Chalter 12: A Story Behind Everything

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Yato and Nora both giggled as Yato managed to tap her shoulder gently.

"You're it!" Yato stated as he started running away from Nora.

"I'll catch you then!" Nora said as she went after him.

She began the persecution and went right after Yato. After a few minutes of failed attempts, she settled to sit down grumpily on the floor and crossed her arms.

"It's unfair! I'll never catch you!" She complained as she shook her nose.

"Nora..." Yato said as he got to where she was and leaned towards her to comfort.

Nora's frown suddenly turned into a smile, more like an evil grin. She immediately tapped Yato's shoulder with the palm of her hand followed by a giggle.

"You're it!" She stated as she smiled. Yato didn't like it.

"My children! Will you come with me please?" Father asked, interrupting the game.

They both rushed to where he was. The new jet black hair he had acquired combined very well with his current ivy eyes.

"I want you to remember how precious you both are to me, and that one day you shall serve your purpose to me."

The three hugged for what seemed forever.

"Yato!" Yukine yelled as he shook him awake.

"Wha- what happened?" Yato asked as he sat up from being laid down.

He looked at his surroundings. He was in a park, probably. All the ground was covered in grass, except for that grey path that stood out in front of him. There was a few cherry blossoms around, they were already bloomed and their pink was pale, yet it was beautiful.

"You fell asleep, silly! In the middle of the picnic," Hiyori informed. As she handed him an onigiri. "Now, have some of these."

Yato took the rice ball and started eating it. The flavor was so good it made him drool a little. When it came to contact with his tongue it immediately melted. It felt like heaven in his mouth.

"These are great," he stated as he tried his bite.

"Thank you," Hiyori replied.

"Now, mind telling us what your dream was about?" Yukine raised his left eyebrow.

"Nothing, just the typical dream that I become the supreme god and everyone adores me," Yato lied. The truth is, he didn't want to get into the subject.

"Then why was Nora in the picture?" Yukine asked.

"Nora?" Yato asked confused.

"I heard you pronounce her name three times while you were sleeping... Well, that name and-"

"Father," Yato guessed Yukine's next word.

"Then please tell us, we're your friends," Hiyori pleaded. It somehow stung him slightly when she pronounced that last word.

"Fine," Yato complied. He sighed and positioned himself in a more comfortable resting before he cleaned his throat. "I haven't told you much about my past. The truth is, as you already know, I am a god. Hence I was born from a wish. I was born from the wish of a powerful sourcerer, who's name does not mean anything amymore, not in this century at least.

He was the one who raised me and the one that made Nora a Shinki. We both grew up together under his supervision."

"Wait, so you and Nora are like siblings?" Yukine asked. Yato responded with a nod.

"I don't get it," Hiyori declared, "then why is he doing this to us now?"

"Well, he just wants me as a wishing well," Yato said, "he doesn't love me."

When he said those last four words, the group of three stayed in a dead silence for a moment. Hiyori felt a small stab on her stomach. It hurt her to listen to that. She held Yato very dearly after all.

After this uncomfortable moment they encountered, Yato concluded:

"That's why. That's why this is all my fault," he blamed himself.

"It's not your fault," Hiyori concluded as she wrapped her arm around Yato's shoulders in an attempt to comfort him. She failed since Yato's shoulders where too long for her arm. "If there's anyone really to blame, it's your father."

"She's right, you know?" Yukine said. "Besides we're here for you no matter what."

"Thank you guys," Yato said.

Yato fakely smiled at them. He knew that's everything that had happened to them so far was just the tip of the iceberg to what would come, and that worried him.

The Fallen Shinki [Yatori (Hiyori x Yato)]Where stories live. Discover now