11 | secret love song

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warning: this is going to be quite long and extremely crappy. don't complain, i enjoy my crappy writing sometimes. you've been warned.

recommended song: secret love song - little mix ft. jason derulo  /  like i'm gonna lose you - meghan trainor ft. john legend

「 top!harry  //  bot!draco 」

featuring SCORBUS

More than twenty years have passed ever since the battle of Hogwarts. The wizarding world has gone back to its usual state. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry continues to raise and teach young wizards and witches everything they need to know about their magical abilities.

Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy have become best friends and because of that, they have been indirectly helping their fathers with their some-what-awkward friendship.

One Christmas, Albus came to his father, asking if they could invite the Malfoys over for dinner. Though he was slightly uncomfortable to see Draco Malfoy too often and the fact that Ginny was away on a business trip didn't pop up in his mind as the best time to have guests, Harry had no other choices but to agree.

The next day, Draco Malfoy along with his son Scorpius came by and joined the Potters for dinner. They had a lovely evening together (if you didn't count the numerous times Lily started screaming, James pretended to vomit, Harry and Draco choked on their drinks whenever Albus tried to lean in to place a small peck on Scorpius's cheek).

They ended the night with several cups of eggnog (a very strong recipe of eggnog). Draco, who had finished his ninth cup, was slowly getting drunker and drunker. The blond waved around his cup and started to rambling drunkenly.

"S-Sit down kids and let m-me tell you a story."

He hazily looked at Harry, who was wearing a mix of confused and alarmed expression on his face, then smiled sheepishly, his pale cheeks tinted with a vibrant shade of pink.

"Y-You should sit down too, P-Potter. It's story-time!"

"Alright, but please don't do anything stupid, Malfoy."

Harry sat down with the children, not taking his eyes off Draco as though he had expected the blond to do something extremely ridiculous.

Draco cleared his throat and began to speak.

"As Albus and Scorpius had just come out as g-gay... and most importantly as b-boyfriends, I'd like to share to you all youngsters my experience in dating guys also."

"You used to date guys?" Scorpius said in disbelief.

"Draco, no. Please stop." Harry's face was gradually turning red, he looked fierce as if he was ready to drag Draco out of the house any moment.

"Ooh, I think I know whom Scorpius's dad used to date." James said jokingly to his father, earning a 'you-had-better-stop-talking' glare back in return.

"Is it a Potter?" Lily asked and Draco nodded in response.

At that moment, they all turned to the raven-haired male and all eyes were on Harry, whose cheeks were undeniably as red as the glowing sun during the middle of summer.

"Oh cheer up, Potter! You were too lucky to have me back then." Draco chuckled.

And he continued with his story.

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