Chapter 7: The Real Reason

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Hiyori woke up with the sound of her phone ringing a couple of times, signalling a phone call. She answered it as she got up.

"What is it Yato?" Hiyori answered the phone call for the fifty sixth time in the week in an annoyed manner.

"Um... I just wanted to call you to see how you were doing," Yato said from the other side of the line, to which Hiyori rolled her eyes.

"For the fifty sixth time?" She asked. "Yato, no matter how many times you call me, I'm going to be fine. Goodbye."

"But my fath-" Yato attempted saying but was intrrupted when Hiyori hung up.

Hiyori sighed. Yato had been this way ever since she had gone back from Bishamon's, when she told him about what had happened with Fujisaki. Although she knew he had the best intentions, he was starting to get in her nerves, so she probably wasn't going to answer the next few calls he was about to dial.

She got up and dressed for school, since she really had to go after everything she had missed. Once at school, in the first period, she decided to glance at the window, and there she saw that familiar face on top of a tree staring at her algongside Yukine. She took her phone and texted him to go away. He replied with "No can do."

"Go away you freaking-!" She found herself yelling at the window in the middle of class.

"Is there something wrong Mrs. Ikki?" The teacher asked. She shook her head.

"Nothing. I'm sorry," she calmly replied, trying not to throw herself off the window.

She managed to finish the class by ignoring them, but it took a lot from her. She asked to go to the bathroom, and once the permission was granted, she left the class.

She heard footsteps in the hallway behind her and thinking it was Yato, she turned around without hesitation, except there was nothing behind her.

Weirded, she tried to say: "Hello? Some one there?" But there was no answer, so she shrugged and kept walking towards the bathroom.


"What is he doing now?" Daikoku asked Yukine from the other side of the line.

"Right now? Stalking Hiyori," Yukine informed him while he corssed his arms.

"I am not! I'm just checking up on her constantly!" Yato complained.

"Yeah, that's what I said too," Yukine replied to whatever Daikoku said. "Yeah, I think we lost her anyways. Yeah, I guess she can finally relax now."

"What? Where did she go?!" Yato asked worriedly. "Yukine! We are so careless, how could we lower our guards?"

"Gotta go," Yukine said while hanging up. "What's up Yato?"

"She is gone!" He replied hysterically.

"I'm pretty sure she just went to the bathroom," Yukine replied.

"Then we have to go to the bathroom!" Yato yelled in a paranoid manner.

"You know," Yukine tried saying, "it's probably a false alarm."

"What if it isn't? We don't know what Father would do!" He replied.

They then both rushed to the bathroom, where Hiyori seemed to be. Yukine saw Yato's worries in his eyes as they rushed to the bathroom.


As she listened some sounds coming from the entrance, Hiyori glanced at that direction, making herself altert and aware.

"Hello?" She said. Trying to make contact.

Some sounds were heard after that. That made her a bit scared but there was no way she would let her bravery down, so she refused to show an ounce of fear and sucked it all up.

"Show yourself," she spoke fearlessly, preparing herself for whatever would come at her.

Then, all of a sudden, she saw a dark sillhouette emerging slowly from where she heard the sounds. With every step forward the figure took, she took one backwards.

"Y-you d-don't scare me..." She mumbled trying to keep it all together.

She then felt something resting on her shoulder -an arm probably -to which she tried releasing a loud scream, but her mouth was quickly covered.

"Shut up! You're trying to make a scandal?!" A very familiar voice spoke, letting go of her mouth.

"Yato!" Hiyori called relieved. She then turned to where the shadow was, but it was gone. She also had assumed that the shadow was product of Yato.

"The one and only," he replied with a smile. Hiyori then slapped his arm. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"You scared the living hell out of me!" She confessed angrily.

"Sorry, I was just trying to-" he tried saying before Hiyori interrupted him.

"No! Don't sorry me!" She yelled, "You've been like this all day and all it has really done is bring me trouble! I can't stand you anymore! And if you think you know what's best for me you'll leave me alone!"

After saying that, she fastly left with her eyes all teary and with a huge frown. She clearly was pissed and was preferable to leave alone to cool down. 

Yato left with no words after that. Yukine could tell that those spoken words of that sixteen-year-old girl hurt Yato, and instead of saying something,  he chose to stay quiet  while placing his hand on top of his friend's shoulder in a supportive manner. Although Yato appreciated it, he couldn't help but sigh. Somehow Hiyori's words greatly influenced him and it had been like that ever since they met. 

Together, they started leaving the school calmly and silently. Each hstep they took was more and more silent.  Yukine didn't know what to say or doin that situation. All he could really do is wait. Then, all of a sudden they heard some commotion in Hiyori's class.

Yato instinctively entered in a rush to see what was happening. To his surprise, Hiyori wasn't there anymore.

"Something has happened to the Ikki hospital! It's being attacked!" Someone said.

"Hiyori!" Yato said as he immediately went after her along with Yukine.

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