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Fawn sat near the stairs, waiting for lilly. Playing with her fingers, She had a slight fear of losing her.

Fawns pov

I sat by the stairs, wrestling my thumbs to keep myself sain, or busy I am not sure how I feel yet. Me and Lilly had just got back together after 3 years of her being missing. I still can't shake the feeling that she cheated on me, or left me purposely. She tells me everyday "I would never do that." But that feeling will never leave me. I hear a creak at the stairs, its her. What do I say? She walks the rest of the way down the stairs, legs shaking as she stands in front of me. "Hey are you alright?" I ask, my voice lower, lower then usual. Lilly sighed "I don't know, I love you. But do you love me?" She asked, her face inches away. I could feel her breath hit my neck. I breathed and said. "Why wouldn't I?" I asked. She grabed my hand, I know she could feel my hand get hot and my palms sweat. But she ignored it and said. "Glad, after what happened I wouldn't want anything to happen to us." Us? is that real? us. I still had that thought in my mind. The thought from earlier. But I kept a smile on my face and just looked at Lilly. She smiled back, I could see her blush, she was nervious. About what? She backed away and walked past me, going to the kitchen. My neck was really warm from her warm breaths that kept hitting my neck. I walked off the stairs and on the couch, she looked at me with her eyes glowing. I could see the love in her eyes. Could she see it in mine? My eyes glowing with love? I wasn't sure. But she looked happy, but still nervious. I was still confused what was wrong. I grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV on. Lilly looked at the TV, or just my face reflection on the glass of the TV. I tried not to look at her reflection on the glass, I didn't want her to be confused if something was wrong with me. But was there a secret she was hiding from me?


I sighed looking at the trees outside, the trees waved back and forth, back and forth. I didn't know why I just kept looking. I just didn't want to look away from the outside. I felt a hand rub my shoulder, I looked behind me "Lilly." I thought. She looked at me, That look, that look of concern. I made a weird feeling run down my spine. I looked at her hand, which was still placed on my shoulder. I looked at my shoulder, then back at her face. "What? is everything alright with you?" I said, my stomach in a knot, hurting. She looked at me. "Yeah I am fine, are you?" That queshton ran through my head a million, almost a billion times. Was I fine? I didn't feel fine. Bt I wanted to stay 'happy' looking so she wouldn't think anything of it. So I just smiled "Yes I am." I could hear the chrickets chirping, it was so silent. Wondering why she hadn't kissed me yet. Usually when everything was quiet she would do that. But not this time. I sighed, something was wrong. She pecked my cheek and walked off. I thought to myself, is that all I get? A peck on the cheek? I wanted more then that. Oh well, my greedy mind waiting to be loved by my 'wife'. Why do I call her that, we are not offically married again yet. If that made any sense. I'm done playing games I want to know whats wrong. I followed her to the room, making sure she didn't hear me walking behind her. She went in her room and picked up a small box in her lock box that was in the dresser 'our' dresser. She opened it and in there was a shiny ring. I took me a moment to register what it was, but it was all clear now. She was gonna propose, my mind thought of mainy thought that it was different, some one else. She quickly put it away when she heard a noise in the hall, it was me. I walked in the room and said to her "everything alright?" Like I didn't know what was going on. I walked right in front of her, she looked at me, no facial exspresion. I smiled, she smiled back. She bent over, and finally kissed me. What I had been waiting for. It was quick though, only about 10 seconds. I guess thats all I needed right now. I made a slight smile, she made me feel better, that feeling went away and I felt loved again. She walked away, and went to sleep. I looked back at her, then i went to sleep too.

The next morning I felt the sun as i woke up, I put my hand on my face to block the sun. I felt a soft touch on my arm, Lilly. I turned around and saw her, she smiled up at me, I smiled back.

Lilly's pov

I saw that Fawn was awake, I caressed her arm, I always do that. I feel like I do that too much. She looked down at me and smiled, that smile the smile I never ignore. She got out of the bed and went downstairs. I looked at the ring yesterday, I had to make sure it was ok. But the feeling I had yesterday, it felt abnormal. I got out and followed her downstairs, She went to the kitchen and got out breakfast stuff, I went behind her and said "Fawn, I can do this you go wait." She was hesitant, that look in her eyes, the look that means she wants to stay. I looked down at the floor. Thinking about how I'm gonna do this, how I am gonna marry her again. She walked out, her attitude walk. Quickly I got the stuff to make breakfast and made it within 1 hour. She kept calling out to me, making sure I was still in there. I wondered why, why does she need to keep asking? I got a tray and brought it out to her, she smiled, looked at the food and smiled back at me. She said with a grin "Thanks, I love you." Those words, mostly I love you made me grin too. I didn't need breakfast, no right now. I needed planning to do.

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