Chapter 2: What now?

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Yato kept staring senselessly at Hiyori's eyes, seemingly trying to figure out the secrets of life. Hiyori simply stared back at him with an awkward smile, not knowing what else to do. Yukine kept staring back and forth between Hiyori and Yato, clearly expecting something to happen. It is unnecessary to say that as soon as the Akanashi was slaughtered, they went back to Yato's place at heaven, being the first instinct of Yato due to the confusing situation.

"What now?" Asked Yukine. "You turned her, and now it's your responsibility!"

"I know Yukine, you don't have to remind me," he vaguely replied as his stare turned serious.

"So? What are we going to do?" He asked impatiently one more time.

"What worries me is what the heavens will think," Yato replied with a sigh, without the stare in his icy blue eyes changing.

"What do you mean by that?" Hiyori asked innocently.

"Think it about this way: I just made a living girl a Shinki, and to top it all, she is a half Akanashi. The heavens will give me the ultimate punishment if they were to find out," he explained, while he rested himself against the wall. Yato always made that expression whenever he mentioned his something rested to his death, which made Hiyori egg the creeps. "Like it happened to Ebisu, but I won't reincarnate."

"But what if they don't find out?" Yukine said, "I mean, as your lead Shinki, I'm suggesting you to keep this from heaven and if asked say that she's your familiar."

"But Yato, I don't want to be trouble," Hiyori then commented. "Why don't you just release me as a Shinki?"

"We don't know what would happen to you. You could be stuck in the far shore, or maybe seize of existence for all we know. So for now, that's out of the question," he instinctively replied. Hiyori couldn't help but blush a little, recognizing Yato's protective nature.

"So let's go with plan A, let's say that you are his familiar if asked," Yukine suggested again, to which Yato nodded this time.

"For now Hiyori, act as if nothing happened," Yato instructed her, to which she nodded.

And so, she did as he said. After saying goodbye, she was helped back to Earth and went on with her life, even though she was hesitant at first. 

In an attempt to be normal, she decided to take a bath. After all it had been a very rough and confusing day.

She dipped herself on the lavender fraganced bathtub, and relaxed as she felt the warmth of the water and the smell of fresh flowers. Perhaps that was all she needed to, relax. She released a sigh of satisfaction as she accomplished relaxation. She hoped that nothing would bother, just for a minute at least, she thought. That's when her phone started ringing and she let out a groan. Who could it be that is calling at that time? She picked up the phone once she got out of the tub and covered herself with a bathrobe. The contact identifier showed the name Fujisaki. What could Yato's dad possible want?

"Hello?" She answered hesitantly.

"Hiyori -chan! How has life been treating you?" He asked from the other side of the call.

"What do you want?" She asked fearlessly.

"I want a lot of things, but from you I want you to stay away from Yato," he replied with an annoyance in his tone. Hiyori rolled her eyes at that coment.

"The only one who should stay away from him is you," she hissed back. "Unlike you, I don't hurt him nor control his life."

Fujisaki chucked in response. He said nothing else. Just a plain, annoying chuckle to fill the dim silence.

"I'm never give up on Yato, because I know what kind of a person he is," she dauntlessly added.

"Could you really mean those words or could you possibly say it because you may have feelings on Yato?" He asked. Hiyori's eyes widened and her cheeks brined hot when she heard it.

"Y-you don't know what you're talking about!" She stuttered while hanging up the call.

She then sighed and sat on the side of the tub, just to think. Could she have engaged feelings for Yato? After all of this?


Yato walked through the city, while humming a song he had heard before in the radio. The sunset was great to contemplate and the silence was peaceful. It was like that until he saw what seemed an Akanaish head into a tall building.

The Fallen Shinki [Yatori (Hiyori x Yato)]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt