after the show. ...

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after the show, 

.....and now we have a interview with the x factor,  yeah they gonna ask us some questions,

we sat on a red couch, and the interviewer sat in front of us,

int:" so girl how it feels like winning?

Laury : "mmm, awsome,  I guess "

int:"you seems so happy, so tell me what you gonna do with all of that money? !"

me:"actually the money doesn't matter,  changing our lifes and being famous , having fans is the most beautiful part of being famous"

int:"righhhhht, now girls I have a few questions from your fans on twitter,  shall we start? !"

me+ Laury :"sure :3 "

int:" @meamilorens is asking, what is your favourite song that you have sang in the show?!"

me:"for mee.......Move by little mix

Laury:" ummmmmmm, I think, Red by Taylor Swift"

int:"nice, and @david_switress, is asking , if you 2 were boys who would you date from the celebrate girls? "

Laury:" very interesting question,  ummm I guess Demmi Lovato"

me:" yeah demmi is a sweet heart,  I would sayyyy, perrie Edwards,  she is so cute ♥♡ "

int:" really, good choice,  and @rebbeca_hemmo is asking, what is ur favourite song by 1D? "

Me:" all of em, lol no seriously I like.... story of my life,  you and I,"

Laury:"" I really really really,  like half a heart"

int:"good choice good choice,  @haroldsmith is asking,  what is ur favourite food ever?!"

Laury:" I really don't know what I like I love all of the kind of food,  so all except sea food"

me:" ammm, I really like peetza it's the best food ever"

int:" wooow niceee, @georgehellno is asking, would you add  another member to ur group if it's possible? !"

me:" oooooh yeah that one yeah, ummm we were thinking of our friend calls Jesy,  she is a really sweet and sexy girl you will like her, we r going to add her as soon as it's possible"


int:"oh girls so excited to meet her, can you please tell us how she looks like,  and like tell us everything about her too,"

Laury : " well, her full name is Jesse drew Hamilton

she got a brown eyes and also dark brown hair,  and mmm she is taller than us, and her hair is short, mm and I know her since I was first grade, "

me:" yeah, she is like that, mm I can describe her, that she likes boys A LOT , and she is vain,  and she eats a lot, and the most important thing is that she is dating Michael Clifford, and I know her since I was born, cause she is my cousin, Laury you forgot to say that she is not black,  she is kind of like not that white and not that black,  she is pink lol he he"

int:" Hahahaha, Dan really,  pink,  okay now wow we got a question from @geogeshelley , he sighs " you girls are rock can't wait to make some songs with you, oh yeah the question is, how many boyfriends you used to have? !"

Me:"I used to have 2 but now I'm dating Luke and won't leave him, ever"

Laury:" ammm, I used to have 5 boyfriends lol I know,  I know what can I do all of the boys likes me :P"

int : " you're right you're so lovely,  and here is a question from @fan_of_Daniel sighs " who is your idol ?!!"

Laury : " mmmm my idol is Demmi Lovato, mm yeah demmi lovato :)"

me:" mine is Perrie Edwards,  I love her she is sooo beautiful,  actually everybody sighs that I mostly look like her, but I say I would if I had a blond hair and blue eyes,  mine is gray mixed with blue,  and I have black hair sooo, "

int:" yeah, you really do look like her, now girls the last question, guess from who.......?! Austin Mahoneeeeee, yay, he sighs " are you girls are virgin,  cause if you were not, I would be glad to be the one who takes your virginity from you ;) "

me : " wooooooow Austin how cute was that, mmm yes I'm still virgin, I'm really not attracted to these things"

Laury:" Austin haaaa....?! I ammmm, not virgin actually and duhhh I'm dating"

int:" I wonder who that lucky guy would be, ummm girls that was a pleasure meeting you, i wish you luck in the future,  and remember I'm a big fan"

we thanked all of the people and just got back home,  of course there was a red carpet after the interview

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