Chapter 4: An Eerie Situation

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Hiyori opened her eyes and found herself on a beautiful garden, one she had never seen before. The roses were blood red, the daisies were as white as the clouds were on that moment; and as for the violets, they were as purple as ever.

Completely lost, she decided to stand up, to see if it would get better. She leaned both of her legs on the floor and tried to rise up, but she fell and failed the attempt. She felt so weak, and she wouldn't know why. What had happened, she didn't remember. The last thing she remembered was Yato's face and then her memories faded into nothingness.

She looked at her left wrist and then her hand, which had felt odd from moments ago. She noted that a red handwriting was traced on her. She knew that kind of writing since it was the same Yukine had in his chest, the same that Yato had recently imprinted on her right hand, but this time it was on her shoulder. Wait, who exactly were they? All she could remember were faces and names, nothing else. She couldn't even remember her own name. It read "Senshi." Why did she have another kanji written on her, besides the one on her hand? Was it even possible? Then again, Nora had a lot of writing on her. Who was her?

Suddenly, a very familiar boy appeared in front of her. She recognized him as Kazuma. He smiled and extended his hand at her to help her up.

She remembered until then where she was. This was a famous shrine from Lady Bishamon, which had a beautiful garden in her honor. Just the place she remembered, nothing else.

She took Kazuma's hand and smiled back.

"My name is Kazuma," he introduced himself. Hiyori wondered why he would have to do that if they already knew each other, but she didn't remember from where. "Your name is Mitsuha. It's alright now, you are with Lady Bishamonten now. We will take care of you now."

"But Kazuma...." She tried saying.

"It's okay, you don't have to break your head processing it all," Kazuma kindly informed her.

"I see you're alright," a woman with long golden hair spoke from a distance, as she got closer. "I'm Lady Bishamon, and I have taken you in, Mitsuha," she explained. "Welcome home, Kazuma will explain everything to you so you won't have any trouble adapting."

My name is Mistuha? Hiyori wondered. There was something about that name that didn't feel right. This whole situation didn't feel right either. She had two markings now: the one on the back of her shoulder and the one on her hand. For some reason, she didn't think Kazuma had seen the one on her hand, since her long sleeve covered it perfectky. She also had a hunch not to show it to Kazuma for some reason she didn't know or understand.

Naturally, they did as the Lady instructed and Hiyori ended up memorizing the mansion she was taken to, thanks to Kazuma. All of the other Shinki she recognized too, but for some reason, their looks as they saw her was of disbelief. Hiyori couldn't remain unaffected, so she asked Kazuma.

"Say Kazuma, do I know anyone from here?" She asked.

"No," Kazuma lied, "we're all getting to know you as of now."

"I see," she replied trying to hide the unsatifaction the previous reply gave her.

Kazuma then led her to a bedroom that had a few beds. He then explained to her that it was hers and that she was free to do whatever she wanted in the mansion. He then left and she cheerfully explored the mansion. She settled in the huge and beautiful garden Lady Bishamon had, it was better than the one in the shrine. Probably because this one was magical and made by a God.

Hiyori decided to tie up her hair in a knot and stare at the sunset. She patiently sat there for an hour until she heard a bell, and she went to the center where she found Kazuma and he politely led her to the dinning room.

It was huge, for about a hundred people to say the least. For each place, two dishes were served: the small one on top of the big one; alongside them, at their right were the three forks: one super long, other very small and the one she was familiarized with; on the left side rested two spoons: one small and the other big; and finally the two knives rested in front of her plates.

Hiyori was confused as for which one to use and why, and her expression couldn't hide it. Next thing she knew, a plate of spaghetti was served in the plate in front of her and she didn't know what to use.

"Use that one," a girl next to her said, pointing her finger at one of the forks.

"Th-thank you," she shyly replied.

"Don't worry, it was like that to everyone," she informed her. "I'm Sekaiha by the way."

"I'm Mitsuha, nice to meet ya',"she kindly introduced herself.

"My dear Shinki," Lady Bishamon started as she stood up from the head of the table. "I have an announcement to make. Today, the ha-clan is joined by another Shinki. Her name is Mitsuha, let's give her a warm welcome."

The dinner went quick after that, and thanks to Sekaiha she answered some of her questions. Apparently, her Shinki form was a bracelet, that partially turned itself into a shield. According to her, your Shinki form tells a lot about youself, like for example Sekaiha was a crown, which reflected her cocky nature. Hiyori wondered what her form reflected from herself.

Also, all Shinki are dead people but they never know what happened to them.

Everything went well that night, at least for the moment. Hiyori went to sleep and met her new roommates. She slept soundly that night.


Hiyori woke up with the sound of a scream coming from the center of the mansion, and naturally she ran to aid whoever screamed that way. Yugiha sat there in the middle, having a grip of what seemed to be Sekaiha's fainted body.

"Sekaiha!" She yelled as she finally got there in the scene, "what happened?!"

"I don't know, we were walking together and she just collapsed," Yugiha replied.

Kazuma quickly arrived and told everyone else that gathered around to stay away. She regained contiousness but was still too weak.

"I remembered a girl," Hiyori thought she heard Sekaiha tell Kazuma, "I just remember her face, but not her name. I think she is part of my past life."

Hiyori didn't hear what Kazuma replied, but she saw him slightly shaking his head.

She was then taken to Lady Bishamon's room, and she remained there for the rest of the day, leaving Hiyori all alone.

The day next, her absence was also noticeable, and the day after that too. She just wouldn't get out of Lady Bishamon's room. The Shinki couldn't help but wonder what had happened. Some speculated that she had some kind of disease and she would get everyone else sick.

A few days after, Lady Bishamon wasn't seen out of her room, explaining nothing. Kazuma then told everyone Sekaiha had died without explaining the cause. After hearing this news, Hiyori was depressed, since it was the only friend she had made in that place, and at the same time confused about her death. There must have been something that Kazuma wasn't telling nor Lady Bishamon.

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