A Journey to the Past and a Rescue

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By now The Milita was almost ready to strike and bring chaos to the world. Ajax had ordered Carla and Sascha Wolff (a werewolf alpha from a Tennessee werewolf pack whom was forced to join the Militia like Carla), to bring The Sisters some ingredients while they prepared Julian for the next and last little mission at Craftswood Academy. The Sisters needed an essence of a witch from the ninth covens of New Orleans; one that knew solely the traditions and practices of Ancestral Magic, to start making the weapon that Julian would use to corrupt Wand Magic, Ancestral Magic and Traditional Magic. By linking this weapon to the underworld and Underworld Magic, The Sister believed that corrupting the other sources of magic would be easy.

Away he went to the Craftswood Academy and watched up close every single student. He knew what he was there for and he was ready, all he needed to do was wait until time was right to attack. Meanwhile, Carla and Sascha traveled to USA to start their hunt. Before they did so, they stopped at Valeria's (Carla's mother) house. Once there, Carla discovered that her mother was not there and did not arrived at the house any of the days Carla and Sascha were there. Walking through the mansion, Carla discovered a secret room where Valeria had more books of shadows and very old grimoires. Carla took some of them, especially a big fat one to see if she could learn something else from them. She was confused, it looked like her mother was hiding something from her and Julian. Since she was in a hurry, Carla did not read the books right away, instead she took them with her on her trip.

     Julian stayed at an apartment near Craftswood Academy. There he would report back at Ajax and The Sisters every night to give updates about the mission. On the first day of class, Julian was all alone. He had lunch alone and he never had any social communication with any of the other students nor participated in class. He just observed everything and everyone quietly. The second day, a very shy and nerdy looking girl named Lucia Harris, whom had tanned skin, big dark-brown eyes, pointy nose, thick lips, pretty eyebrows, long-straight-brown hair, well shaped jawline, very skinny and tall; approached Julian to introduced herself and take him to meet her two friends.

     When they were less than halfway to New Orleans, in Atlanta, a warlock greeted them. "Hey, I'm Daniel Sharman, nice to meet you." the warlock said as he shook Carla's hand. When he did so, the wind caressed his face kindly. Daniel stayed quiet for a few seconds as if he was listening to what the wind was saying. "Oh, you're like me... you're a witch. I suppose he's one too?" Daniel proceeded to ask while looking at Carla and Sascha. "How do you know I'm a witch? One cannot know that now a days. The Other Side collided with The Spirits a long time ago whom were the ones that let witches know that they were in the presence of another witch." Carla responded. "Oh no, I just supposed and turns out I was right." He lied so he wouldn't have to explain himself. "Well, you're not completely right. I'm a werewolf, an alpha to be exact." Sascha answered. When Daniel discovered this, he immediately offered a place for Carla and Sascha to stay the night.

While time passed, Lucia and her friends helped Julian with homework and study for tests. On a not so ordinary day, Lucia confessed her crush towards Julian to him and kissed him without his consent. Julian was about to push her away when something inside switched and he discovered that he also had feelings for her. Lucia had turned Julian's humanity switch back on without her even realizing it. Julian never thought that he could be loved by someone else than his friends and having Lucia telling him this made him change. That night, the report to Ajax and The Sisters was harder than ever. He had to convince them that he was still on their side and that the mission was still going. Now, Julian would meet with Lucia everyday and talk for hours to get to know her. He started to see everyone with other eyes. Julian knew they were all innocents and that they didn't deserve what was coming for them.

On their way to "somewhere to spend the night", Carla and Sascha told Daniel that they were heading towards New Orleans in search of a witch. Daniel acted as if he was listening to them while taking them through a really odd path. When all three of them where halfway into some woods, Carla noticed the danger and stopped Sascha and herself from following Daniel. He didn't say a word or asked anything about what Carla was saying to him. When she tried to caught his attention by calling Daniel's name, she failed. Carla quickly grabbed him by his shoulder and turned him around to face them. Daniel's eyes were completely white and his mouth was moving as if he was enchanting something. He raised his arm towards Sascha and said: "you are the trigger and Julian is not the threat. You must die before it's too late." As he finished saying this, he started to burst Sascha's brain blood vessels therefore inflicting an aneurysm on him. "My friends and I will do whatever it takes to save our world." Daniel continued to say as other male witches and pretty women approached them. The male witches were inflicting pain on Sascha like Daniel while the women made a little storm and small earthquakes. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" Carla asked Daniel. "We are the spirits of the elements and we are here to create a coven that will help us destroy the prophecy." Daniel said as he glowed brighter, and by this, revealing the nymph spirit that was possessing his body. "Oh hell to the no! I hate covens." were Carla's last words before she casted a cloaking spell on Sascha and herself to escape from the group.

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