38. Deal

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Since she was out of the crutches, Sarah had been able to wander around the house a bit more. It was during one of her little exploratory trips that she found a theater room equipped with a colossal screen, outstanding sound system and comfy leather seats. She was baffled when she recalled Hamdan feeling frustrated for not being able to take her to the movies, yet Prince Charming never thought of inviting her over to his own private theater. When she mentioned it to him, he claimed that it was not the same, but that he would be happy to watch some movies if she wanted to, even though he could not even remember the last time he used the room. The next day, he came home early for a movie marathon.

They cuddle up under a blanket to watch Hugo, which was one of Sarah's favorite movies that Hamdan had not seen yet. She stopped herself from nudging him when she glanced at his lovely face deep in sleep when they were half an hour into the movie. He had been working extra hard the past few days, so she was content with having him there and watched the movie by herself, she would enjoy it anyways. Shortly before the movie ended, he woke up and having no clue about what was happening in the film, he started talking about his day.

"Hammed was mad at me today," he stated.

"Why?" Sarah wondered without taking eyes from the screen.

"Because it's Friday and we only had lunch."

"Aw, no!" She felt instantly guilty. "You should've gone and done something fun with him."

"All the guys were kind of bummed, actually," he continued. "And I think AJ is on to us."

"What?" Sarah sat up straight to look at him.

"I told them I was coming home after lunch and then Hammed asked about you and AJ said something like: I wonder what Sarah is doing today..." His eyebrows went up on his forehead.

She gasped and then started laughing. "You have to come up with better lies."

"I'm tired of lying," he admitted.

So was she, from the get go but it was worth it and it was not like they had a choice. She snuggled next to him again to watch the end of the movie and he placed an arm around her.

"So..." His thumb going up and down on her upper arm. "Did he keep on texting you?"

If there was anything she was more tired of than lying, it was the subject of Nathan. At that moment she decided to put an end to it once and for all.

"Okay, that's it," she pushed the blanket away and stood up in front of Hamdan. "Yes, he sent a couple of texts that day, wanting to apologize, asking how I was but I didn't reply nor will I ever. So, we're making a deal."

"Okay..." Hamdan agreed, looking chastised.

"We are never again discussing Nate. Ever. It's a waste of time and energy. Deal?" She proposed.

A smile played on Hamdan's lips. "Deal."

She extended her right arm. "Shake on it, Sheikh."

He grinned and shook hands with her. Not letting go, he bit his lower lip and pulled her to straddle him. He held her by the back of the neck until their lips met. Every kiss from Hamdan felt like a first, that same emotion exploded inside of her. The softness of his lips, contrasting with the harshness of his beard while his tongue delved in her mouth.

He abruptly stopped and pulled apart. "Wait, what time is it?"

"Who cares?" She countered, planting small kisses down his neck, the intoxicating smell of his cologne made her inhale deeply.

"We have to go get ready."

"What do you mean?" She asked again, still in a daze, not stopping what she was doing.

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