A New Year

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It was the beginning of a new school year. Once again, the Hogwarts Express was filled with thounsands of witches and wizards. While some children were already entering the train, others were saying goodbye to their families. There were some owls flying by, but the majority were inside students cages. Other students had frogs, rats and cats. But they all had a thing in common, they were wearing long black Hogwarts robes. The Potter family was at the opposite side of the Malfoy family saying goodbye to Aaron. Aaron saw how Julian cross the wall from the 9 3/4 entrance. He then said goodbye once again to his family and waited for Julian at the train door.

"Hey, Julian!" Aaron said happy to see his friend again.

"Hey Aaron, what's up?" Julian replied.

The guys shook their hands, gave a friendly hug to each other and went inside the train. The comparments were almost full, once again. Gladly they found an empty one before the train parted. After they settled their package in the train, Aaron and Julian realized that Camilo was not there. In unison, they ask each other: "Where is Camilo?" They both exchanged worried looks and went out side the train to look for him. Even though, they couldn't see him, there was a lot of people in the station for them to spot Camilo.

"Why didn't you guys come together like last year?" Aaron asked.

"My life is complicated Aaron, my family is complicated." Julian said a little embarrassed.

"All aboard!" The captain shouted and the train turned on.

The guys looked back at the crowd one more time, in hopes of finding Camilo but he was nowhere to be found. Aaron and Julian entered the train and watched through the compartment window for Camilo but he never arrived. The train parted and all the students were already in, the only ones out side were the relatives. Once they were out of the station they tried to figure out why didn't Camilo went to Hogwarts this year. On the other hand, a smiling, dimpled woman slid back their compartment door and said, "Please, grant him a seat." Another boy was sent into the compartment and introduced himself.

"Hi, my name is Liam Armstrong." The boy said while looking excited at the guys. "There were no other compartments available so she brought me here. I Hope there's no problem."

Liam is an eleven years old wizard with hazel eyes, wavy and short ginger hair and freckles.

"Of course not mate, come on in. I'm Aaron Potter, nice to meet you." Aaron said while shaking Liam's hand.

"And I'm Julian Anderson." Julian said, also shaking Liam's hand.

Liam sat beside Julian and kept talking to the two wondering boys.

"I've heard a lot from you guys! It's so cool meeting you." Liam said very excited.

"Are you sure? Because I think you ment, from Aaron." Julian said in a 'joking way' and pointing at Aaron

"No, from all of... There's one missing. Where's Camilo? He is part of 'The Amazing Trio'. Because of you, Gryffindor is my favorite Hogwarts Quidditch team."

"We don't know where Camilo is, and thanks, we worked really hard to be in the team and play for our house." Julian said worried about his friend.

"We'll send him an owl when we get to Hogwarts." Aaron said.

"So, is this your second year too, Liam?" Julian asked trying to change the topic.

"No, I'm a freshman."

"Well Liam, you got yourself two friends." Julian said followed by a "yeah." From Aaron.

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