Chapter 4

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Fawns POV
I guess Lilly was thinking about something important earlier. She put the clothes away and just walked away afterwards, I still felt like she was hiding something from me. But what? I just get up and go downstairs. Leah was down there, after earlier I honestly didn't want to talk. She saw that I had came down and smiled, why was she so happy? She walked up to me and said "Your in for a surprise tonight just saying." She just said that as she walked by. What? What is she talking about? I sighed and went into the kitchen. Lilly was in there, cooking? Doing something that's all I know of. I was standing in the doorway for a long time, until she finally noticed me. She sighed and then smiled "How long have you been there?" She asked, in a nervous tone. I was confused, why was she nervous? I just walked up to her, didn't say anything just stood in front of her. She looked at me and Said "So you wanna go out later?" My mind was taking a minute to register what she just said. A date? I wondered. My mind had completely teleported to another dimension, because Lilly had to say my name to get my attention. I looked up at her "Of course! Where will we go?" I asked with excitement. She kissed me on the forehead and said "you will see." I felt my face getting hot, was I blushing again? Ugh I always do that. I just stood there for a few minutes until Leah walked in. "Ah the romantic couple." She said with a huge grin on her face. I smiled. "Yeah she is taking me out tonight, is that what you meant earlier?" I asked, my arms were crossed. She nodded "yep! And I am coming to!" She said, but before I could say anything else she backed that sentence up with "oh but I am just there to protect you, people might be after the master guardian you know." I looked at the floor and thought, Am I really that special? Leah gave me a pat on the back and walked off. I kept thinking about what she said, is Zara after me? (Zara the evil person that's after Fawn.) I just shrugged and went to my room, I needed to pick something out to wear.

Leah's POV
I was happy for Fawn and Princess. But I..I know Zara is after Fawn. I can feel her presence everywhere, at least when I am out of the house. She can't get here, at least not now. When I was MG I put a force field around our house, so no one can get in. No evil presence at least. I heard Fawn scream my name, I walked in her room, her closet was wide open. "What do you need help with?" I asked. She was holding two short dresses, One was pastel pink, and the other was white with a lace trim. "Well what do you think? White or pink?" She asked, pressuring me to answer. I just pointed at the pink one and said, "Pink looks nice." She smiled and put the white one back in her closet. Fawn picked out a pair of shoes, that were white and then she motioned me to get out. "Why?" I asked. She rolled her eyes "Because I am getting dressed now go." After she said that I turned around and left the room.


Lilly's POV

I finished getting ready, and then called Fawn from her room. She walked out, she looked beautiful, I was shooked. She had her hair down and it was curled, and also in her hair was a hint of glitter. And most shocking thing of all, she wasn't wearing her glasses she had her contacts in. I looked at her and said "You look beautiful, Fawn." I almost forgot to check for the ring, I needed to make sure I had it, Or this date would be all for nothing. I took her hand and walked her to the limo parked outside. Her face was one of the most happiest I have ever seen it. Yes you heard right, A limo. I am the princess of orthidon, I can get limo's. We both went into the limo and went off to the restaurant.

Fawn's POV

I was shocked by the fact that she got a limo, Yes you heard right a limo. And I am not gonna be surprised if she brings me to a fancy, million dollar restaurant. She does that, I don't even ask and she gives me stuff I don't deserve. i looked behind us and Leah was driving her car to the same place we were going. She said she is coming with us just to protect me, or us. She didn't say both of us but still I think that is what she meant.

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