#207: Chasing down

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What Tribe when Long Boat Tribe
making an inspection tour Team Leader thinks deeply about Flaming Horn Tribe is being, Shao Xuan is lead­ing the person , hurries along while the
weather clearly.
Is thinking also rides a boat to leave, on the discovery river surface
has many places to ice up, although is not thick, but definitely will let sail a boat more troublesome. Long Boat Tribe does not have what domestic ani­mal, even if there are not outside, will not trade with the person , cannot ride the line. Comparatively speaking, fi­nally the people decide on foot.
Because of this time many four peo­ple, naturally impossible to have made
Cha-Cha bring like before, in addition the flame roasts them not to awaken
after all truly Power of Totem,
marches on the road to come to be somewhat difficult, the speed naturally
drops much.
After connecting for quite a while,
Shao Xuan made everybody stop
makes the rest slightly.
„Should here, leave the Long Boat Tribe sphere of action completely?”
Yang Sui asked.
„Should, I not leave such far.” Thinks
that the flame roasted and said: „Be­fore travelled by boat to leave that time
was an exception.”
Before was misled, was being de­ceived departure, the accident place was also quite far from Long Boat Tribe, if not for the luck were good,
they were impossible to return to the
Long Boat Tribe tourist area safely.
However this time, the mood is completely different.
Jiao Wu looks at the surroundings,
on the surrounding mountain is cover­ing white, some places the snow, has revealed below rock or the vegetation.
If like this is clear 56 days, the place that reveals will be more.
Really is much better compared with Tribe that side weather, now at this time, the Tribe that side should
also the floating snow blow wind.
Airborne transmits a hawk cry, lis­tens is being very ordinary workman,
but only knows to Cha-Cha familiar
Shao Xuan that Cha-Cha discovered the unusual sound.
„Some people came!” Shao Xuan
Is resting several people are immedi­ately intense.
„Who?” The flame roasts asked.
Shao Xuan looked at the sky, then
looks to a direction, that side. Long Boat Tribe position.
„Long Boat Tribe person?” The Yan Zhuo doubts, „they should little come out to be right in the winter.”
„No, is not Long Boat Tribe .” Shao Xuan said. „Possibly is beforehand
these long journey.”
Heard that is long journey, flame
roasts several will of the people to hang.
„Did they chase down unexpectedly
really?!” Jiao Wu cannot believe. Big
winter, although has not snowed, but
outside is also cold enough, haven't
this group of people given up unexpect­edly?
Looked at the sky once more, Shao Xuan has roasted several people to say to the flame : „You find the place to hide.”
„That Shao Xuan you?” The flame
roasts asked.
„Does not need to be worried about
me.” Shao Xuan said.
The flame roasts sighed. This dilut­edness makes the flame roast several people depressed, doing that but has to say according to Shao Xuan , can only do this, if they jump rashly. That
is brings death to hold back simply.
That side, or earthen mound, was
on that day in the person who the
tourist area and Shao Xuan confronted,
was leading the person to pursue.
That day, or the earthen mound is leading the person goes back after the
tourist area, more wants more to hate,
after Team Leader of long journey
team has reported then situation, was not only scolded, but also took a beat­ing, raised for two days to be better.
Is thinking Team Leader will help
them teach directly that Flaming Horn Tribe Warrior . But the Long Boat Tribe
person walks, several high-level Totem Warrior of long journey team were im­peded the foot, or earthen mound then
took advantage of free time to lead the person to seek first. In the snowy area is also keeping some trails. Al­though has shoaled, but or the earthen mound determination is that group of
people in tourist area.
The walk trail of tourist has the dif­ference with Totem Warrior .
Does not know that boy also.
Thinks of Shao Xuan, or the earthen mound somewhat dreaded at heart,
but has also hesitated the moment,
then continues to pursue. He thought that so long as constrains that boy
some time on the line, even if cannot hit, drags they to come well to Team Leader .
Constrains the person , this or
earthen mound confident.
Just is thinking. An earthen mound
suddenly intense sense of crisis.
„Be careful!” Qiu said.
In front of their group, jumps down
individual from a tree.
Has not waited for or the earthen mound sees clearly the person . Walks
is then trampled to fly in his front per­son, pounds toward or the earthen mound.
The earthen mound shunts person who pounds. But he behind responded that quite slow person, has met with a disaster, was pounded, drops down to­gether, but also rolled several to leave
in the snowy area.
Has not gone to look at behind per­son, or the eyelid of earthen mound
beat, making him know the future by no means simple person.
Too quick!
The earthen mound has not looked at the appearance of opposite party,
only pays attention to the opposite party such as the storm to bring stone blade that the cold air is chopping gen­erally, lifts the stone ax on hand,
blocks with the axe body.
On the stone ax was chopped a
deep trace.
But grasps the stone ax or earthen mound, because of this swift and vio­lent blade, but retrocedes one after an­other two steps, in the swarthy surface
emerges a menstruation. Strong im­pulse that is transmitted by the axe
body, making the Power of Totem cot­ton wool of his within the body
chaotic, but the muscle on his arm
was shaken numbness by this impulse,
grasped the wrist|skill of shaft to vi­brate again and again several, almost
could not grip to let go.
Very strong strength!
Panic-stricken, or the earthen mound looks the person of this blade
to chopping. At heart panic-stricken
was deeper.
Unexpectedly is this boy!
The earthen mound still remembers,
when Long Boat Tribe tourist area, on
Shao Xuan that rude and unreasonable
overbearing imposing manner, is that
imposing manner, pressed him
planned, is now, Shao Xuan imposing manner looked like goes into hiding
completely, if not for a moment ago
many years of long journey experience
brought compared with others keener
intuition reminder, he was not neces­sarily able to keep off this blade.
But is this type the situation that im­posing manner goes into hiding com­pletely, lets or in Qiu Xin restless is more intense.
Does not wait for or the earthen mound makes the next response, a
Shao Xuan then foot kicks to his lower abdomen.
The strong strength lets or the
earthen mound is unable to come to a stop again, makes an effort to take root becomes in the both legs of
ground is also incapable, retroceded
again and again several steps, the
waist also because of the foot, but
bent, at noon has eaten the barbecue that has not digested spat together
along with the gastric juice.
Although panic-stricken, but was hit
at this moment one after another, or the earthen mound is unable to con­tain the spunk in heart, suppresses one
to make an all-out effort, has not waited to come to a stop, then behind
will insert in another small stone ax of
waist throws toward Shao Xuan.
Avoids in the stone ax that the air­borne rapid revolves to fly, cannot
chop the stone ax of people, mali­ciously foot pin rod on tree trunk of
Shao Xuan behind tree, directly that
tree truncating.
Has not paid attention to the tree that behind drops down, the Shao Xuan under foot catches up, directly soars to or the earthen mound, divided
compared with a moment ago a
swifter and fiercer blade.
The stone and stone collision
sound, as well as the blockhead disrup­tion breaks off the sound, almost also
resounds, but or in the earthen mound
hand is grasping the wooden handle of
stone ax, the powerful impact strength of because transmitting disrupts, the
sawdust splashes in all directions.
The Shao Xuan second blade hap­pen to chops in the trace place of pre­vious blade , the stone ax almost cuts off, is connecting little.
Grasps the stone blade wrist|skill to shake, still had the part to keep the
blade vibration in stone ax, shakes the
stone ax final that connection.
Before succeeding in giving up two
stone axes falls, Shao Xuan will be hav­ing the half of sharp edge, with the
stone blade group to another person of running over, that person is taking
long spear, actually cannot block that
half stone ax that flies, was chopped
directly, falls to the ground.
But the other half of stone ax, was kicked by Shao Xuan to or the earthen mound, hits directly to or the chest of
earthen mound.
The dull thumping sound that the
stone and chest run upon, as well as
in crashing of bone, or the earthen mound flies upside down, in snow land­slip several rice. This time he has not spat food, but spouts a blood, the
ache of abdomen as well as chest,
spreads over each position of his body
along the nerve, because a moment ago that strong impulse was shaken the arm of numbness , transmits clear
pain intent once more, even there is
moment the feeling of fainting.
When or earthen mound conscious­ness once more sober time, ten people who he leads, surroundings only re­maining three, timid has not dared on.
The earthen mound regretted now
that he has not thought, Shao Xuan so
will be unexpectedly strong, he is also
thinking can drag first, actually unex­pectedly, unexpectedly only with enough time defends two, kept off re­luctantly first has struck. Also, that is all, many are unable to achieve again.
Falls down, or the earthen mound
spouts a blood once more, has not ac­tually fainted, has not managed long journey who that three both legs trem­ble, but stares wickedly to Shao Xuan.
„You are waiting...... You...... Wait­ing...... Is waiting for the quilt......
The words have not said that or
earthen mound is one after several other coughs, is unable to speak the
words completely. He when the Long Boat Tribe ship, was hit by Team Leader of long journey team, the old wound has not convalesced com­pletely, now has dropped sharply, the
words are unable to talk clearly. ( to be continued )

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