Chapter 16

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Fawn's POV

I sat on the couch, anxiously waiting for Lilly to get back. I fidgeted with my fingers, trying to keep myself calm.

I kept looking at the stick.

Was I dreaming?

I hope not

I hear the door open, Lilly's home.

"Hey, everything ok?" She asks, My head down was down when she walked in.

"Uh..Yeah..Yeah I am good." I stuttered.

"Mkay, you don't look 'good'." She responded.

"Okay, maybe I don't look okay, but I am."

"Oh so it's 'okay' now?" She asked

"Does it matter?" I snapped

She folded her arms and kept looking at me.

"Yes, it matters to me." She said calmly.

"It's really nothing." I breathed.

"Fawn, you can't say it's nothing, I can see it in your eyes, your hiding something."

"How does she know?" I thought, My mind racing.

She walked closer to me.

"I know you don't want to tell me." She said calmly, as she grabbed my hand.

The stick was in my hand

She opened my hand, and picked it up.
Her face was in complete shock.

She backed up.

"That's what I didn't want to tell you.."

"Why? This is something I needed to know."

"I was shocked myself, I didn't know what to think." I said.

"So this is real?" She asked.
I don't even know why she was asking, she should know I'm serious.

"Of course it is, why would I lie to you about that." I replied.

"So we are?"


She smiled "Leah was right I guess."

"Yeah, I had a feeling she was right, then again she always is." I said.

"So are you, you have been acting weird lately, so I kind of knew."

Leah walked into the living room, staring at Lilly and I.

"Yeah I knew, I get future news." She says, sarcastically.

I smirked "She's always got to interrupt."

"That's her job." Lilly chuckled.

Lilly stared at the stick, a big smile on her face.

"I can't believe it...we are really pregnant." She sighed, looking at me, then looking at the stick.

"I am."

"Oh- you know what I meant!" She said, pretty much screaming.

"Yeah Yeah calm your hormones." I replied.

"I'm not the one with hormones." She said, a smirk appearing on her face.

"Oh shush!" I snapped.


I sat on Lilly and I's bed, thinking about the baby.

Would I be having twins?

Maybe, I don't know.

But my head hurts, maybe from all the thinking.

I should stop obsessing over something that is not here yet.

Sort of not here.

"So what are you thinking about?" Lilly asked.

"Our child." I responded.

"Fawn, your only about 1 and a half months along, no need to worry now." Lilly said, climbing onto the bed and laying next to me.

"I know, it's just..."

"Just what?" She asked, sounding concerned.

"Last night.." I replied, My mind flashing images of that in my head.

"What about it?" She asked, resting her head on her hand.

She looked at my neck.

"Is it that?" She asked.

I looked at the hickey that remained on my chest.

"No, I didn't know that was there."

She frowned.

"I know your pregnant, but its too early to worry about sex, I mean our baby is gonna be fine." She breathed.

"I just, worry about her." I replied.

"Her?" She asked, eyebrow raised.

"I have a hunch." I shrugged.

"I wonder if your right."

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