Chapter twenty-three

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"It's peaceful, isnt it?" Sky asked gently as he and Leo looked out over Draconus from atop a castle tower.

"Yes. And the books are amazing" Leo agreed as he looked at a dragons book on the different types of dragons. "The book is updated every ten years. There's so many dragon types!"

"Yes. Cosmos, fire, water, nature, ice, lightning, wind, mountain, earth, gem, light, shadow, star, deep sea, music, armoured, sonic, lava, and there's three here that aren't known about. Sun, moon, and moonlight dragons. Oh! And dawn, dusk, and eclipse dragons as well!" Sky said, reading delightedly.

"That's a lot of dragon types" Leo whistled.

"It is, isn't it?" Leo and Sky looked as a female wind dragon landed beside them. "Sun and moon dragons, well, here's only two. Firestar and Waterstar, the goddesses. And moonlight dragons are just myths, said to be the mixture of a light and shadow dragon. But nobody believes in those old stories"

"Thanks" sky said.

"Anytime. I'm zahira" the dragoness said as she laid beside him. "I heard firestar brought you here"

"Yeah. That's right. I'm sky, but the way, and this is Leo" Sky stated.

"Nice to meet you both. Now, why don't I tell you more? You both seem to adore learning"

"Ha, yeah. We do"

"Then let's begin"

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