The End

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Right after the war, members of the Naddlefort family visited the school grounds and granted their first aid services to as many witches as they could. The ones who were badly injured were sent to The Naddlefort Hospital by some of the members of The Strange Circle to be taken care of. Their knowledge in herbology, medicine and supernatural creatures made them the best healers and doctors for supernatural creatures, especially for witches. Even though they were doctors, they didn't follow the human law where they had to serve all the injured. The Naddlefort's only treated supernatural creatures who were injured for doing the right thing.

     A few hours later, Aaron, Audrey, Bonnie, Bruce, Camilo and Liam went to visit Julian at his hospital room. They all wanted Julian to know that he had all of them to rely on for ever. "I am doing ok. I feel completely free now that I've broken from their control and unlocked my Will Power." Julian said. "Thank you all for being there for me, I really appreciated it." Julian added. When they all chatted with Julian they left the room. At the hall, Carla told Camilo that once Julian recovers they will head back to their mother's house and ask her why she hid their family history from them and to teach them the right way.

Thankfully, the whole Strange Circle was well after the war, but now an old member was leaving to start a new life. "Vincent, in front of the whole coven, I want to ask for your blessing and permission to leave. Camilo Bennett has proposed matrimony to me and I have accepted." Audrey told The Circle as she stood in the center of a room. Camilo was way behind her giving her support by afar, but this was something that she had to do by herself. She had to be honest to The Circle about her feelings. "I want you all to know that I absolutely love every single one of you and that I am thankful for everything that each and every one of you have done for me." Audrey continued to say. The Strange Circle looked at each of their faces and nodded to Vincent as an act of approval. "You know what this means Audrey, right?" Vincent asked "You'll have to send some of your children, if not all, to us when they reach a proper age to practice magic." Vincent added. "What?" Camilo shouted. "Silence! This is a coven matter." Vincent said. "I know and I accept." Audrey answered. "What?! Audrey, you can't agree to that!" Camilo shouted. "Well then, after signing this book you confirm the deal and you're free to go. However, if you don't get married before your 20th birthday, we will find you and make you battle the other members of The Circle for the leadership of the coven." Vincent said as he handed Audrey a book. Audrey signed the book and handed drops of her blood on a little jar to The Circle in case she tries to break the agreement.

     The next stop was Bonnie's and Bruce's house. Camilo told his parents the agreement Audrey had made with The Circle but they told him not to worry because they bought a mansion in a Colorado forest for the both of them. If they cloak the mansion, no one will be able to locate them, therefore, no one could take any of their children. Audrey and Camilo were relieved to hear this. Since then, they planed their wedding happily and enjoyed the days they had until the wedding for themselves.

     A few months later, Audrey and Camilo visited Carla, Julian and Sascha at the Anderson mansion to see how they were doing. "I didn't know you guys were a thing." Julian said as he looked at Audrey and Camilo. "It happened after the war." Camilo answered. "Audrey has been there for me since Lillian's death and after seeing how protective she was towards the ones I love it made me realize how much I love her." Camilo continued to say. "Awww, glad to know we are not the only ones." Carla interrupted as she entered the living room holding Sascha's hand. "We actually came here today to invite you guys to our weeding... We have to get married soon or her family will make her fight for the leadership of The Circle since she is turning 20 soon, and if that happens I could lose her forever." Camilo stated. "Of course, we will all be there." Julian replied.

On the other hand, Aaron and Leila's daughters paid their sentence given to them by The Strange Circle and went their own ways. Leila's daughters went back to Mermaid Island, Camperlond, and Aaron tried to find a new source of magic and grow the Potter family. When he managed to get the basics of Traditional Magic, Aaron gathered former classmates of his that learned a new source of magic as well; Eliot Philips, Glen Rainstone and Roland Sinargd, to search for the evil creatures at The Beyond Forest. Even though they looked through day and night, the creatures couldn't be found. No one knew where they all had gone to. Not even the creatures from The Forbidden Forest.

     When The Evil Wand corrupted Wand Magic, it destroyed every wand there was in the world, the wizarding governments and the most prestigious schools of Magic where wizards and witches used wands as their primordial source of magic. Because of this, the Williams family decided to found their own school of magic with the help of Liam. After he started a family, Liam helped The Williams family found The Williams Boarding School of Magic in Colorado State. The school was deep inside a forest protected by many herbs and barriers to prevent intruders from coming in. Later on, Liam joined the school as a teacher to teach the History of Magic course. This school maintained a Victorian era style and accepted any caster from the United States or its territories. The students could start from a very early age and study almost any source of magic. Even though they weren't so skilled casting spells or fighting, The Williams family are well known for their outstanding knowledge of any source of magic and witchcraft. Therefore, are the perfect bloodline to teach new generations of casters all they need to know.

As soon as Audrey and Camilo left, Carla and Julian casted a locator spell on their mother with Will Magic: "Gladula Anderson, gladula mundi. Gladula sanguinem, gladula indica mihi ubi est."; to what they discovered that she was dead due to her spiritual appearance from the Anderson afterlife. Valeria then apologized for making Julian's life miserable and for not telling them both the truth about their family from the beginning. Although they were heartbroken from their mother's decisions in life, Carla and Julian forgave her and told her to be at peace with the rest of the family. Right when she was about to go back to the Anderson afterlife dimension, Valeria told Carla that a new generation was coming to the family soon as she touched Carla's belly. Carla, Julian and Sascha were so happy about this news. Their family was finally growing and to a better world where no one was hunting them.

After Carla discovered that she was pregnant, the staff at The Strange Circle's mansion activated again. The Circle tried to control it but they all failed at doing so. When they all decided to control the staff at the same time, it blasted everyone away with an energy wave. When the whole Circle stood up, they saw five old wizards. "We are the elders!" The five wizards said in unison. "Non of you are worthy to control our staff, leave it alone or we will release our anger on all of you." They all said in unison again. "Why is it always activating and radiating magic?" Vincent asked the wizards. "Because it senses danger approaching to Camperlond. It's letting you'll know." they all said before disappearing. The staff immediately stopped levitating and radiating magic. Vincent picked it up and put it inside the titanium box again. No one ever touched it again and named it The Elders' Staff.

Meanwhile, Julian casted a locator spell on Lucia. "Antarium Catis Syrum." Julian recited two times before a vision of where Lucia was came to him. For this locator spell, Julian only needed himself since he had a connection to the necklace that he gave Lucia for being its former owner. Because of that, he could get visions of where the necklace, and therefore, where Lucia was. When Julian got to her, he told her that he still loved her. Lucia couldn't believe that she was finally hearing those words come out of Julian's mouth. After telling her how he was obligated to destroy Craftswood Academy and how difficult his life had been, Lucia got scared and left, but after a few days of thinking things through and figuring out what she wanted in life, she happily answered that she also loved him and went with him to their new home, the Anderson mansion.

A few months later, Audrey and Camilo had their weeding at a nice hill. All of their friends and family were present. Being able to see her only son get married filled Bonnie with extreme joy and happiness. After everything she and her family had been through throughout their lives, she thought it was finally time for one of their own to get a happy ending. When the ceremony was over, Bonnie gave the couple the keys to the mansion as a gift.

While everything was going smoothly for everyone, The Evil Wand made its appearance at an island far away. The island was mainly made of rock though it had a beautiful flora and fauna. As soon as it appeared at the island and sensed magic all over, it manipulated the grass around it to cover itself. Many creatures passed through it but non of them noticed it. However, it stood dormant for centuries and waited for the right time to activate again and accomplish its purpose.

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