Seventeen-Mabel's Amulet

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"Pines! Pines! For the love of- wake up!"

"Huh?" I sat up and Gideon sighed with relief.

"Finally. I don't want to be charged with kidnapping you, now do I?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. It was morning, and the sun was shining brightly through the trees.

"You've been out here overnight. If Stanford has any sense, he's looking for you." I nodded.

"He might not be, but Melody definitely is." I stretched. "Do we have any food?" 

"Why would we have food?" Gideon asked.

"I don't know, you're magic, right?" He glared at me.

"Great God woman, I have an amulet, not a portal to a pocket dimension."

"I've been meaning to ask you... how did  you find that amulet?" Gideon sat down.

"Well, you already know about this, right?" He pulled out a journal exactly like mine, save for the number two on the cover. I nodded. "Well, it was shortly after discovering the journal..."

I already knew of a world of dark magic. My father had explored dark magic, but instead of risking his own life, he risked mine. When I found the journal, I kept it hidden from him. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could finally be more powerful than him. When I read about the amulet, I made the mistake of telling him. He urged me to find the amulet, with the exception that I take the daughter of a couple he'd spoken to. Pacifica Pleasure, at the time only making obvious assumptions about people in a show only promoted by her father's money. She was your average eleven year old, she had braces and was awkward, but after acquiring her amulet  she became a graceful pageant queen who could legitimately read people's minds. She had the chance to become powerful, but she sacrificed her sanity and her ability to function without it. The amulets were in a cave, once we found them we were instructed to return to my father immediately to test their capabilities. It was a disaster that left Pacifica's mind permanently altered as well as her mother's... But it didn't stop there. While Pacifica built her reputation, I was trained by my father to strengthen the amulet. My only escape was the journal, unknown to all but myself.

I nodded, listening to every word of the story.

"I could tell that something wasn't right about Pacifica when I met her." He nodded.

"I've been helping Pacifica strengthen her powers, but I'm afraid she's not happy."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"There are very few people whose minds Pacifica can't read. My father, her mother, myself, and... you." I blinked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Pacifica assumed she couldn't read my mind because I have an amulet, but because she can't read yours, she assumes you have one too. And she will do anything to get it."

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