

Anyway. .....1........2..........3 on. the cameras are on and we are in the life show,  "hello everybody we aee here with sp2 guests, welcome with.............J, D.L everybody, " Hana sighs smiling, " heeey " we replied looking at the cameras in front of us.

Hana "girlsss, so excited to see the fan's questions for you...."

Laury " yeah I'm excited too, I mean we all are...

Hana " so how is your life until now ?!, I mean good, bad, missing your lovers? !"

Me " hhhh, for me I'm used to it,  but these to girls woooow"

Hana " you mean they are missing them? !"

Me "  ammm yeas duuuuuh "

Jesy " well I can say that we've been away from them for about......5 months or more"

Laury " plus they are do busy in these months cause they are more popular than ever, and that is so hard for me to deal with "

Hana " right I can feel you cause I was in your situation before,  ohhh girls here are some good questions from your fans all around the world RADYYY ladies !!"

all " radyyyy......"

Hanna " first question, Daniel pull out a question"

I put my hand in the plane wich the questions are there, I pulled out a paper and I rode the question..... " what is your favourite colour girls.... well mine is Pink"

Laury " mine is Orange "

Jesy " mine is blue "

then Jesy pulled out a question and sighs " what is your Logos ?!, my logo is a butterfly"

Me " mine is A headsets "

Laury " wings "

Laury's turn she took out a question sighing " ammmm, can you explain each other in one word, well I'm the musical one, and Dan is the goofy one , lol and Jesy is the sweet heart and the flirty at the same time "

Hana " woow Jesy nice one, flirty"

Jesy " well they say that but I don't think that I'm flirty "

me " bab, it's the truth you have to deal with it honey "

Laury " yeah it is Jesy, maybe you don't feel it when you act like that hhhh"

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