#173: So vigorously

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Flaming Horn Tribe!
Is occupied by the person in tourist
region, there is many once and Yan Shuo is quite ripe, walked into the mountain to hunt together hunting, nat­urally also listened to Yan Shuo to say
„Flaming Horn Tribe ". At that time they
thought Yan Shuo was insane, still has not faced the reality, even if Flaming Horn Tribe still exists, that also affir­mation is only small Tribe.
The production of small Tribe and
perishes has occurrence every day,
even if Yan Shuo so-called „Flaming Horn Tribe " fire seed still, how long
couldn't continue?
However, now looks like, seems not
such that they imagine.
Can small Tribe young people, have
such strength? Almost easy, caused in­numerable troublesome belt snake
Slave hitting unable to move there that
to them.
Small can Tribe have compared with
person also greatly many hawks? Has a look at that to be torn miserably
does not have the snake type big
snake, knows that this hawk is not
merely big, that claw catches in the
human can nail tight the person di­rectly.
Tribe , enviable word.
This thinks that today the Yan Shuo
whole family by that Slave killing, has actually not thought that matter sud­denly reversal.
Had Tribe , then had the ownership.
Their kindling materials as in.
Yan Shuo misery day, to the end.
The matter that other people under­stand, Yan Shuo naturally also knows,
but, the matter has suddenly too, he
does not know how completely should
From very small time he was fanta­sizing one day can Flaming Horn Tribe that returned to the ancestry to say.
Battles each time lonely time, he is thinking, is Flaming Horn Tribe , what
kind of place? There person how? Is
Tribe big? Inside isn't Totem Warrior
But now, he looks that front this
was younger much people, among rais­ing his hand has been solved trouble­some, had a look around that only to pull the big bird of snake meat again,
excited sobbing somewhat, was at a loss.
The Shao Xuan vision crosses Yan Shuo. Looked at the three people in
room, that is the Yan Shuo wife and children, has a look at that again not
in a big way log cabin that almost
must collapse immediately, sighed at heart, it seems like, this clansman.
Crosses not well.
Moreover, is a tourist.
Since is the tourist, explained here
he does not want to look another that
„Flaming Horn Tribe ", split in the past
exactly had anything, Shao Xuan does not know, but, does not inquire this
time now.
Pulls out some dried meat from
beast skin bag , fills on Yan Shuo,
looked at the three people in room.
Shao Xuan hints Yan Shuo to comfort the frightened wife and children first.
The Yan Shuo wooden wigwam, can­not continue again, but, in Shao Xuan
has Water Moon Stone, so long as
pays some rewards, can always solve.
As for later...... How later should, later
well chat with Yan Shuo .
Yan Shuo shivers, takes the dried meat that Shao Xuan is giving. In
trance enters the room, but also was
almost poured in nearby wooden wall
Tears that the Yan Shuo wife had wiped the face. Gripped tightly has shaken the hand of Yan Shuo , liked the
tunnel: „Really, Flaming Horn Tribe re­ally in!"
Because the ancestry similarly is a
tourist, the Yan Shuo wife has never thought can join Tribe, is different
from the Yan Shuo situation, their
Tribe in long before were extinguished.
Was extinguished the fire seed truly,
becomes the tourist. But now, Yan Shuo can find Flaming Horn Tribe and
joins, she naturally can also with.
Difficult day, to the end!
The couple are excited. The Yan Shuo wife first responded that wants
to make Shao Xuan enter the room,
may remember now the situation in
room, was somewhat awkward, she
also saw the Shao Xuan behavior, al­ways thought facing Shao Xuan time re­stricted very much, that was true
Totem Warrior .
„All right, the sister-in-law you are
busy, I sit the little while first." Was say­ing Shao Xuan looked toward the sur­roundings, wants to draw two planks
to fold, when the stool sits, may see
above counter splinter, gave up.
The line of sight places the river bank of 200 meters distant place, a
Shao Xuan heart revolution, walked to­ward that side.
Shao Xuan moves, the surrounding
person simultaneously looks to him, the line of sight moves along with
Shao Xuan, they want to take a look at
this Totem Warrior to make anything.
Yan Shuo also has doubts looks that toward Shao Xuan that the river­side walks.
„Was he angry? Did not say a mo­ment ago wants to sit? Place that is it possible that because our family has not sat?" The Yan Shuo wife worries about the tunnel.
„Should not be." Yan Shuo did not think that the Flaming Horn Tribe per­son will be angry because of such rea­son.
Remaining the dried meat in the
hand give the daughter, Yan Shuo look at the Shao Xuan back, actually he
was also worried the same Tribe per­son who this suddenly presents will abandon one.
However, having a look at that only
to continue to eat the snake the hawk, the appearance that do not leave,
under the Yan Shuo heart decides.
Shao Xuan walks toward the river bank, there, one more than two meters
high, three meters come the long ellip­tic big stone, person who usually has the communication, when that side ap­proach shores, will tie up the grass rope of wooden raft in that big stone.
Because the stone is too big, is heavy,
even if some Totem Warrior is also dis­inclined to move it.
At this time, near the river bank
some people close right up against the
stone to sit there, in the hand also
takes just had been roasting the meat.
This was several just with finding the stone material has changed the
person of food with the long journey
team, similarly was the tourist, there is the division of strong and weak, they
were the tourist community quite
strong people, moreover sticking to­gether, other tourists do not dare to of­fend them.
In the tourist area, they several life
are best, is quite overbearing, they had found the fruit tree in the mountain,
will not make other people pick a fruit,
saw that some people hunt for the
small game, they will also begin to snatch. So-called overwhelms with nu­merical strength, these gather together is also not a small strength, the people of other dispersions do not dare to go
to spell with them hardly, the people who puts together hardly died.
Shao Xuan hit that Slave a moment ago time, their several people also
saw, but also has taken pleasure in oth­ers'misfortunes, because they have not been short in that Slave have under suffered loss, particularly drivehead that also fantasized that person of
snake in private roasting.
It is not Slave , to show off own
strength, is always entangling that big
snake on the body, to show that he in the ability of tourist, after all, is no one
can bear the weight of that big snake the motion to be free. Usually that en­trains the type, he thinks that installed to ship out the Slave Master imposing manner?
Therefore, they noticed that Slave of that belt snake was hit, at heart
dark crisp. But now, looks that Shao Xuan comes toward them, in several
people of hearts disturbed.
„Boss, he...... He walked toward us!" A person said in a low voice.
„I know!" Becoming „boss" that per­son presses the sound to say.
„What does he want to make?
Snatches the food?!" The tourist area
usually meets many were snatches to eat, they first think that naturally was also this.
„Doesn't he want to revenge for Yan Shuo ?" They had also looked for the
trouble of Yan Shuo before, because af­terward the Yan Shuo strength truly
was older than other people, was a
hard stubble, usually Yan Shuo did not have anything to conflict with them,
they were then disinclined to spend
more time on Yan Shuo, looked for sev­eral times troublesome not to pay at­tention.
Looks that Shao Xuan is getting more and more near, in several people of hearts is even more indefinite, then,
they will then make the similar move­ment not to roast the ripe meat to take from the fire of high-piled fire­wood, will unable to attend to burning,
will hurry to force in the mouth. Thus, couldn't the opposite party snatch?
Shao Xuan walks, but has swept
their one eyes, then toward closing right up against that person of stone in the past.
That „boss" looks that Shao Xuan
walks toward oneself, filled the meat the movement more anxious, the hand
also somewhat trembled. A moment ago how that belt snake slave was out,
he can also recall now clearly.
Lowers the head, that „boss" does not dare to look at Shao Xuan, the
cheek rouses, the mouth is the meat,
swallows with enough time not to swal­low, hardly has filled one, supported the mouth unable to close up.
„Makes troublesome."
That boss hears head sound to transmit.
If usually other person of this of
tourist area, they already began, but
has a look at that also to be hit the
present not the belt snake slave who
can get up from the ground, in that per­son of heart of lead intertwines, is
hits, does the meat that had not fin­ished eating the hand in hand over? Is must apologize first?
„Makes." The above sound conveys
once more.
This time, that „boss" gets back one's composure, responded, hurried
to move the buttocks, thought that
moved insufficiently far, moved. How
also the plan has a look at own part­ner, to turn head, he discovered that
several morning stood to run, looks here from afar.
To this time, several people flung the teammate to fling really so simple, the person who even if was bogged down in difficulties was their bosses.
That „boss" in heart criticizes, think­ing, oneself was standing also to run
considering as finished, should not en­rage this person?
But, has not waited for him to set out, detected that some do not suit,
surroundings discussion in a low voice
as if also for it one static.
What happened?
Felt that the surrounding person
looked here look is very strange.
That „boss" hesitates must turn head to have a look, quick, he discov­ered that in nearby ground, piece of
big shadows, shadow also.
This is......
Somewhat stiffly rotates the neck,
he looks to that side, then, he sees that the big stone that they usually sev­eral people with joint forces also rarely
move, had been lifted easily, lifted not saying that the opposite party has also thrown throwing the stone, likely in
thinking over thing.
Was stimulated too ruthlessly, the
mood fluctuation is too big, that
„boss" almost food that the mouth
crowds all spurting.
But runs looks here person, is all rousing the cheek, opens mouth, but also in can see the half-cooked meat that crowds. Stares, wishes one could
to stare the eyeball.
In this kind of some places of move­ment of population, they also see
some Totem Warrior to move the big
stone frequently, whom but they have not seen to be so relaxed, probably
moves simply is not the stone, but is a
small blockhead is ordinary.
Shao Xuan is lifting the both arms,
moves toward that side that Yan Shuo
is at the stone, because the midway
also in the ground a bulge, Shao Xuan
lifts the stone to jump over directly.
Surrounding person: „......"
The Yan Shuo wife looks that Shao Xuan lifts that big stone to come with ease, the eyelid jumped jumped, said
to Yan Shuo: „I believe that now you
said ‚Flaming Horn Tribe Warrior can
lift up a bear easily' words." Probably
one bear to their hands , was also
being thrown the share of playing.( To be continued..)

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