#212: I came back

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Rainy season after finishing, in the
river many creature left, in river most common is these Piranha Fish, natu­rally, these common, can actually
gnaw the spatial small fish the great
fish directly, as well as gives the big
fish that the hull poses the threat once for a while.
In river threat Shao Xuan already
roasted them to say with the flame ,
this person are many, rowed does not have Shao Xuan .
When is with last year came is as before same, borrows the sail, to row
as well as Cha-Cha entrains the van­guard.
Had previous experience, this time
should pay attention to anything, Shao Xuan has the preparation. Especially
meets the barometric pressure of not being able to see airborne lowering
time, shifted to an earlier time to make the preparation.
Is prepared, is not excessively curi­ous, with all one's heart toward the
vanguard, generally speaking, is
Again navigates from this river bank,
Shao Xuan always very strange feel­ings, why not being able to say is, al­ways thought that the ship, should be able to be good quickly.
Although cannot clarify that feeling
is anything, but the good and evil any­thing sense of crisis, Shao Xuan does not think by no means clearly, then
also no longer thinks, places this ques­tion first at heart, when the time comes had free time to ponder over
again carefully.
But roasts several people regarding the flame , what trouble no matter the
surroundings have, they only know that
Flaming Horn Tribe in another side of
river, this was enough.
When Shao Xuan they navigate in the river bank, in Flaming Horn Tribe,
moving restlessly that starts from the
rainy season, had not subsided, rainy season after finishing, much worse.
„Wheat, you said that Ah'Xuan will come back?” The stone arrowhead that was just polishing on Lang Ga plays to come, asked.
„Does not know.” The wheat is reor­ganizing own hunting tool, said.
„Wu said that Ah'Xuan arrived at the
former home grounds, you said that
Ah'Xuan can play for several years to come back in that side again?” Lang Ga also asked.
Wheat time had not answered, their
nobody knows that side in Dao River is
what kind of situation.
The silence of wheat has not made
Lang Ga shut up, but continues to think aloud: „What appearance other
Tribe people are? If Ah'Xuan this time
can come back safely. Next year we
can be the same with him, go to an­other side of river, former home grounds that the witch said?”
This and is not only a Lang Ga per­son like this thinks. Idea of Lang Ga , is
in Tribe most people's idea.
In this year. Tribe changed many, so long as thinks slightly can know. Al­ways disagreement two big Team Leader , has put down the contradic­tion rarely.
If in the past, after rainy season fin­ished, should have a hunting, but, two
big Team Leader both do not have the
mood to lead this year, the witch and
Chief discussed, also permitted.
Every day, some people shake in
river bank. The population are many.
After rainy season , the continual
sunny weather, should be the auspi­cious day that hunts and washes to ex­pose to the sun, is, no matter Sir
child, regardless of under the moun­tain climbs mountains, now does not have the thoughts to make other, has free time to stare at the river surface.
The day passes by day-by-day, the
river surface started to drop.
„Can Ah'Xuan come back?”
„Played to forget in that side?”
„Do not talk nonsense!”
Once the river surface starts to de­scend, in the future, a day will only de­scend compared with one day quickly.
Seizes anxiously!
How long must walk on the river sur­face. They do not know that but saw that the river surface drops day-by-day, they also anxious. Finished the
moon/month circle from the rainy sea­son. Can Shao Xuan come back, on
these days.
River bank has the fish grids, the
fish grids are separated from the river surface shortly, every day to river bank
walked a person appetite to reduce,
several days got down thinly.
Silt that this day, on the river sur­face reveals, every day arrives at two
big Team Leader that the riverside
shakes to look at each other, heaved a deep sigh respectively, saw in the help­lessness to grid.
We hope that is bigger. Disap­pointed also will be naturally bigger,
they have thought. This year Shao Xuan did not come back, does that
wait again for one year?
One year. Before did not think that
now actually felt the old elder grew.
Was sighing, side was poking the
silt bored, the eye stares at Keke sud­denly that the river surface was in a daze to be startled, then set out sud­denly, closely was staring at the river surface of distant place.
The tower and Gui He see Keke this,
trembles at heart, could not attend to
thinking other, hurried to look to the
river surface of distant place.
The sunlight is somewhat dazzling, the ripple of river surface is reflecting the golden light, the distant place, the
place of river surface and sky connec­tion, is somewhat fuzzy, but, this does not hinder the tower and Gui He saw
that small sunspot that the water and sky docking the place presents.
„Yes...... Is Ah'Xuan ?” Sound some of
tower shake, once, he truly did not like
Shao Xuan, since knew are more, he
also understands whether Tribe can exit, depended on Shao Xuan, the so­cial ease toward Shao Xuan can
change, was having the unprecedented
Because is having hope is too big,
for the first time saw sunspot that on the river surface presents, the tower
somewhat hesitates and does not be­lieve.
„Yes, definitely is Ah'Xuan !”
„Who isn't he can also?”
„Boss, definitely is he!”
Stands Keke by tower and the oth­ers accordingly said.
The tower has not paid attention,
but looks to Gui He, is waiting for the
Gui He answer.
The Gui He vision is staring on the
river surface stubbornly, waits for that
sunspot to be getting more and more near, Gui He was tying tight on face, the muscle shivers, in the eye reveals
wild with joy, „is! Looks at the space!”
Sky, shadow.
„Is that Cha-Cha ?!”
„Ha! Ha Ha!!”
Gui He laughs to make noise, is tak­ing the wooden sentry post, the deep breath, caused to blow fiercely.
Makes the workman clear sound in the wooded mountain the wooden sen­try post, the sound that at this time
blew out was quite grating, the Tribe
people but who heard the whistling tone, did not think that this sound was coarse. Because, this is the person of
shore sends, but resounding of this
sound , means that on the river sur­face likely has the matter that they
have hoped.
The whistling tone was only has made a sound rapidly one, stopped,
was not Gui He does not want to con­tinue to blow, but was he extremely
makes an effort, the wooden sentry post broke to pieces.
The sentry post blew to explode, ob­viously Gui He excitement at this mo­ment.
Wu said that so long as Shao Xuan
comes back, matter that they think,
all, is hopeful.
Matter that for a lot of years, the an­cestors hope, they will soon complete.
A long hawk cry, cuts the horizon,
passes to Tribe .
Caesar has not waited for the Old Ke upper back, took to one's heels to run toward the river bank, left behind a
Old Ke person to look that the Caesar
back made an effort to shake the walk­ing stick, but in the surface was actu­ally not angry. Is red in the eye, re­veals the happy expression.
That on mountain side and moun­tain, heard that to vanish rarely one
year of sound. Also roars to make noise.
Stands in the mountain top witch
form in a flash, directly soars under the mountain from the mountain. The
past years heard the when remains of
ancestor were looked is more excited.
One year , the witch has been think­ing in this year every day, if Shao Xuan
succeeds, how, if failed , how can also.
The witches are bearing the enor­mous pressure, but merely this year
time. The witches also appeared older.
Quick, river bank gathered the mas­sive people, the Hunting Team return
time is more grand, person who al­most all can walk, completely central­ized in river bank, cannot take a walk
or be injured, let the giving back that
these can walk in the past.
Stands in forefront naturally is on
witch and Chief, big Team Leader as well as mountain some right to speak
heavy several old men, here is the
place that the only nobody dares to push.
As for other river bank places, every­one wants to stand in front looked, but the position is limited. Only can push
depending on the strength.
On fish grid that initially Shao Xuan
and Lang Ga made, has stood the per­son , with competing. Who wants to come up again, must depend on the
How presses these tall robust men
to push, in that several ratios they are thinner on much stone columns.
„Yeah, do not push do not push!”
„Pushes anything! Behind!”
„Do not push, pushes I to beat to death again......”
Stands near the river bank forefront the person, felt that behind was pushed vigorously, turns head to plan
to roar, may when seeing Caesar that
also wants the high form compared with him, swallowed the words imme­diately, makes way automatically.
Can not make way? Had not looked that Caesar gave a tongue-lashing the
tooth. The words that does not make way on own initiative, will be bitten to fling to fly.
Shao Xuan also saw near the river bank person. Stands waves in the bow,
toward that side said loudly: „I came back!”
Caesar face upwarded howlingly.
Side several people will give to push,
is excited to wish one could to throw,
because if not for the uncertainties in
river are too many, it already launched.
„That...... That is...... Our Tribe ?” The
flame roasts in several will of the peo­ple bang bang to jump. „Our Tribe ”
these five characters to them are al­most the change lifetime significance.
They can feel, when the compatible
aura that that side transmits, has not seen here land, they felt, that belongs to the fire seed affinity, intense feeling that the blood that type let their within the body wished one could to seethe with excitement.
But now, sees near river bank these
people again, navigated such a long time on the river surface, the weak
many people, actually felt at this mo­ment the whole body has been full of the strength.
That is, our Tribe !
Yan Shuo is taking the wooden oar,
plans to delimit a stroke of water
again, although there is Cha-Cha in the
pulling ship, but they want a bit faster,
to be again nearer to that side now.
The flame roasts is also similar
idea, several people are planning to de­limit the water again, listens to behind the ship to transmit the broken water
suddenly, but sound.
This sound they have heard many
times in the navigation on the way,
that is the sound that the fish dive in
water leaves . Moreover, judges ac­cording to the underwater sound, is a
big fish.
The flame roasts in several will of the people to sink as if by prior agree­ment.
Before on the water surface met
this situation, was Shao Xuan and
Cha-Cha is solving, but, Shao Xuan
was standing in the bow at this mo­ment, meaning that Shao Xuan as if do not turn around to help.
The shadow that casts approaches
more and more, flame roasts turns head, he saw on that fish also wants the big scale compared with the palm, these dense and numerous big canines of fish mouth.
If not make the motion, making this
fish fall directly, will leave the recent
flame to roast with Yan Shuo directly
swallows the mouth, and pounds on the ship, the ship possibly will there­fore also pound to turn.
The fish is getting more and more near, the flame roasts even can smell the fishy smell that on the fish trans­mits clearly.
On the difference a little, has could it be that can be buried in the fish ab­domen in this?
The flame roasts with the Yan Shuo
feeling hands and feet is icy cold, can only take the wooden oar, spells with every effort, although they know that
by their strengths, is unable to com­pare with this big fish.
Has not waited for the flame to roast with the Yan Shuo movement, the next quarter, they feel from the
river bank hear from out of the blue the sound, withers, but the icy cold
fresh breeze sweeps the skin that they
have revealed rapidly, almost sweeps
their goose fleshes.
Whiz whiz whiz!
Thin thick long spear, one long short
stone blade, roasts the side to shoot
from Yan Shuo and flame , sews on
that fish.
In an instant, blood light scatters.
( to be continued )

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