Chapter 6: The Truth Is Not An Option

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"So you have created a living Shinki," Bishamon stated after listening to Yato's explanation.

"That is correct," he assured her.

Then, all of a sudden, Yato's face received a fullforce slap on his head from Bishamon. Yato barely reacted enough to place his hand on top of the wounded area and say ouch as a complaint.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" She yelled. "Do you even have the slightest idea of what the Heavens would do? We will be obliberated and when we finally reincarnate, our reincarnations will be killed too!"

Both Gods were found sitting in the couches in Bishamon's main office with Hiyori joining them. By this point, she had remembered it all, but was unable to tell them.

"It's not like I would come back," Yato replied with seriousness in his tone. Bishamon stayed silent. "Besides, I did it out of need in a desperate moment, you would understand."

"Um... Excuse me," Hiyori tried to speak.

"What was that previous comment about?!" Bishamon asked pissed, completely ignoring Hiyori.

"Um..." She tried again.

"You heard me Vaisravana," Yato ignored her once again.

Bishamon stood up and raised her fist as she headed for Yato, and he prepared himself by raising his hands in a defensive manner. Clearly, their rivalry didn't vanish at all from when Hiyori met them. But this time, she wasn't going to be as weak.

"Listen up you pair of ignorant Gods!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Both Gods stopped and turned at her at once. "I remember! My name is Hiyori Ikki, memeber of the Ikki family of doctors. The same that met Yato a few months ago long with Yukine and wished to be with them forever. The exact same that fights for what she believes and has strong feelings for those close to her. Alright? I remember it all!"

"What?" Bishamon barely said.

"How did you remember?" Yato asked.

"Well, I have been having some weird flashbacks, but it all came to me the moment I saw you when you arrived," she replied. Yato blushed a little.

"Yo-you mean Yukine an me right?" He searched for ensurance.

"Right..." Hiyori lied. "I think my memories fade for a moment because nature is trying to make a balance and really turn me into a Shinki, that explains even the absence of my name in my mind."

"That sounds logical," Bishamon said, resting her chin in her right hand.

"Hiyori, do you still have the name I imprinted on you?" Yato asked and he took a hold of her hand. Hiyori nodded as Yato saw it.

"Should I take my mark off of her?" Bishamon asked.

"Are you crazy? She is still alive, we don't know what would happen to her," Yato explained, raising his arm in front of Hiyori protectively.

"What should we do then? Explain it to the Heavens and hope the understand?" She suggested.

"The truth isn't an option and you know that," Yato replied. "Let's just return her to her normal life and keep this a secret. Do we all agree?"

Hiyori and Bishamon nodded in agreement. They all stood up and Yato announced that the three of them would go. And after saying goodbye, they leftwithout a word.

Yato returned them to the nearshore and walked Hiyori a couple of blocks until she was dropped off at her house. Hiyori entered her home and released a sigh as she threw herself in her bedroom. Although it seemed a bit odd that no one was home, she shrugged and proceeded to take a bath. It felt good to be finally back home after everything.

The Fallen Shinki [Yatori (Hiyori x Yato)]Where stories live. Discover now