#196: Rain Tribe Yang Sui

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The Ten Thousand Stone Tribe per­son, because of this probe, rested tem­porarily entered the wooded mountain the thoughts, but, they have also guarded regarding the Ominous Beast
wooded mountain that side, other peo­ple excluding Ten Thousand Stone Tribe entered the wooded mountain,
they will pay attention to the trend. Be­fore preparing completely safe, tem­porarily will not send for toward that
This is the result that the Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe witch and Chief dis­cussed together, they did not like see­ing in the Ominous Beast wooded mountain to present other to their
threatening influences, but the psychol­ogy of escape, thought that so long as that side has not posed a bigger threat
to own Tribe, this matter temporarily
put aside.
Perhaps, when all was stabler, will again send for inquiring toward that
When the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe
person discussed Ominous Beast
wooded mountain, Shao Xuan has a
wound to arrive at the former home grounds, toward Fire Pit that side in the past.
However, after two, Shao Xuan
looked to a direction.
„Oneself come out, do I clutch you?”
The Shao Xuan voice falls, after a
piece has been covered with the col­lapsing stone buildings of other
mosses and plants, stretches out a
„I...... I came out on the line.”
That is thin young people, is some­what distressed, animal skin clothes
storehouse also many scratches, have the blade to shear, there is in a branch
by woods to be delimited.
That person dreaded that looked at
blade in the Shao Xuan, pulls to smile:
„I do not have the evil intention...... I
also helped you solve eight Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe people!”
„I only saw four.” Shao Xuan stares at the stranger who is presenting. The
opposite party seems is truly well-meant, he when kills the Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe person also to look at several wound different people, al­though there is exaggerating, the
words not entire mistake of opposite party. This some vigilant must have,
he now at the exhausted condition, the opposite party is the stranger who
does not know the details. Must the
That person has choked, he has not thought that has been assassinating
Shao Xuan of Ten Thousand Stone Tribe people, actually also will note the homicide several people. To say that „some you have not noted”. But
looks at the look that to Shao Xuan,
he has shaken shaking. Ridicules two,
„good, I have only solved four...... I was compelled here by the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe person.”
Shao Xuan has not spoken.
The opposite party thinks that
walked two steps toward Shao Xuan
that side, but was still maintaining the
distances of ten rice.
He moves, airborne Cha-Cha agrees with, stands in the ground, the wing
launches. Eagle-eyed is fixing the eyes on the opposite party.
Shao Xuan has comforted Cha-Cha ,
„is all right.”
The appearance of Cha-Cha makes the opposite party have a scare,
shrinks to hide collapsing behind the
stone building, when Cha-Cha flew
once more, he looked at the sky,
thought that the airborne that hawk,
will not raise one's head temporarily,
introduces oneself: „Rain Tribe , Yang Sui.”
Shao Xuan is staring at him long time, stared in smiling to square fea­tures quick to be stiff. Leisure tunnel:
„Flaming Horn Tribe , Shao Xuan .”
„Flaming Horn Tribe ?” Before think­ing , the writing that on these stones , in the grove sees, the Yang Sui shock
results in the mouth unable to gather.
Flaming Horn Tribe. Should once
dwell that big Tribe here? However, did not say the thousand years ago this did Tribe perish?
Shao Xuan has been observing the
response of opposite party, sees on the Yang Sui face to present Totem Pattern , the eye narrows the eyes, the
blade on hand mentioned slightly, knife point to that side. Although he re­ceived very heavy wound now, but,
wrestles with every effort is not, said
again. The battle efficiency of opposite party is not very strong.
„, Do not wait first! I look!” Yang Sui
hurries to say.
On the Yang Sui face presented some short column bar shape trace.
This should be Rain Tribe Totem Pat­tern , but on his forehead. A chart
mark, likely is horizontally eye.
„Eye” „pupil” by a short pipe, ex­pands slowly spindle-shaped.
„It is not right, are really you Flaming Horn Tribe ?” Yang Sui has doubts very much, „here does not have the fire seed, I had not heard that Flaming Horn Tribe still exists.”
Without the fire seed, has not heard
existence of Flaming Horn Tribe, even if the descendant of person the past years left behind, should be the tourist,
or which generation in the middle ac­cepted new Totem , became other
Tribe person. However, Shao Xuan
said that he is the Flaming Horn Tribe
person...... Shao Xuan is Totem War­rior, this Yang Sui can affirm that be­cause of this, he has doubts.
The day before yesterday was also,
Yang Sui felt that looked like the fluctu­ation of energy of fire seed extremely,
only then that night felt, waited to look
that actually anything could not feel, was still stretch of ruins. Is it possible that is his present ability is insuffi­cient? Yang Sui is puzzled.
Shao Xuan does not have the direct reaction, but was silent. His attention
lies in „does not have fire seed that” the opposite party said with emphasis,
obviously, Yang Sui has not realized the hot [lineage/vein] that these under
Fire Pit still have.
Perhaps, why this is also the thou­sand years passes, reason that the hot
[lineage/vein] under former home grounds Fire Pit still had. Because oth­ers are unable to realize that thinks the Flaming Horn Tribe fire seed early
„Are you a witch?” Shao Xuan real­ized on the opposite party was revolv­ing the strength of inheritance.
„Yes...... Do you know? Is it possible that are you also?!” Yang Sui looks at
Shao Xuan surprisedly.
„I am not.”
Shao Xuan no longer said that ar­rives by that high stone column, backs on the stone column to sit down, to­ward airborne gestured.
Cha-Cha in sky has complied with
one, flies away, waits flies once more,
abandons thing that a leaf wraps.
Catches that package, unties the
above grass rope, removes the leaf, in
reveals already the chilling flesh lump.
This is the meat that before roasted
had not actually finished eating.
The meat is Ominous Beast that
Cha-Cha grasps roasts, is not fierce
Ominous Beast , but is always better than wild beast .
Has eaten the meat, drank a water,
Shao Xuan felt that the faint trace en­ergy that can feel to eat the Ominous Beast meat that brings. He can also
use Fire Crystal actually, Fire Crystal
can make the strength that he dries up
quickly restore some, but here has a
stranger, when does not understand the opposite party, good that Fire Crys­tal do not take.
Had the matter that Mang Tribe and
at Wei Ba Tribe that side rural fair
came across, Shao Xuan also knows that many people can use various
methods to seek for the Fire Crystal
trail, but, there is a method to isolate
nosing, for example Jade Stone box.
Fire Crystal in Shao Xuan thinks of a
Jade Stone box now. Jade Stone is not considered as that any good Jade Stone, but also has spent many Water Moon Stone exchanges, is good be­cause of can also a little effect, this
Other Jade Stone boxes, Fire Crystal
as well as things, before Shao Xuan, to
deal with the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe person, packs to hide.
Looked that Shao Xuan closes one's eyes to sit there rests. Yang Sui takes a look at the weather that is dark,
moved several steps toward Shao Xuan that side, has not approached.
But is not too far. He knows that own
strength how, solves that four Ten Thousand Stone Tribe person is the
acme. Has depended upon the Shao Xuan trap later result, are many, is not good, let alone Ominous Beast in
wooded mountain. After experience to the Shao Xuan strength, even if
dreaded at heart, but always feels bet­ter to meet Ominous Beast , but night many dangerous Ominous Beast ap­pear and disappear.
Cha-Cha stands on the stone col­umn rests, the protection is staring at
Yang Sui .
This is also continuously true Omi­nous Beast . Is very big to the Yang Sui
pressure, he is thinking is very difficult
to fall asleep under such pressure, but
has not thought that closed one's eyes
to rest the little while, rested the snort,
he dreamed of a fuzzy shadow in the
dream, likely was one group of fires,
hot middle also image angle thing.
This is he has never seen.
Shao Xuan opened eyes to look at that side already the person who
started the snort, speechless, thinks that was many astute. Has not thought that is also two goods. Witch.
The careful sensation around, had not discovered that anything threatens
to approach, Shao Xuan closes one's eyes once more. Rests. Here, the fire seed that although has not burnt, but
under Fire Pit hot [lineage/vein]
strength, can give Shao Xuan many
help, he can feel in the mind the caper of Totem flame, is energetic, flowing in within the body Power of Totem is also getting more and more intense.
Next day, Shao Xuan wakes, wound
already good many. The exhausted feel­ing greatly has also been alleviated, he
also ran in the wooded mountain to hunt for one not to calculate that big
Ominous Beast came back to work as the breakfast.
Yang Sui looks that Shao Xuan ig­nites the fire of high-piled firewood bar­becue in that side. Has wiped a saliva,
at heart also extremely surprise.
Although Shao Xuan had not flowed
many blood yesterday. But Yang Sui
knows the wound ratio that Shao Xuan
receives seems like much more seri­ous, but also guessed that this person
should several days to be good, who
knows that today wakes, jumps for joy
full of energy, but can also go hunting!
Is this person ?
Really isn't human form Ominous Beast ?
It is not right, the Ominous Beast re­silience so is not strong.
Just is thinking Shao Xuan is a per­son , was Ominous Beast , Yang Sui
hears that side to call one.
„Hey.” Shao Xuan cut one to roast the similar Ominous Beast leg to throw.
Yang Sui has not gotten back one's composure completely, but the body
actually early one step makes the
movement, hurried to catch that Omi­nous Beast leg. Also does not fear to burn, took to gnaw, as for Shao Xuan
was the person or Ominous Beast , he
has not fantasized now.
That Ominous Beast leg that Shao Xuan gives is not the sympathy is in flood, taking advantage of this Omi­nous Beast leg, the atmosphere was not anxious, he asked some Yang Sui
Yang Sui has not been concealing the truth.
The Rain Tribe witch in young will go to various places to travel , grows in experience, how the study becomes a
better witch, but Yang Sui is also this.
Rain Tribe in the middle, somewhat is not far, but Yang Sui leaves Tribe from
the beginning of the year, to the pre­sent already nearly one year.
Couple of days ago arrived at Ten Thousand Stone Tribe , happen to the
team return of Ten Thousand Stone Tribe, he saw by these women who
Ten Thousand Stone Tribe caught,
planned before they were taken into
Ten Thousand Stone Tribe inside com­pletely helped, who knew, the woman who he saved, called more people,
making him almost be butchered by the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe person,
slid fortunately quickly, hid to the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe near Ominous Beast wooded mountain, the talented person who these chased down re­turned.
Shao Xuan understands clearly. No wonder Ten Thousand Stone Tribe of
that day has the tumult, originally be­cause of this boy. To come the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe person also
therefore to fear that other people
enter their Tribe.
„Is Lu Tribe meat bird also you
steals?” Shao Xuan asked.
„No! Absolutely does not have!” A
Yang Sui face healthy tendency rebut­tal, the words finished, lacked in reso­nance typically: „I passed by there time
discovered that in the grove has a meat
bird, carried off.”
That meat bird is easily swindled
too, fishes a fruit to place in front of it
with the branch, it has run, Yang Sui was just at that time tired, then
worked as the running about tool that
meat bird, the road that but he took
was different from the route of Rwan­dan Tribe motorcade, therefore Shao Xuan has not bumped into, until pass­ing through Ten Thousand Stone Tribe
time, saw Ten Thousand Stone Tribe
because of the noise that Yang Sui
made. ( to be continued )

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