Chapter 4

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"I didn't want you to find out this way but... I'm making a band!" Rage's face lit up.

"Okay, that's great! But why did you have your arm around her?" I asked, pointedly look at her.

"Oh! Well Jade used to be my best friend when we were younger, and I haven't seen her in forever." I could see no lie in his eyes. I smiled and opened my arms for a hug. He smiled at me and gave me a hug.

"I was so scared you were all ready cheating on me." I whispered before we broke apart from the hug.

"I'd never do that, just saying." Rage gave me a serious look, one that I couldn't disagree with. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I looked over to where Kyle was still standing with my phone. I waved him to come over. He sprinted to us.

"Way to make me look like a loner." Kyle whispered harshly into my ear before smiling to everyone else. I covertly gave him the finger and then looked at Rage, waiting to be introduced.

"Okay guys, Jade, this is Breanne, my amazing girlfriend, and Kyle, one of my best friends. I'm staying at his house for awhile." I smiled at the guys and Jade. They smiled back.

Rage pointed at the blonde guy, "This is Lex, he's the drummer in the band." I said hi to him. Rage pointed at the black haired dude, "And this is Shadow, He plays bass." I said hi to him too. "And i already told you Jades name, and she plays guitar." I could see the happiness on Rages face and it made me happy to see him doing what he loved to do.

"Nice to meet you guys." Kyle said as he did the man hug thing with Lex and then Shadow.

"Nice to meet you too." Lex said with a cheeky smile.

"yeah it's cool." Shadow said. His voice was really low and gravely. It was really sexy if I do say so myself.

"Why did you tell me about this before?" I asked as I laced my fingers with Rages.

"I wanted it to be a surprise for you, and I was totally sure if it was going to pan out anyway." I could see a faint pink blush on his cheeks. It was really cute.

"We should go chill somewhere." Kyle said doing a slow 360 to see where we could sit I'm guessing. "There's a 'chill area' in the music store. We should go there?" Kyle asked looking at everyone to see if it was okay. Everyone agreed and we all headed their. We all crashed out on the couches in the music store.

"So we should have a little Q and A here and get to know one another, since you know, we're going to be seeing each other lots." Jade said giving me a weird look.

"So pretty much we are playing truth or dare without the dare part." Lex said.

"Pretty much." Jade chuckled a little.

"I wanna ask a question first!" I smiled. "This is just for everyone but Kyle." Kyle started to pout, I flipped him off with a smile. "What kind of band do you guys have?"

"A post-hard core band." Shadow grinned.

"Its like if you put Black Veil Brides, Scarey Kids Scaring Kids, Escape the Fate and D.R.U.G.S together, you'd get us." Jade added.

"You guys are gonna be one fucking sick band!" Kyle fist pumped like the fucked child he is and we all laughed at him.

We all just sat in the music store all day getting to know one another. I have a lot in common with the guys, and Jade seems like a pretty cool person too.

"And then... and then... Rage was like, 'I CANT FIND MY TEDDY BEAR!' and everyone started laughing. It was great!" Jade was trying to tell a story about when Rage was little, but she was laughing so hard she could barely breathe.

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