Online Love

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Selena ~ 21 years old. Currently single. Ryan's sister. Has two best friends named Demi and Miley.

Ryan ~ 23 years old. Single but likes Selena's best friend Demi. Single. Selena's brother.

Demi ~ 23 years old. Selena's best friend sense preschool. Likes Ryan a little. Just got out of a rough breakup.

Miley ~ 22 years old. best friends with Demi and Selena. Single for a while but still hurt from a heartbreak.

Justin ~ 23 years old. Has two younger siblings, Jazmyn and Jaxon. Lives in Canada. Single. Has a best friend named Harry.

Harry ~ 24 years old. Has a best friend named Justin. Single. Always hanging around with Justin.


Chapter 1

(Selena's POV)

"Wanna make a bet?" Ryan asked me. "Hmm. Sure." I said, being confident. "Ok, I bet Demi will say yes when I ask her out. If she says yes, you have to join one of those online dating sites for a month and see if any guy try's to get you." He smirked. "And if she says no?" I asked. "Then, I'll let you slap me 10 different times in the week." He said. I thought for a second, an online dating site? Not the worst thing in the world. Slapping Ryan in the face 10 times? That's perfect. I'd agreed and shook hands. "I'll invite her over tomorrow and then ask her." My brother smirked. "Okay." I smirked back.

(The next day)

(Justin's POV)

I woke up to Harry screaming at me to get up. I groaned knowing what today was. "Well Bieber boy, you got a month to find a girl or else your stupid stuffed elephant is going to sake a trip to my dog." He said smirking. I grabbed my stuffed elephant and squeezed it in my arms. "Okay okay." I said as I got my laptop and got on one of those dating sites. I groaned and filled my information in. "Fuck you Harry." I said laying back on my bed. "I would too." He smirked. I rolled my eyes as ran my fingers through my hair. I yawned and closed my eyes. "No no Bieber boy. You have to keep searching. You seriously need a girlfriend, you annoy the shit out of me." Harry said playfully. "I totally wouldn't ever fuck you." I said as I grabbed my laptop. He gasped playfully and hit my head. "Ass." He said laughing. I laughed and got on the site and looked around. I sighed with no luck. "Dude, the girls on here are cat obsessed, weirdly sexual, insane freaks." I groaned. I wanted a real relationship, I wanted a girl who liked the same stuff as me, and I could talk to about anything. I took a long breath as Harry walked out.

(Selena's POV)

Demi waked into the kitchen as I smirked at Ryan. He let out a small nervous sigh and walked over to Demi. "Uhm.. D-Demi... I was wondering.. If uhm.. Uhh.. You'd.. You'd go.. Go out with m-me?" He asked. "OMG... I mean.. Heh, sure." She blushed. My mouth dropped open as Ryan jumped up. "HAHA YOU HAVE TO JOIN AN ONLINE DATING SITE!" He yelled and teased me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my laptop. I got on a dating site and groaned as I filled in the information it needed. I closed my laptop and looked at them. "We should watch a movie." I said as I got up and turned on the tv and put a movie in. They agreed and I made some popcorn and handed them each a bowl. I sat down on the couch with my blanket wrapped around me and my stuffed pig.


(Selena's POV)

My computer made a ding noise so I grabbed my computer and checked my Facebook, Twitter, then the dating site. Holy shit. It was the dating site. But how could it be so soon? I shrugged and looked at his profile. Justin Bieber was his name. I have to admit, he was quite adorable. "Hello?" He sent. I totally forgot about him sending a message.

J: hello?

S: oh, sorry. Heh, hi there.

J: so.. Selena, I really like your name. I think it's cute, like you. ;)

S: why thank you, Justin! That's quite sweet of you to say. :)

J: so, Selena? Where exactly do you live? Lol. Your profile doesn't say.

S: oh, I live in Australia. :) what about you, Mr. Bieber?

J: well, Miss Gomez, I live in Canada, far away from your pretty face. :(

S: lol, you are talking about me right? :p

J: of course! :)

S: well that's nice. So Justin, you're older than me, whatcha trying to do here huh? ;)

J: I'm a pedifile.

S: not really right? Because that would really suck.

J: nah, and I'm only 2 years older missy.

S: lol, I know. Thank gosh, cause you're really sweet.

J: only for the sweetest. ;)

S: uhm, how do you spell 'blush' again?

J: you just spelled it. Lol.

S: lol, I was trying to say I blushed. :p

J: ha, I know Selly. Glad it's me making you blush. Well, I gotta go. Talk later? ;)

S: oh you know it! ;) bye Justin!

J: bye Selena. :)

I smiled to myself. I think I was already enjoying this site. This Justin guy was so sweet! "Who was it eh? Was he cute?" Demi asked. "What are you talking about?" I asked her, even though I knew. "Oh come on! You've been smiling like a freak at your computer screen for an hour." She explained. I giggled and blushed. "His name is Justin, and he's so sweet! And adorable! Omg, I swear I'll kill myself if I never meet him." I said, exaggerating. "Naww, it's online love!" Ryan teased. I rolled my eyes and threw a piece of popcorn at him.


I think this story is going to be adorable. :) hehe, I really hope you enjoy this one. :* <3



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