Chapter 8

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"DON'T YOU DARE GO ANYWHERE NEAR HER!" someone yelled from somewhere close. I groaned and rolled over in bed, covering my head with a pillow to block out light and sound.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND, I CAN TALK TO HER IF I WANT!" someone else yelled. It took a second for the words to actually make meaning in my mind. It was Rage yelling, and Kyle was yelling back at him. I quickly sat up in bed and walked to the door of Kyles room. I opened it just enough to see what was going on.

Kyle was standing right in front of the door, and Rage was standing in front of him, being held back by Parker and Hayden. Rage looked pissed.

"IF YOU REMEMBERED LAST NIGHT AT ALL, YOU'D KNOW SHE WASN'T YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Kyle yelled. The fucking retard didn't remember last night? How much did he drink after we all left?

"IF YOU TOLD ME WHAT HAPPENED, I'D KNOW TOO!" he yelled back. I could see him getting more angry by the second. Just as I was about to close the door, Rage caught my eye.

"Bree, babe, tell me what happped. I know we didn't break up right?" His voice was softer, but I could see the demand in his eyes, the anger. I pushed the door open more and walked out. Kyle took a step forward, but stayed in front of me. I was pretty greatful for that. I didn't want to be to close to him, I'd probably try to punch his face in.

"Don't you babe me. Your a fucking cheater and I never want to see you again." I growled, but I'm fairly sure any bite I tried to put in my words was kind of weaked by the fucking tears that were in my eyes, threatening to fall.

Rage's face paled. "You know about that?" He whispered.

"Yeah we know fuck head." Kyle spat. "You told us all last night when you were the only one who took a drink when we played 'I've never'."

"Bree, I'm so sorry. You have no idea how bad I feel right now." his voice was a whisper. It only pissed me off more.

"YOU FUCKING ASS HOLE! YOU AREN'T SORRY! YOU CHEATED! ONCE A CHEATER, ALWAYS A FUCKING CHEATER!" I screamed pushing Kyle aside. He didn't even try to stop me. I stomped up to Rage and punched him hard in the face. I heard his nose crunch and felt my fingers pop a little. Hopefully they are just sprained, not broken.

"Have a nice life dick." I growled before shoving him into a wall and storming into "our" room. I threw all my clothes back in to my suitcases, as well as anything else I brought with me like my hair stuff, make-up, a few pictures. All of it was thrown hapharardly into the suitcases. I just wanted to get the fuck out of the house.

"I didn't think that I'd have to be here so early to help like I promised." Shadow said from behind making me jump a little.

"Yeah well the green haired fucker decided to stop by this morning." I grumbled slamming closed a bag and zipping it up.

"I thought he would come here after me and Lex kicked his out of my house this morning." Shadow mummbled. That was the last thing that was said for awhile. We just silently packed the rest of my stuff. Once it was all in suitcases the rest of the guys helped my haul them down stairs.

"I feel like I'm getting shipped off to a boarding school again." I mummbled as I put a suitcase in the vehicle.

"That just because your leaving your friends again, but at least this time, you don't have to go to school, and you are going to be able to still see them." Kyle said giving me a hug.

"Yeah I guess." I said as I backed up out of his reach. I waved to the guys as I got into Shadow's vehicle and he pulled out of the drive way.

"You wanna talk about it all, or do you wanna listen to music or something?" Shadow asked after a moment of silence between us.

"Music." I said quickly. I hit the CD button on the dash thinger. "Fuck You" by Sleeping with Sirens came on.

"That's a crazy coincidence there," Shadow said after the song ended, "I was just thinking 'fuck you Rage' ." I cracked a smile.

"I was thinking that too..." I whispered looking out the window. I felt a hand on my thigh and looked down to see Shadow's hand resting on my thigh, giving it a reasurring squeeze.

"He wasn't worth it Bree." Shadow looked at me for a second before turning his eyes back to the road.

"I thought we actually had something, and then I find out he cheated? And we hadn't even been together for a week." I grumbled and then ran a hand through my hair.

"Can I tell you something?" Shadow said after a while. We were getting close to his house.

"Yeah sure, it's not like you can make stuff any worse." I grummbled.

"I know who Rage cheated on you with. You know her too." His voice was just more than a whisper. I whipped my head around and looked at him.

"Who." I growled.

"Jade..." He said as he pulled into the driveway. I couldn't talk. I was so pissed off. I slowly got out of the vehicle and slammed the door.

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