#171: Offense

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Shao Xuan felt that in the mind the
tuck dive caper of Totem, the change of suddenly , having made him wake up
from the shallow dormancy.
The surroundings cover the solid
wooden wall, cannot see outside situa­tion. The room small roadside shop in a ground of hay, is lying down is lying
many people, snoring tall Guo.
Shao Xuan static sensation.
Is that direction.
What exactly has, will make Totem
so change?
To have a look, but is quick, the
change stopped, the Totem flame in
mind replies the usual appearance
once more, no longer seethes.
Shao Xuan drops the idea that went
to look at immediately temporarily,
here, the surroundings understanding
person, is not in the Slave Master do­main, the words that in the evening
exits at will, will be regarded the per­son who harbors evil intentions to en­counter the attack of making an in­spection tour personnel probably.
Repeatedly the sensation, confirmed after Totem does not have sound,
Shao Xuan then closes one's eyes , to continue to rest.
Next day, the Pu Tribe person does not have what arrangement, only then
Fan Ning and other whole shows in the
long journey teams will go to discuss
with the people of other long journey
teams that in other people with the
team has nothing to do.
Shao Xuan the plan went to that
side to nose, has a look whether can
find last night the reason of Totem
change, but just a room, carried off by
yu. yu had discovered in other teams of long journey a new frog is poiso­nous, is their Tribe no frog plants.
Thinks that had a look in the past, the
words that but before recalling to mind to leave , his grandfather speaks,
was Dora several people, included
Shao Xuan.
„Does Shao Xuan, what look at?”
One of them asked.
„Is that side a tourist?” Shao Xuan
has referred to that direction.
The Pu Tribe people of several year
long journey experiences looked at that side, said: „Almost, but I urged
you not to go, that side person was very crazy, perhaps the past words, will be entangled. That side has wants to join other Tribe much, but they are too dangerous, little has the Tribe willing
The despair makes people crazy.
Constrains too for a long time, intense
mood naturally has. This also lets
come here person to keep one's dis­tance from them.
„Do you want to go to that side to look?” yu asked.
„To pass to take a look.” Shao Xuan
„You do not use now,” nearby mid­dle-aged person said that „that side
tourist will exit very much long time ago, periphery some go to the wooded mountain to seek for food, nearby
some went to have a look to find other
Shao Xuan looked toward that side,
truly does not have many people to take a walk outside, then and yu and the others left together, later came back to look again in the past.
But after Shao Xuan and the others
left again, shortly . The tourists gath­ered the housing the place, Yan Shuo
have moved things out of the way the
main house gate plank.
On his face is bringing exhaustedly,
but is happy, compared the past such as the stagnant water general look,
now in the eye had the brilliance.
Yesterday evening, his first time
saw Totem Pattern that Totem Warrior in legend had on oneself . Moreover,
was Flaming Horn Tribe.
Although these Totem Pattern are not clear, how long also has not main­tained, Yan Shuo thought that the life
also has the clear light. Is excited for
night not to fall asleep.
Experiences for a long time the dark
person, only needs a wee bit light, to
ignite the expectation.
Last night besides the change of
Totem Pattern . Yan Shuo also felt
body change slightly, seemed is the same with before, but Yan Shuo felt, the strength that has, has as if pro­moted, moved the plank time felt obvi­ously was more relaxed.
Originally the plan and person leave
here together, last night knows that the matter had the change, Yan Shuo
has put aside the thoughts of depar­ture temporarily, in the morning after
getting up, discussed a while with the
wife. Comes out from the room, com­pared with usually late many.
The surroundings some people
looked for food. Yan Shuo also plans,
actually does not think. Is planning to leave, sees the person who walks
from the river bank.
Sees the opposite party, the Yan Shuo brow is tight, turns around the
wife to room saying: „Is treating in the
room, do not come out!”
The person who walks steps the
step leisurely and carefree, in the hand
is also taking a cane whip. Near the
river bank, Slave transport the cargo the place, often will see such person.
They are also Slave , but, compares
these most low status Slave , they
want to be better, they are responsible for supervising these most low status
Slave , if who is loaf, a whip be relent­less pulls out. Enjoyed such right proba­bly, they usually were looked that who
was not pleasing to the eyes, pulled out a whip, sometimes even also will kill the person , so long as Slave Mas­ter did not investigate that was all right.
But the person who walks, called
„offense” , was once and Yan Shuo
same place, arrived at this place from
other places the tourist, afterward,
they cannot boil, joined other Tribe to be resisted repeatedly, has worked as
Slave .
But the offense is in the person who they come together, earliest
chooses, when Slave .
From the beginning, the offense is also only most low status Slave , every day needs to do lives, the time of rest
are less, sometimes under is almost
exhausted, but must pull out by the
whip. But he has bumped into a good
opportunity, some people offended
Team Leader in quite big long journey
team, Slave Master butchered some
people directly, as to apologizing of
that long journey team, but the offense
was at that time, was promoted.
After Slave , they can obtain the new
strength from Slave Master there, but
upward promotes first-level, they can
obtain more resources and strengths
from Slave Master there, the strength
naturally were also promoted.
Yesterday evening came to find the
Yan Shuo person, the arm bone breaks a wound, was the offense creates.
Perhaps to demonstrate, shows off
him to regain the strength, perhaps be­cause of some once personal grati­tude and grudges, but has gotten down the cruel methods to once partner, if not the river bank had the matter at that time, the offense needs to pass to process immediately, that person al­ready died.
The death that walking that in the
initial person, walked, dying, the
wound wound, besides Yan Shuo one, the last person could not shoulder the
pressure last night, chose, when Slave ,
now, remaining Yan Shuo .
The offense is taking long cane
whip, goes straight step by step to­ward Yan Shuo , in the surface is bring­ing mean smiling.
If with is Slave Master Slave , he not necessarily dares to kill the person di­rectly, sometimes although Slave Mas­ter will not care about the most low status Slave life, but feared that Slave Master has the idea. Can be promoted
with great difficulty, offense naturally
does not want to annoy his Slave Mas­ter vitality, do not look that Slave Mas­ter is smiling all day, begins, is ex­tremely brutal, thinks that initially Slave Master in raising his hand , the person who decisive ruthless starts to butcher
definitely, behind the offense upwells
on a chill in the air.
However, coped with the words of
tourist, Slave Master will not manage.
These tourists do not know the good and evil, the person who Slave Master
settles on, really also has the rejec­tion.
Initially that Slave Master actually
first settled on, is in them strength
biggest Yan Shuo , was only a pity that
Yan Shuo did not know the good and evil, has rejected, but the offense
seized the opportunity, chose leaves
Yan Shuo several people with that
Slave Master .
Isn't the strength greatly? Similarly is the tourist, did not have Tribe , the fire seed is already extinguished, what dif­ference did everybody have?
As for Yan Shuo in arriving here on the way, always to „Flaming Horn Tribe that” they said that an offense charac­ter does not believe.
If Tribe still, why does go down in the world to so the condition?
If Tribe still, why Yan Shuo didn't look for the past?
If there is „Flaming Horn Tribe ” , doesn't the long journey team why
here comes and goes, have one per­son to know?
At that time, Yan Shuo seemed is in
them calmest, but in fact, in other will of the people, Yan Shuo was a lunatic,
always fantasized these impossible
Offense most repugnant when is
Yan Shuo mentions „Flaming Horn Tribe ” the hope look, before he could not hit Yan Shuo, after having become
Slave , had the strength once more, but
did not have the time to look for these
once partner „exchange” , but now, he
every day can have many free time
time, yesterday looked, but today, he
desirably looks for Yan Shuo.
Situation occurrence that in order to avoid being called yesterday tem­porarily, he also remises him to be helped to look at river bank Slave by the person who Slave Master pro­motes equally.
The offense another one grasps the
whip, in another hand takes a palm of the hand big shell to hold apprecia­tively.
Hears that side the middle, there is a place to like with the fine shell re­ceiving in exchange thing, what a pity, the shell of this place, cannot be such
degree by far, is ugly and weak, with,
here person is the same!
The shell in hand, was pinched the
fragment by the offense instanta­neously.
„I heard that do you pass now not
well?” The offense looks at the alert
Yan Shuo , takes a look at the wooden
wigwam that Yan Shuo behind that at sixes and sevens as if gust can blow
to collapse, smiled cloudy sadly, the
next quarter, a raising his hand whip
has pulled out maliciously.
The cane whip brushes on the
wooden wigwam, not the solid
wooden wigwam, immediately fell down some logs, on the roof pulled out collapses a corner/horn .
Sees the offense also to plan to con­tinue to destroy own room, Yan Shuo
is unable to endure again, after all his
wife and children in inside, if the room
has destroyed, where tonight they do rest? The surrounding hazard factor
are too many, two children are also lit­tle, is very easy to have the accident.
The offense brings killing intent to come, the goal, Yan Shuo at heart is why clear, did not count on that can
talk calmly.
Yan Shuo takes that in the ordinary day is using bringing many gap stone blade, overran toward the offense.
The offense looks at Yan Shuo , in the eye flashes through the doubts, was Yan Shuo as if different from the
past imposing manner? Shouldn't so,
on Yan Shuo, what exactly have?
However, the offense was not wor­ried, no matter had what kind of
change, Yan Shuo this tourist, is not
his match.
Erupts Yan Shuo that rushes instan­taneously, relies on is hunting and killing the experience of wild beast, is wielding the blade , the war that is hard
to suppress intends to his heart to flee
Was different from before, before­hand Yan Shuo , although the strength
was older than others, but in the body
looked like by a big strobe is blocked,
to big water spray. But now, although
also has the beforehand hindering feel­ing, Yan Shuo actually felt that the re­sistance was smaller, carefree feeling that the brandishing a sword time, one
type is hard to speak.
Is this strength?
The blade shadow band being disillu­sioned strength, each blade as if must
harvest the game to be common,
chops to chop toward the offense. But
on the Yan Shuo face, wanted clear
Totem Pattern to appear compared with the past.
Almost at the same time, was drawn the past to look at Shao Xuan of poisonous frog by yu and the oth­ers, moves out of the way from the poi­sonous frog the line of sight, looked that to position that the tourist occu­pies.
„yu, I have leave beforehand, the
toxin help me make.” After Shao Xuan
gives yu together Water Moon Stone,
leaves on the half step.
„Yeah, we later first returned to the
room!” yu looks at Shao Xuan that
leaves hurriedly, has not thought that
puts on the line of sight front poiso­nous frog once more.

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