#192: In forest trap

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In the morning, Shao Xuan woke on
that high stone column, sits has had a
yawn above, moved the hands and feet, then looked from the high place
to the surroundings.
For the first time looked at the past,
here did not have what difference with
yesterday, but slightly was again care­ful, can see that in flowered thick patch of grass extended in six direc­tions „line” .
The meat bird's egg that from the
stone column, Shao Xuan will bring Lu
Tribe is giving eating, Cha-Cha that a
early morning has looked for food is flying in the sky, temporarily had not discovered surrounding has any dan­ger.
Fire Pit of former home grounds
early changed the appearance, was covered by layer upon layer the mud­stone, Shao Xuan wants to dig, but
changes mind thinks that not having
Fire Seed , Fire Pit to be buried or not,
not big relationship .
First temporarily this.
Place Fire Pit is the center, Shao Xuan recalls these fantasies of a next
yesterday evening seeing because of this, walked in the surroundings.
The change is too big, if not for had seen the fantasy yesterday evening,
which place Shao Xuan was unable to imagine really leaves originally in once
somewhat what kind of construction.
Is thinking also digs out any special
goods, but walked approximately, tem­porarily has not discovered anything,
perhaps something deeply were buried
in underground, perhaps also already
was destroyed, the possibility, carries off by the Flaming Horn Tribe person who the past years leaves together.
Shao Xuan also plans to look care­fully, in sky suddenly transmits a hawk
Movement on hand, will dig just
some damages the earthenware jar to put the one side, Shao Xuan in the
Cha-Cha early warning direction,
sneaks in the woods.
Very early in the morning, Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe has sent more than
100 people, divides five squads to enter the wooded mountain to search for the person . The witches and Chief
said to them, so long as sees the non
Tribe person, who no matter they are, no matter how they grow give what kind of condition, kills!
Can bring back to the future the op­posite party number of people, will then obtain the witch and Chief grant­ing.
Even if the witch and Chief had not said where person in wooded moun­tain is. Also has not raised many peo­ple, but, hears to have the generous recompense. Everyone fiery, is thinking
can fish this merit.
Just participated in the person who the Tribe war has come back. Had not been sent, to search the first actual sit­uation, after the witch and Chief have discussed that only decides to send out under more than 100 people of in­quiries temporarily the situation.
People who other people were kept
Tribe envies looks that these walk in the Ominous Beast wooded mountain
direction, these many people add over ten thousand stone beast again,
should not have the too big danger, if can also render meritorious service,
that was crisp.
Person who soon will enter the
wooded mountain. Under envying of
clansman, is pulling ten thousand
stone beast , happily started off.
Ten Thousand Stone Tribe does not have the large-scale raising cattle
horse, one is they to raising these
does not have the interest, second, is the most important point, they more
energy will place on ten thousand
stone beast .
So-called ten thousand stone beast ,
naturally exist actually by no means that but by Ten Thousand Stone Tribe
with many wild beasts, even also
grasped some Ominous Beast to come. One that the multiplication
chooses wants the strong many beasts
compared with wild beast. Because the heredities of ten thousand stone beast have not stabilized, each genera­tion of ten thousand stone beast with the parental generation existing differ­ence in front, for convenience. Also to
praise, the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe
person names for „ten thousand stone beast ”.
Ten thousand stone beast are the di­rection detection breeds selectively, for several hundred years , some can
stabilize inherit, but, what Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe need is the aggres­sive beasts, this is their first selection criteria, therefore, even if were chosen
to have many abnormal species. Even
many flaws, but was still retained by
Ten Thousand Stone Tribe . These
heredity stably actually striking power not strong beasts, instead many degen­erating into food.
These ten thousand stone beast
want to be bigger than Hunting Dog of
general Tribe training. Is long is differ­ent, some appearance dog family ,
some cat family , the size also has the
difference, pattern is varies numerous and diverse, but their only common grounds, are look aggressive , the per­sonality are extremely cruel, looked that the look of person is catches to come up the worry to be ordinary on the strategic place likely.
When launches the war to other
Tribe, the Tribe person will also use
over ten thousand stone beast, threat
member who to trace these must mas­sacre,
Those who tie up ten thousand
stone beast is some processes soaks
system processing specially the thick
and solid grass rope, if not for the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe Totem Warrior
strength is quite big, but also cannot hold on these aggressive strings to plant the beast, but must prevent them
to cut by biting the string.
100 people, are divided five teams,
enters in the Ominous Beast wooded mountain, each team is bringing three
or four ten thousand stone beast. They
will not be near, but extremely will not be remote, if one team presented the
different situation, blows a whistle
loudly, after nearby other teams hear,
will overtake.
although leaves Tribe time because the witch and Chief words are excited,
but steps into the Ominous Beast
wooded mountain after truly, actually
unavoidable disturbed.
Nobody spoke, has ten thousand
stone beast once for a while low roars.
Also has not discovered exceptionally,
has not sought any „person ” trail. This
thinks that takes ten thousand stone beast, after entering the grove, can
trace the goal, actually does not think
that enters the wooded mountain
some little time, wild beast bumps into
several, still did not have any discov­ery.
In the wooded mountain hunts, how
Shao Xuan early has learned to hide
own trail and aura well, in the wooded mountain is good at Ominous Beast that traces being how many, at that time hunted cannot be discovered that
now naturally easily will not be traced
by ten thousand stone beast .
Early in the morning the progress
wooded mountain, to noon, various
team of people somewhat was ex­hausted, the person had not found,
other zoology and botany threats have met several waves actually. They are unable to hide the form, each team of more than 20 people, add over ten thousand stone beast again, how can
hide? Also, they were not good at this.
„How to find the person ?” Rest time,
Ten Thousand Stone Tribe Warrior
Shuo said .
„Really the hope a bit faster to find,
then took his lead to go back to receive an award.” Another Warrior looked for­ward to wear a look.
„You? Whom when the time comes
looks at to leave deftly, I will not give you game.”
„Perhaps more than one person,
there are several people? Only then a
person, can chop has divided.” Some
people interrupted.
„Said is also...... Depends on the skill
when the time comes in any case re­spectively, who snatches is whose!”
Was saying, person suddenly that
keeps to the side leaves the sound track: „Well, what that is?”
The person of lead sets out, arrives by a big stone, if usually, they come to
here to see such stone, will not care,
but now, this stone seems not the ordi­nary stone.
The position that before they were,
only saw big stone side, when he ar­rived at another side. Then saw in the
stone that was blown these are carving
„This is who blows?!” Asking of lead.
Other people shake the head.
Looks at these moss scratches, but also is quite new, if not for own per­son blows. That i.e., some people had come a moment ago.
Thinks that these people and lead in­cessantly. Other people also re­sponded.
„Has the person really?!”
„Um? Flaming Horn? What is Flam­ing Horn ?” Saw that in the stone the
person of character asked.
„I heard that before here had big
Tribe to exist, but afterward perished.
Can be this Tribe ?”
„Very likely!”
Here, in the people heart raised the
intense excitement.
Big Tribe , although does not know
thousand years ago big Tribe is any ap­pearance, but looked that now middle
these big Tribe know, in each Tribe,
has some precious thing. Perhaps also
has Jade Stone and so on even Fire Crystal , etc. to make the thing that
one covets retain?
Thinks of this, the people in team
are itchy on the heart. They also know that in the wooded mountain is very dangerous, Ominous Beast are many,
but their person are now many . More­over, the careful point should be all right?
„Should the person who sneaks the
wooded mountain, not also for this big
Tribe ?” Some person of Shuo said .
„It is not good, cannot make others
carry off! We must quickly!”
Does not need to take the lead said
that other people hurry to set out, the
Tribe war made them fish many advan­tage. But meets this big Tribe vestige,
their first thinks naturally can also fish the good thing.
Yan Jiu has said that the Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe person is very
greedy. Every so often, like this greedy
heart, will suppress other mood in
them, makes in many people looks like very crazy matter.
In recent years, middle Slave Mas­ter even more liked coming, especially
liked looked for Ten Thousand Stone Tribe to go to the place, there tourist
were specially many.
Before leaving is in-situ, Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe Warrior lags behind the chaps, to that is carving „Flaming Horn” big stone. The plan urinates a
round to walk again. Regarding Tribe,
this type such as is carving the Tribe
name or the Totem Pattern stone. And
not only the boundary tablet, they the
component in Tribe person heart are together heavy. Is same on such as
Mang Tribe these rock paintings, if
some people are urinating a round to the rock painting, will guarantee will come under the fly upon of Mang Tribe person, in the Tribe rule, this will be a provocation.
However, perished nearly thousand years Tribe, does what fearing have? The Ten Thousand Stone Tribe person
has not watched this from the start,
even if some people look, killed is.
Also some people directly chopped a moment ago with blade, this stone ma­terial was what a pity good, directly
chopping lacked greatly. Might as well
when the time comes go back to give
to move out directly, then polishes other tools.
One team of people planned that
continued to proceed to seek, walked
several steps, the detection of lead
was not right, turns head to look at the
past, by the big stone, that person as before was maintaining posture origi­nally.
Is this cannot urinate what's the matter?
„Hey, were you good?!” Asking of
Nobody replied.
Other Warrior have the complaint,
you urinate on the urine, if not to hurry
to look for the goal, we also come one
round, but, have you stood there
what's the matter? Delays the time?
By other people what to do if were snatched merit?
Some people plan to speak again,
by impediment of lead.
Character who can take this team of leads, naturally cannot be too stu­pid, has discovered does not suit, he
is careful, pulls out stone blade, to­ward standing the person there poked.
Stood the person there, has poured,
without any sound.
In people heart one tight, when is
move?! Why ten thousand haven't
stone beast realized?
sha sha sha sha
Surroundings shrubbery somewhere
makes the slight sound, if not careful,
is very difficult to note.
Three ten thousand stone beast
hearing are good, immediately manic,
roaring, overruns toward that side,
pulls ten thousand stone beast people
also to let go, making them pursue the
person .
The person of lead has hit a mean­ingful glance to other people, making
everybody be careful, then leads the
person to pursue toward that side.
The sound in grove was bigger, just
fast left from here like some people
general, does not have two time of
breath, ran far.
„Pursues quickly!”
A Warrior bed sheet foot slings,
struggles softly several, did not have the sound. Is inserting a thorn on him.
Also three Ten Thousand Stone Tribe Warrior tied up one after another
slings, after slinging, the thorn ended
their cries.
Right now, other people also feared.
Timid looks to the woods of surround­ings cover, the surrounding grove and
weed were gradually crowded, has seri­ously hindered their line of sight, can only judge depending on the aural acu­ity. In the heart also secretly sus­pected how many people surroundings
are hiding?
And Warrior just scolded one, the
ankle area place suddenly transmits a
fierce ache. He thinks that same will be hung with beforehand several War­rior, has not actually thought that the
strength on foot is drags toward side
him directly, the speed is quick.
After another person dragged away,
did not have the sound.
Person who stays in the original po­sition has not pursued, they are taking the weapon, on the alert surroundings,
pursues ten thousand stone beast foot­steps also to slow down.
Brandishing a sword of lead has chopped nearby one weeds, has not seen any suspicious thing, has spat
saliva bitterly, criticizes at heart.
They to the present, had not seen in­cluding the opposite party person's shadow that by the trap that the oppo­site party left behind cloudy time and time again, where cannot actually be found the trap under!
However several time of breath,
have folded four people!
This aggrieved feeling makes them
not be feeling well very much, even more cannot calm down on the hot tempered temper now.
In those days, they went to launch the war not to meet such situation to
other Tribe, at that time the tiger body
shook, the strength promoted the
acme, took the blade to overrun to see the person to chop, was convenient?
May here not!
This makes them not adapt very much.
Moreover, here is the Ominous Beast wooded mountain, must be wor­ried momentarily other possible Omi­nous Beast or threats, must pay atten­tion to the under foot now.
Ten thousand stone beast ran far,
they cannot call.
It seems like that some people
guide to run ten thousand stone beast,
then hides the person in copes with it­self again and the others . Thinking of
„Can blow a whistle?” Some people
asked that takes the lead.
„Does not use!” Do many big little while blow a whistle? By other people
was seen he does not have the face, the prestige definitely will receive the
attack. In the lead eye full is haze.
Another person bedding bag neck is drawing, sees only opens mouth does not see to make noise, he wants to bel­low actually, is been too tight by Un­tidy-looking, could not voice com­pletely, suppresses in the surface to twist.
A splinter pricks on his neck. The
toxin makes him pass out rapidly, no longer struggles.
Several people of lead look to air­borne.
Silk thread?
Such silk thread...... Is Wei Ba Tribe ?
Should not, Wei Ba Tribe a little be far from here, moreover here is not
eight cannot meddle, their Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe extinguishes several
small Tribe not to matter, but if a big
Tribe participation, affects not only pe­riphery several influences.
Also, what did Ominous Beast
wooded mountain places have to be worth Wei Ba Tribe keeping thinking?
More wants more to think confused ,
that person that leads simply no longer much has also pondered over,
he must do now, but looks then to massacre here suspicious person. ( to be continued )

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