Chapter 3

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I could hear people talking, but I couldn't quite here what they were saying. I rolled over in my bed and covered my head with a pillow to block out the stupid voices that wouldn't shut up. Didn't they know I was trying to sleep?

"Yeah... said... roof... last night.... smoking... bra... happy." Were the only words I could pick out from under the pillow. I knew it was a guy talking, but I couldn't quite figure out who. I was assuming it was Rage from what was being said.

Slowly I heard the voice getting louder and suddenly my pillow was thrown off my head and my blankets ripped off me.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you and Rage were finally going out?!" The voice of my litter brother yelled, causing me to curl into a little ball to try block the sound out.

" 'Cuz it's none of your buisness." I mumbled grabbing for my blankets. Jacob just held them away from my reach.

"Nu-uh. Get out of bed. It's noon. I'm mad at you." Jake said taking the blanket and pillow with him as he left my room.

"Fuck you." I mumbled to thin air as I slowly got out of bed and stumbled towards my suitcases. I grabbed and then walked towards the bathroom, praying that no one was in the bathroom so I could just get straight in the shower. There was no body in there.

I walked in, turned the shower on, turned music on my iPhone on, undressed, then hopped into the warm water. The song was 'Welcome to The Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance.

I sang along to it. I really like My chem, they are pretty cool guys. The song changed and i continued to do my thing in the shower. I was taking my sweet time because I could. The shower was my alone time, and nobody was going to take that away from me.

"BREE! GET OUT OF THE SHOWER! IT"S BEEN AN HOUR!" Jacob yelled from the other side of the door.

"FUCK OFF! I'M ALMOST DONE!" I yelled back turning off the shower and wrapping my hair and body in towels. I dried off my body and put my clothes and other shit on then did my make-up. When i took my hair out of the towel, i liked how it was all wavey and curly so I just blow dried it a little and then put my beanie on. I liked how it looked.

"BREE- oh, hey." Jake was just about to yell at me again as I opened the door.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Hey to you too bud." I said sarcasticly as I threw my towels into the laundry room. I walked past Jacob who was trying to say something and went downstairs and into the kitchen, I could here Rages voice.

He was sitting on a bar stool facing me. i saw a huge smile take over his face as he saw me walk in. "Bree!" He chirped and opened his arms for a hug. I laughed and shook my head at how childish he could act sometimes. I gave him a hug and felt him kiss my temple. When we stopped hugging I could hear Jake coming down the stairs.

"Planning time." He said as he swooped into the kitchen. I looked at Rage who was still smiling. I laughed and smiled too.

I took a seat on the bar stool beside Rage and turned it so I was facing the kitchen table where the rest of the guys had just shown up. " So what is everyome doing today?"

"Going on a date." Hayden and Jake said at the same time. They looked at eachother and then laughed. I awed at the two of them. They are just too cute.

"I'm just chilling out I think." Kyle shrugged.

I looked at Rage who was looking at his phone. "I gotta go guys. I'll be back in a few hours. I'd explain, but I'm late as it." He rushed to say as he jumped off the stool and quickly kissed my cheek.

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