Chapter 10: The gift

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"Bishamon did what?" Yato asked incredulous as Hiyori told the story. He got up from his sit and spoke, "I swear, that Crazy Chick will pay!"

"Relax Yato," Yukine intervened, "as your lead Shinki, I advice you to calm down. We don't want any more trouble with other gods. Besides Hiyori said no right Hiyori?"

"Um..." Hiyori barely replied.

"Hiyori?" Yukine asked once more.

"Well technically, I did," she explained.

"What did you tell her?" Yato then asked, with a bit of anger in his tone, although Hiyori didn't get why he was so angry.

"When she asked, I immediately refused but she asked me to reconsider and gave me all the time that I wanted," she explained. "Please don't get mad..."

"Hiyori please don't leave me!" Yato begged as he hugged Hiyori's legs.

"Leave me alone you perve!" She hissed as she kicked him away instinctively.

"But seriously Hiyori, are you considering it?" Yukine asked.

"Obviously not," Yato responded for her before she could even open her mouth to deliver an answer. "Right Hiyori?"

He asked and again she got interrupted before she could even catch a breath to properly respond by a phone ringing.

"Delivery God Yato speaking! What can I do for you?" He recited as he picked up the phone. "Yeah, mjm. Be right there!"

He then suddenly disappeared with Yukine and Hiyori was left all alone in the dinner they were eating at. Hiyori sighed.

"Miss, are you done? Because that would be 3400.50 ¥," the waitress said as she picked up the empty plates.

"Of course he left me to pay the bill," Hiyori murmured to herself after she took her wallet out.


Hiyori walked casually to school. After all, she may have an out of the ordinary life but she still had to go to school. Her pace was serene, walking while she still had the chance to hum some songs she had heard at the radio. So, she kept walking calmly towards her school.

"Hiyori," she heard a voice from behind her ear.

She felt that person's breath on her neck, so her neck developed goosebumps. Slowly, she turned around prepared for the worst.

"Hello Hiyori! Sorry to have startled you like that," Yukine apologized while he scratched the back of his head.

"Don't scare me like that!" She yelled at Yato.

"Sorry," he apologized. "It's just that we're watching over you."

"Wait, you have been stalking me?" She asked with a tone of anger in her voice.

"More like we have been protecting you, but yeah in a way..." Yato confessed.

"You!" Hiyori screamed as she stroke a full force punch on Yato's face, making Yato whine about it.

"Oh right Hiyori, before I forget, take this," Yukine said as he handed Hiyori a little blue box.

Yato stared in confusion at Yukine's gift. Why would he give her a gift so randomly like that? It's not like he wanted to flirt with Hiyori because he was felt the stung already. Then why?

"Thanks Yukine," she said as she received the gift.

"Happy birthday Hiyori," he said with a wide grin on his lips. She then hugged him.

The Fallen Shinki [Yatori (Hiyori x Yato)]Where stories live. Discover now