#193: Blocks

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The surrounding weed are many,
separates several steps on shrub­beries.
„Draws back!” Lead the environment of discovery here and the others were disadvantageous to oneself, coura­geously makes the surplus people retro­cede along the old route, what traps al­though periphery does not know also
some, the place that but at least along the road passes through, definitely did not have.
Just like this thinks, is two pitiful yells resounds.
Two Warrior fall to the ground, is the same to the front person, body
Shangzha a belt poisonous thorn, but
another person, was wiped the neck.
sha sha sha sha
Some people go through in the thick patch of grass fast.
Person whole face of lead was fierce, lifts the foot to pursue fast, but
he did not have the general idea, even
has also estimated the front person's shadow motion rule, almost stepped on the place that the former stopped over. However, his behind many per­son did not have good luck that does not know that was given to impede by
any thing, has chopped with the blade,
walked two steps to be impeded, then,
dropped down, has not gotten up
The person of lead heard behind
sound, had guessed correctly difficult position that the subordinate probably
encounters, but, he has not stopped,
not only has not decelerated, instead
increases speed once more, closely
overtakes the form in front thick patch of grass.
In his surface pulls to wipe grinning fiendishly of ruthless offense. Finally
had been found by me, now, you die!
Cuts the head of opposite party,
with can receive an award, said that
does not permit also to obtain an igni­tion crystal to promote, can perhaps
promote to high-level Totem Warrior .
He renders meritorious service innu­merably, to high-level, only then one pace Middle Level Totem Warrior , so long as contributes to a time merit
again, obtains an advantage, can sur­mount a rank once more, in the Tribe
status, will be higher! Can have the
qualifications to have more women,
food, the resources, the right!
Thinks and hence, he is even more excited. Totem Pattern on face is
makes him look like even more fierce.
On the foot the thrust augmentation,
grasps the right arm of stone blade to wield fiercely, brings blade wind.
Realized that behind blade wind, the
Shao Xuan right foot pedals the place
fiercely. The ground of under foot
makes „bang” not a big sound, is the
sturdy and healthy soil block is shaken
likely disperses general, but his entire
body, suddenly turns around taking ad­vantage of this strength, welcomes the
opposite party to rush!
At this time, that talented person of
lead saw the Shao Xuan true appear­ance.
Totem Pattern on Shao Xuan face
he has not seen, Shao Xuan young
also lets his surprise. However, these
are unimportant. He only needed to kill
well the opposite party.
Their speeds are quick, originally on
great distance not far both sides, sud­denly already, only then several far,
but at this time, the Shao Xuan under foot again and again trod several
steps, in this extremely short time,
transformed several directions, the per­sonal appearance somewhat drifted from place to place, as if must chop
toward left, must from right avoid
likely. Suddenly makes the person of
lead touch does not permit the idea of
Shao Xuan. In the heart hesitates
slightly, the stone blade imposing man­ner in the meantime, in his hand divid­ing slightly changes. It is not simple.
Wants according to the form change of Shao Xuan to determine where
again the next quarter toward will come, suddenly to the eye of Shao Xuan, this flash, he cannot help but
has actually hit one to tremble!
The Shao Xuan look, making him
think several years ago came the Omi­nous Beast wooded mountain hunting
with Tribe several people together,
they have met Ominous Beast , that
only Ominous Beast not only strength, will also hide very much, was very sly.
They feign death unable to evade. Sev­eral people who comes in together, is
Middle Level Totem Warrior . Once can also be rampant outside, had actually been left behind the majority by that
only Ominous Beast . Surplus runs away quickly.
In the past, that only Ominous Beast also seemed not conspicuous,
was not big, made them frightened ac­tually does not have including the
courage of resistance.
If not run away, died. This was the
past only idea, has continued many
years of nightmare, these time heard
to have the generous recompense,
thought one compared the strength to promote, once more to enter the
wooded mountain in the past.
But now, he raised once more with the past similar idea.
With that flash of Shao Xuan looking at each other, he has an misconcep­tion, as if returned to the past situa­tion, that has only let their fearful and apprehensive killing beasts to!
That person of entire body of lead
in has an extremely short stop in an in­stant, the moral nature has a sound to clamor: Run away! Runs away quickly!
Flees from here!
This type two choose during a fight, the least neglects, is the difference of
birth and death.
„Blows a whistle!!”
He only with enough time roars this, was put on the chest by stone blade .
Solves one person, Shao Xuan has not stopped, another hand found out,
has pressed firmly between the fingers a wrist .
In later of that lead, a person fol­lowed, perhaps by the strength, he not necessarily is the match of lead, but
speed, he can in comparison.
Saw under the disadvantageous cir­cumstance of a moment ago obviously
taking the lead, he has not actually lent a hand to assist , but was the
choice seizes the chance to sneak at­tack to pick up a bargain, has not thought that instead was held.
On Shao Xuan makes an effort, only
listens to one sound, is grasping the
wrist of blade, the carpal bone by the
The intense pain that the wrist place
transmits makes him unable to bear
send out the pitiful yell of pain, natu­rally is unable to grasp to stop again
shape tooth blade.
Shao Xuan catches that polishing
shape tooth blade in vain, another side
shakes the hand of stone blade to take advantage of opportunity pulls up up­wardly chops!
All these in a short time occur, take
are looking like the tooth blade person
also in the shock the ache of regret
and wrist , radically without enough time how thinks to avoid this to strike,
in his another hand also brown black
stone blade, the instinct ground lifts,
wants to block the Shao Xuan blade
Two stone blade bump into, that per­son only thinks that blade of an over­bearing strength in across his hand,
hits violently to his arm, almost must
So the rude and unreasonable
strength, stiffly hits his arm upwardly
lifts, but his entire body, along with the
arm in the future but actually, will look like some people behind will tow to en­train in him generally.
The empty space that therefore re­veals, he does not have the opportu­nity to cover again, Shao Xuan stone blade then dug in his body.
Solves with two people, Shao Xuan
have scratched the bloodstain on
stone blade with nearby weed.
Many years of hunting profession,
paces back and forth in the life and death edge repeatedly, after arriving at brutal war of here, experience to
Tribe, Shao Xuan has been used to this
type not to begin already, once way that began not to be forgiving boldly.
Long shouted the one breath, Shao Xuan listens to the sentry post sound that not far away was transmitting, this
was some people hears final yelling of
that lead, the whistling tone that has sounded seeking help, should also
catch up toward here to here recent
Shao Xuan not the person who turns head to solve these to lag behind, the
noise that the smell as well as that
side of human make, should be able to pass these hungry meat bird attrac­tions?
This place, is Shao Xuan looks spe­cially, that side the former home grounds perhaps because of the influ­ence of Fire Pit , the plants and Omi­nous Beast of these dangers are not many. But he in the morning when pe­riphery examines, saw the feet of
some birds are in charge, is in charge
some traces with groves from these,
can speculate that is about what kind of birds.
That is fears the crane similar birds, a mouth calligraphy stroke gets down,
with suffering hoe, has sufficed these
people to receive.
Looked under the sky, looks at the
Cha-Cha flight trajectory, Shao Xuan
no longer pays attention to the follow­ing these people, leaves fast.
That person of blowing a whistle,
after seeing the surrounding people
drops down, had has drawn back in­tent , anything rewarded, laid in living
above foundation, he has not wanted
to lose the life, but at this time, he
heard yelling of lead, naturally made an effort to blow a whistle, blew while the round trip to run, was extremely nervous, has not paid attention to the
under foot, by thing stumbling, but also thinks that was the traps or these
dangerous vines, he looked that had not looked chopped chaotically, recov­ers, the discovery was only a soil block.
Long gasped for breath, is preparing
to set out, then hears clatter clatter
clatter the sound of footsteps.
Was this other people reenforces?
It is not right!
That is not the sound of footsteps of person!!
He crawls, wants to run to here, ac­tually discovery, on road of backlash,
has heard such sound of footsteps.
A form jumps out from the thick patch of grass, directly soars also
holds the person of whistle to the
They do not have the obvious wing,
even did not have Lu Tribe these meat
birds to be big, has a greatly big beak.
Their looks are anxious, that is sees
food the look.
The pitiful yell sound penetrating en­tire grove, let hear the whistling tone
toward that side past person, sent at heart coldly.
But at this moment, has been far away from that side Shao Xuan, is squatting on a big tree, looks to a tree not far bear.
The great bear in wooded mountain
has many types, but this type, without doubt is the powerhouse in great bear,
perhaps their body weights are not nec­essarily able to dominate in great bear
category, but their speed is agile, the
strength absolutely is not weak.
They have compared with other
bears want the slender four limbs,
such characteristics make them not seem like other bears „clumsy”, but en­ables them a long time to walk fast, the motion is more relaxed, runs more
rapid. The short and wide jaw bone as well as the developed muscle, the
huge body , the rampant canine, mak­ing the human be awed at the sight,
but in its mouth, these giant molars
can grind the bones of wild beast even
many Ominous Beast easily.
Sometimes they will not go to them­selves to hunt, the game that but robs
other hunting capture directly, Shao Xuan has bumped into several wolf pack by the situation that the great
bear takes by force.
Does not need to observe, only one,
many years follows Hunting Team at the experience of wooded mountain
hunting, can make Shao Xuan judge,
this type at least in this region, was
food chain peak predator.
At this time, that Xiong Zheng anx­iously is only seeking for anything,
smelled smelling, stands sets out to hug the bough, has licked licking in
one fork, thinks does not satisfy a crav­ing, a big palm claw , breaks off the
person arm thick branch with ease,
places the mouth to nip.
Has nipped a while, thinks insipid,
throws branch that had been nipped the dregs quickly, it smelled smelling , to continue to walk following the
This season, many bears like look­ing for the honey to eat, for winter stor­age enough nutrition, but Shao Xuan
had found some honey, then with
these that bear directing. He has a per­son, but ten thousand stone Tribe
enter the wooded mountain, at least
has 100.
Here, is the Flaming Horn Tribe for­mer home grounds. Sometimes, Ming
knew the danger, but actually one step
cannot make concessions. The former home grounds, are inviting the wrath of the emperor of Flaming Horn Tribe,
even if Shao Xuan is impossible to de­fend here, but at least now, he can
keep off these people with every effort,
had better be able to a lesson of oppo­site party blood, making them dread.
Is good because, here is Ominous Beast many wooded mountains.
Strange and familiar environment.
Looks in the sky had flown the form,
Shao Xuan coasts from the tree,
sneaks in the woods. ( to be contin­ued )

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