#185: All extinguishes

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When Qu Ce and white clothing fe­male guessed which Tribe Shao Xuan came from, that side, completely by an­other three people who the change
blows, responded.
Saw a moment ago with own eyes
own partner seemed like by front the
harmless boy fights with the fists dead, the eye was straight.
A fist! Has not resorted to arms,
has not used other tools and methods,
merely is only a simple fist!
This was regarded as the game by
them the young fellow, has used unex­pectedly only a fist each time pluder­ing in them to the forefront person, ex­tinguishing.
The plan makes a mistake, they mis­placed this completely have looked like are younger much the person.
They have not thought that this young people must the excessive boy, the
method unexpectedly so violent, is simply terrorist.
At this moment, the young people who Shao Xuan in these three people of eyes, no longer is first with anything that the team comes out not to under­stand, but is one such as the Ominous Beast general devil.
They are brave, but is not does not fear death.
Responded three people that such as monster general whooshes loudly,
Totem Pattern also reveals that al­most does not divide the priority, wild beast that three person's shadows, run
likely high-speed is ordinary, simultane­ously in three different directions,
plans to leave this place fast.
„At this time wants to run, late.”
Shao Xuan within the body -@​000​0000​0000​0001​9733​0 rises dramatically
once more peak, war intent in eye,
once more was also soaring at this time, even compared with a moment ago . The line of sight stares a person,
pursues to go tightly, has not gone to look at surplus two.
The slightly loose animal skin
clothes along with the fast movement of Shao Xuan body, has flap flap the
sound with the air friction. Flickers
strength that erupts, lets his speed pro­motion to ratio that three higher de­grees, such as strong gale, overtook
that by the person who he stares.
Also does not wait for the opposite party to have what response, Shao Xuan both hands search, that and is in­ferior to the opposite party sturdy arm.
Then arrived around the opposite party, had hit a person of fist a mo­ment ago, wields once more.
The opposite party wants to block
with the arm, the discovery, the arm
with opposite party the instance of fist
contact, is winding. together hits to the chest place.
Second, was the same with that a moment ago, almost strikes fatally.
Similarly in firm violent means by this.
Meets the double hit to kill two ene­mies, Shao Xuan has not stood still,
when pursues to the third person, his
foot kicked a small stone in ground. The kicked stone such as the bullet of
chest cavity, shoots toward the third
The opposite party thigh place was hit by the gravel, has not actually pene­trated, obviously the intensity of oppo­site party body.
That person slightly makes the stop.
Also does not give a thought to the
ache on leg , to continue to flee.
He regretted now why will choose
such one „game”, finally the game
changes a hunter, but their four, then
stepped on the trap of hunter. He was
to understand now, the opposite party
has seen through oneself intention
very early in the morning!
Perhaps, before oneself bring Jade Stone to disguise the swapper to seek. The opposite party realized their exis­tence, but pretended not to know.
Must otherwise. Why will make the
other people of long journey team
leave first, but doesn't make the wait­ing in neighbor slightly?
Was, because can solve four people
self-confidently, the boy has chosen
this kind of leaning place. Feels sorry for four people actually to think that the opposite party is an idiot?!
He knows that the Shao Xuan speed
is fast, but, he has underestimated
Shao Xuan.
When that person runs the woods
range. And was inferior that his sturdy
thigh, sweeps away, is having hum the
rumor, as if in the wooded mountain
these throw the food Ominous Beast .
By person who that leg sweeps,
flies upside down ten rice. Falls in the
„No...... Do not kill me...... I have...... The treasure, has Mang Tribe ...... Jade Stone, has...... Wei Ba Tribe ............ Silk
clothes, but hopes that you can circle
my life...... I can lead you to look......
conceal Jade Stone , has...... Really......
That person who Shao Xuan brings,
at this moment falls down, the mouth,
because spat blood a moment ago, but also is having the scarlet, the
speech is very difficult, struggles sev­eral, actually likely is loses the
strength to be ordinary, fell, the line of sight looks toward that side that one­self that companion flees from finally.
That person, fled probably success­fully.
Shao Xuan looked at his one eyes,
turns around to walk in the direction that that fourth person flees.
But when Shao Xuan turns around,
lay down the person in ground, actu­ally quietly gets up, pulls out tall and slender bone blade from the waist,
punctures toward Shao Xuan.
But, Shao Xuan actually as if behind
had the eye to be ordinary, moved sideways to evade.
That person only thinks that a both arms hemp, bone blade on hand has been separated.
Tall and slender bone blade, pene­trates his body.
In that person of throat makes the
insignificant sound, cannot believe gen­eral, looks at Shao Xuan , then knees down.
Shao Xuan looks at front person,
lifts the foot, stamps.
Bang !
The ground of under foot, is cen­tered on the Shao Xuan under foot, the
fierce collapse a diameter about two
meters circular, undercuts an altitude about palm.
Stands Qu Ce as well as the white clothing female behind dwarf-tree for­est, only thinks that also seems at heart ordinary with that ground, had been shaken maliciously, but the nest
in that mildew spider of white clothing
female bosom, the wool of whole body explodes, rustlings to vibrate.
Brings that only Cyan bird that Qu Ce is coming, stands on leaving the
Qu Ce recent that leaf, is staring at the airborne direction anxiously.
That side, after Shao Xuan has stamped a foot, then does not have the again control to knee down the per­son , turns around, walks in fourth the
direction of person, the footsteps,
sharply are not pursuing the person
leisurely likely.
But in Shao Xuan behind , knees down person , the scarlet line spread,
seems this person is to split likely gen­eral.
But so the violence the strong
method, making Qu Ce think that one­self before was really blind, how the
idiot who what will endure this young people are being does not understand?
Actually, is the stupid person one?
Links the so fierce role not to look un­expectedly.
However, before encircled had four
people, now that boy has killed three,
fourth could not overtake obviously,
therefore so slowly walked?
Just thinks that Qu Ce saw the Cyan
bird to hide toward his arms.
Qu Ce doubts.
Hides looks up in his arms Cyan
bird to the sky somewhere, as if
Qu Ce looked up the past, then, he
saw a giant hawk, grabbed a person,
flew toward that boy.
By person who the hawk grabs, was thrown to the ground, acts recklessly,
is only some skeleton as if distortions of body, should, die?
Four people, within such short time,
were all extinguished.
Here, the strength spoke, but, was not everyone reveals the strength out­side.
Is that boy, who? Which Tribe also came from?
Qu Ce and white clothing female is thinking, went back to look up well.(
To be continued..)

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