Chapter 5: A God's Greatest Secret

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"I trust you won't tell anyone," Lady Bishamon told Kazuma as Hiyori accidentally walked by.

"Of course, my Lady. I would never," Kazuma replied.

"What happened to Sekaiha is a mystery, yet I still don't know how she was exposed to..." She turned to Kazuma and flinched.

"To what, my Lady?" Kazuma asked as curious as Hiyori.

"Never mind, let's just hope it never happens again," she finally said.

Kazuma made a stranger face and then shook his face, "yes my Lady."

Before Hiyori could do or say anything, she decided to leave so she wouldn't get caught, since Kazuma was heading towards the exit.

In the hallway, she pretended to come from one side as Kazuma saw her. After crossing ways with him, she left, heading to the garden.

She sat on one of the benches to think straight. What could be a God's greatest secret? She then shook her head to avoid any further confusion. Then, all of a sudden, she felt a prescence that wasn't there before. And slowly form the shadows, emerged a girl in a traditional dress, holding hands with a boy that looked Hiyori's age. He was wearing a yukata, and his smile seemed cold. He chuckled the moment he got a glimpse of Hiyori. She didn't remember them, however she did remember their names: Fujisaki and Nora.

"So it looks like everything went as planned, we've finally made a living stray Shinki, something the Heavens will find abominable," Fujisaki happily told Nora placing his left hand on top of her head.

"Yes father," she respectfully replied.

"All because you said no, Hiyo-" he paused before completing his phrase and smiled, "right, almost forgot. You can't reveal a God's greatest secret."

"And what is that?" Hiyori asked curiously, and clearly confused.

"You shall see," he vaguely replied while taking out a staff and aimed it towards Hiyori.

"What are you doing?" She asked scared.

With each step he took forward, she took one back ward. She then felt two hands holding her form behind. It was probably Nora, because she was nowhere to be seen by now. Fujisaki got closer and closer, while Hiyori had nowhere to escape to. For all she knew, she was done for.

"What's going on here?!" A familiar voice sounded.

She recognized those vocals from Tsuguha, one of Lady Bishamon's main Shinki. Fujisaki quickly turned to her as soon as he heard a sound, then he touched her arm with his staff without hesitation. She immediately fainted, which made Fujisaki loose interest and as a result he glanced back at Hiyori.

"Do you know what will happen to you now?" He asked smiling.

And the inevitable happened, physical contact happened between her and the staff. Her vision immediately blacked out and she lost contiousness. When she finally managed to open her eyes, she found herself resting in a bed. She was back in the room she was assigned since she first came to  the manor, which she found odd because she didn't remember ever fainting there.

Next to her was Tsuguha, with her eyes still closed. Hiyori managed to sit herself and reach Tsuguha by placing her hand on her arm. No response. It seemed that she needed a little more rest.

Hiyori then turned her attention towards the door, since she had heard a sound coming for it. And, as predicted, there really was someone at the door: Bishamon's right hand Kazuma. He smiled when he finally saw Hiyori.

"Oh, so you're awake," he stated as he got closer.

Hiyori tried to stand up but she felt a bit of pain, preventing her from standing up. Kazuma noticed her wincing and helped her go back to laying down.

"Not now," he said, "you still need some rest."

Yato. That name came through her mind in a fast manner.

"Tell me Kazuma, who is Yato?" She asked curiously.

Kazuma's eyes immediately widened and he let a gasp escape. He quickly regained his posture and took a deep breath.

"How did you get that name?" He asked.

"I don't know, I just remembered the name," she replied innocently.

"Well I don't know who he is," he replied.

Kazuma didn't remember anything from his past life, but his instinct told him that it wasn't very for a Shinki to remember.

"And Yuki, Yukine," she continued.

"What did you just say?" Bishamon's voice was heard as she rushed into the room.

"Listen Mitsuha, you have to tell us what happened, we found you and Tsuguha fainted in the garden and we brought you here," Kazuma then told her.

"Well, I don't really remember, all I can figure is that I somehow blacked out and ended up here. However ever since that I've been remembering faces and things from somewhere, I guess it's my past life," she explained to them. "Also, so remembered I had this," she said showing the marking on her hand that read "Ro," to which they both widened their eyes in disbelief.

Bishamon took a sit on Hiyori's bed and sighed for a moment. Her face couldn't look more worried and pale than it was in that moment. Hiyori could tell that this time it was something big she was dragged into.

"Kazuma, can you leave for a moment? And please contact Yato," Bishamon ordered Kazuma, to which he obeyed. "I have left Kazuma, My most trustworthy Shinki out of this to protect him. This is how delicate this matter is.   I'm about to tell you is one of the things I shouldn't tell anyone I this world, but I think that this is far out of my reach. I will tell you what killed Sekaiha."

Hiyori found the Lady's words odd but she chose to listen.

"A lot of us call it A God's Greatest Secret, since it's something a God must never tell anyone," she started explaining.

"And what is it?" Hiyori asked.

"It is a Shinki's past life. When we get a Shinki, we see their whole lives when we aquire them. And someone has been tormenting my Shinki and somehow making them remember it. The same thing has happened to Tsuguha and you, but you are  somehow different. The truth is that like Sekaiha, you are remembering your past life, but unlike her you aren't getting sick at all. However, you're still a bit weak and I think you have suffered memory loss; and if you're willing to take the risk, then I can help you," she informed her.

Hiyori took a deep breath, and after thinking carefully though She nodded as a response.

"I may not remember very clearly but I feel like this Yato and Yukine were very dear to me, so I'm willing to take a risk for them!" She declared.

"Alright then," Bishamon's answered.

"Hiyo-!" A blonde boy barged into the room saying, but his mouth was slapped shot by a boy with black hair and icy blue eyes. They both seemed familiar to Hiyori. "Why did you do that?!"

"Shut up Yukine," he replied, "right now isn't the time to talk."

By that time, Yukine realized Yato's seriousness and spoke nothing.

"Where is she?" Yato asked as he headed to the bed where Hiyori was.

"Yato, we have a lot to talk about," Bishamon said.

The Fallen Shinki [Yatori (Hiyori x Yato)]Where stories live. Discover now