Chapter 3: Now as a Shinki

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Predicting what the Akanashi he had just seen will do, Yato decided to follow it. It went into a tall building, probably into the second floor. It lead Yato into a small apartment, very messy. He then started looking around the place.

"So you have arrived Yato," said a strange voice.

There were only two humans in the world that would even remember his name: Hiyori and... Could it be?

"Father?" He asked shocked.

His eyes widened, and he stared in disbelief at the figure in front of him. This time, his dad had taken the body of a teenager, around Hiyori's age. He was sitting casually on the sofa, with Nora right beside him.

"So this is your form now," Yato realized.

"I know, I look handsome!" He replied. "I should take this kind of forms more often."

"What do you want?" Yato asked pissed.

"I want you to get rid of Hiyori, she's only distracting you," he answered. "It's either you or me who deals with her."

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her or I'll kill you!" Yato replied clearly scared of what he would do. He knew what he was capable of, and he was afraid of what he might do to Hiyori.

"Come on Yato, I wouldn't need to be doing this if you would have been a good son and not get involved with mortal girls. You know better," he replied.

"You wouldn't dare to touch her," he warned him.

"Oh really? How about this?" He took a phone out of his pocket, and after unlocking it, he turned it so Yato could see the screen.

The screen showed a picture of him and Hiyori posing with a teddy bear-like character, back when they went to the theme park. Enraged by the sight, Yato punched him and left.

He then popped in Hiyori's​ bathroom window. She got startled when she glanced at the window and saw Yato's face all of a sudden. Thankfully, she had covered herself in a bathrobe. She opened the window for Yato and then she got out of the bathroom.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"Explain this!" He said showing the screen of his phone, showing the same picture his father had previously showed and sent to him.

Hiyori immediately recognized that time with Fujisaki -senpai, or rather, Yato's dad... She remembered the stolen kiss from that time, and how bad she felt about it. That was her first kiss, and it was stolen just like that.

Her cheeks redened, and a shriek was realeased from her mouth. She was so embarrassed that her reaction was to slap Yato's arm, making him throw the phone. Frightened, he threw himself on the floor to get the phone, since it meant a lot to him.

"Damn it Hiyori," he protested picking up the phone.

"Th-th-that is none of your business!" Hiyori scolded.

"You bet it is, you are my Shinki, remember?" He reminded her. 

"Right..." She remembered. "I just don't want to talk about it. And I rather it wouldn't be brought again."

"Why?" He asked.

"It's just that... He stole my first kiss," she shyly replied, playing with her fingers.

Yato remained silent and did not spoke any word at all. He just stood there within the silence. He was touched. Next, he placed his hand on Hiyori's chin, and cupped her cheek with his hand. Still speechless, he came closer and closer.

The Fallen Shinki [Yatori (Hiyori x Yato)]Where stories live. Discover now