#247: Going out

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That night of fire seed reignition, ac­tually many people therefore lost sleep, Flaming Horn Tribe people not
zhidào , other zhidào Tribe people
were not any ideas, their thought were very simple, Wu He Chief said any­thing, they comply, other, did not need
to think that only strove on the line.(
The fire seed reignites in the former home grounds, everyone thought own
Power of Totem had very sweeping change, good change.
But this in the evening, those who
let witch and Chief is joyful, seven peo­ple promote to the high-level Totem Warrior ranks, they initially when at­tracted with Fire Crystal , cannot break through directly, the card to the pre­sent, has not thought that succeeded
in that night.
Tribe many people said that fire seed returns to the former home grounds, was then complete, round the
desire of ancestors. However, Shao Xuan can feel, such fire seed , although
looked that shàngqu was more formida­ble than before, but threw however is being incomplete.
In the past divided into two fire seed, be only half returned to the for­mer home grounds. These witches had not told everybody. Because of the
other half where, witch zhidào, cannot feel.
In the morning, Shao Xuan gets up
very early in the morning, wants to help Old Ke build the room first, has not begun to be given the summon to pass.
Near Fire Pit , has built 50% stone buildings, this is to the witch the lid, the rooms of other people can post­pone, but Shaman naturally does not accommodate careless, several con­struct Warrior of room one not to rest
all night, they are not tired, now is stimulated.
Shao Xuan arrives at time, the sur­roundings were gathering more than
30 people.
„Uncle Mai , what matter did Wu ask
us to come?” Shao Xuan asked in a low voice.
„Probably is the matter that aids the
tourists.” Mai Huidao said.
„Is so quick?!” Shao Xuan thinks that the witch can wait for here to con­struct similarly, sends for chuqu.
Because contacts many such
tourists, therefore everybody also un­derstands that their battle efficiency
level compares has not awakened
Power of Totem, but compares with
true Totem Warrior , is almost. The
witches hope that everybody aids, can
meet many to meet many.
After the witches and Chief the sac­rificial offering ended yesterday evening, has been discussing this mat­ter, the list made a final decision.
Shao Xuan looks at the person who
was called, gathers around the wheat,
he is familiar. Before is, Hunting Squad person. It seems like that this
was must take Hunting Squad as unit
When the person arrived similarly,
Ao Cai asked everybody to pass, there
was setting upright a blockhead , side
was piling up several crushed stones.
Is haughty, steps on the crushed stone, launches the animal skin vol­ume on hand, is hanging in the block­head peak, enabling the people who
was called to see the above picture.[
Ultra attractive novel] in the animal skin volume draws. Then is a simple
map, this is comes to the former home grounds on the way , after Shao Xuan collection excessively recent in­formation, supplemented map that
once more completes.
Haughtily these map pictures ac­cording to drawing ten, altogether about 500 people that was called,
every 50 people of one team of mo­tions, just right ten teams, each team of maps. Lead was once ten Hunting Squad Team Leader .
In the animal skin volume has la­belled routes. Each team is responsi­ble for a route.
Haughty allocating task, gives a sim­ple explanation to the route of each
squad at the same time. Which Tribe
around the route has to label, possibly not entire, however important marked
„Ah'Xuan you and wheat they to­gether, leading them to go to the
prairie, tourist who aids the prairie, that
side you have gone one time. Is riper than them.” Said haughtily.
„Good.” Shao Xuan has thought on
that running mountain sang the «Hunt­ing Song» old man, not these tourists on zhidào prairie how, whether, pouring the time can bump into?
After the duty arranges, haughtily
then makes everybody go back to pre­pare. Tomorrow. Ten Team Leader
were remained, some haughty also
words told them, when the time comes chuqu, the management team
these ten Team Leader , many others
do not facilitate zhidào the matter,
Team Leader result in zhidào.
Just here came, a lot were not fa­miliar with, here like before, chuqu did not want hunting Ominous Beast to be good. Now, they must against person ,
every so often, the person be more dangerous than Ominous Beast . Mean­while, but must adapt to here rule.
„Ah'Xuan you also stay behind.” Said
On to here understanding, naturally
cannot compare Shao Xuan haughtily.
Actually Shao Xuan also zhidào are not many, but heard, then summa­rized, some Eight Diagrams that for ex­ample initially Yang Sui said that
among each Tribe was any relation­ship, which had quite famous person
wait / etc. .
Waits to tell that makes ten Team Leader leave haughtily, but Shao Xuan
was still remaining.
„Matter?” The haughty doubts asked.
„Is this, Chief, I am thinking, goes to the prairie time, looks can trade a
horse, cow and sheep and so on do­mestic animal. Although that side Lu
Tribe also has, but, I thought that
prairie that side variety is more suitable
to raise our here.” Shao Xuan said.
In Ao Yan the ray dodges, nod said:
„In bucuo Tribe , truly needs to raise
some domestic animals.”
Here, the person will be getting more and more, Tribe person impossi­ble like initially, places in all energy the hunting, here situation is more complex. Also, in Tribe was unable to awaken the Power of Totem person to be also getting more and more, Flam­ing Horn Tribe tourist who no matter
comes back, other tourists who at­taches , the quantity will increase, the
placements of these people also need
to consider that cannot make them
only live in Tribe does not work does not contribute.
Such as initially had discussed that
raises and planter, happen to can as­sign to these people. Can't the chuqu
hunting, the could it be that continu­ous cropping place raising domestic animal not be only good? Here situa­tion compared with river that side
good, the people who some can make the ceramic started to manufacture,
and is successful. Other people also
need the matter to do.
The wild beasts, domesticate to re­quire the time completely, trades with the person directly comes simple con­venient.
„You said is very right. Ok, I agreed that goes!” Said haughtily.
Shao Xuan has not moved.
Waited for the little while haughtily,
had not seen Shao Xuan to leave,
gains ground to ask: „Matter?”
Shao Xuan has twisted the finger,
„boss, Water Moon Stone .” Waits natu­rally applies for government money here.
Haughty suddenly, he added a mo­ment ago several other small Team Leader must be familiar with as soon as possible, but he has not thought.
Here, must get so far as the thing, but must put out another things to come out with other people to trade, before
that may likely not, in Tribe , can han­dle with the simple several stones or
several wild beast, many people do not accept food transaction from the start.
„You wait / etc. , I take.” That side
Ao Wangwu walks. All Water Moon Stone, place in Shaman that wooden
car(riage) .
Leaves from haughty there, Shao Xuan brought that Water Moon Stone,
in the hand also to propose another
nine, to several other going out teams,
will forget the supplement that while convenient haughtily told them, did not need them same to bring some do­mestic animals with Shao Xuan, if can
buy some seeds, was better.
In the wooded mountain here plant,
zhidào which cannot plant, the variety
is unstable, plants to come out
changes different, what to do ate the
person ? Has not awakened the Power of Totem person, stomach may not have Totem Warrior .
Many Tribe control quite well the
seed, the price that sells is also high,
had not disclosed how to plant. When the time comes buys also to try to find out.
After nine Water Moon Stone to
chuqu, Shao Xuan looks for the wheat,
was seeing that the sunlight brother and sister entangled to say anything.
In the person of this going out,
does not have the sunlight brother and sister, is not only their two brother and sister, raises several Ominous Beast
people, besides Shao Xuan , other peo­ple cannot chuqu. They with that sev­eral Ominous Beast , must remain be­hind the position, but people who Ad­vance Group has the majority must re­main, including two big Team Leader .
The wheat is been good, worried
[say / way] that these two brother and sister entangle: „I do not have the means that must say that you look for
The people of going out are haughty
personally choose, even if there is an
objection, looks for Chief, but, looked
also uselessly, since such elects, defi­nitely has the consideration of Chief.
Otherwise, wants with person that many of together leaving, why doesn't have one to dare to look for Chief?
Shao Xuan sees painstakingly the
sunlight brother and sister of face, one side is bored kicks the stone two Omi­nous Beast , said with a smile: „You
keep Tribe , must defend, guards against the intruder.”
Has experienced the Drumming tribe matter, the sunlight brother and sister to the intruder also clear con­cepts, thinks that to here not far Ten Thousand Stone Tribe , the sunlight
brother and sister eyes narrows the eyes, thought that remains also well,
perhaps can also seize some intruder?
Next day, Shao Xuan said goodbye to Old Ke , left Tribe with and his party.
Caesar , Cha-Cha flies in sky. Caesar
has made an appearance, therefore
did not plan to cover-up, as for Cha-Cha , except for Shao Xuan , whose
words did not listen, to keep other
Tribe people also to take it not to have the method. As for the Tribe airborne early warning mission, has Gui He that
only White Falcon, don't worry.
The people of ten thousand stones, after being daunted, in a short time
does not dare to use enters in the
mountain fully, not to mention here the
fire seed burnt. Place that the strong
fire seed covers, is disadvantageous
to other Tribe people, to nearer, Power of Totem of their within the body was affected, the battle efficiency will also reduce. This is small Tribe is also easy to extinguish, a big Tribe stronger
another reason, is stronger because of the big Tribe fire seed .
Although in the time is very tight,
can look, the witch and Chief are very
anxious, are good because of because of the reignition of fire seed , every­body with hitting stimulant, did not think exhausted, instead is energetic, the person who particularly was in­cluded in the going out list, is thinking
can see other Tribe people and mat­ters, was more excited, remained be­hind the Tribe person to envy.
„Ah'Xuan , our how long can arrive at the prairie? Before the winter, can
come back?” Cannot bear ask at the back of equipment Lang Ga .
„Is a little far, but in the winter , can definitely come back. Even if cannot
hurry back in the winter, here winter
does not have that side the river to be so cold, does not have Ominous Beast
to come out, can shoulder.” Shao Xuan
„That is good.” In the Lang Ga sur­face reveals the color of anticipation
once more. Long before, his goal, was the lifetime becomes Middle Level
Totem Warrior . But now, he is, thought
that perhaps in the future he can also
become high-level Totem Warrior .
„My father said that we receive one
generation of who the ancestor
blesses.” Lang Ga says with emotion.
Other people also echo.
However nobody notes, taking the lead Caesar spurted the air/Qi in nose,
in the eye had one not to approve.( To be continued......)

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