Chapter 11: An invitation

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"You're pretty and kind," young Ebisu told Hiyori while handing her a bundle of money, "can I keep you?"

"My Lord Ebisu! Please don't harass this fine young lady like that!" Quickly one of Ebisu's Shinki reacted.

"Alright... Sorry Miss Hiyori," he apologized.

"I swear it was easier when he was the one scolding me me..." The Shinki mumbled to himself.

"Can we go play ball again?" He asked.

"Of course my Lord," the Shinki agreed.

"He's growing up so fast, isn't he?" Yukine noticed as he stood beside Hiyori.

"Yeah, and soon, he'll be just like we met him," she aknowledged.

"No, he will never be the same twice," Yato barged in. "That Ebisu we met is gone."

Both Hiyori and Yukine lowered their stares when the came to realization. They knew Yato had a soft spot for the young god. They felt bad for Yato.

"It's alright," he declared with a smile, glad that they were concerned about him. "I think this incarnation is happier now."

"If you say so..." Yukine replied.

"Hiyori," the golden haired godess called her as she approached her. The beautiful red kimono she was wearing gave whoever was there a sense of comfort.

"Lady Bishamon," Hiyori greeted her while vowing. "Thank you very much for the invitation."

"She never reverences me..." Yato mumbled in jealousy.

"I brought a gift for you, I'm sorry I couldn't be there in your birthday," she explained as she took a small box out of her pocket. Remembering her birthday —what happened on it —, she blushed.

"You didn't have to," Hiyori then responded.

"Oh! But I did, you are one of my precious Shinki, one of us," she explained while cupping Hiyori's cheek on her hand.

She handed Hiyori the box. Curious, she opened it. Behind the lid, a beautiful hair pin was revealed. The details on this artifact were infatuating. Two golden flowers adorned it along with a couple of golden leaves. Each flower had little jewels embedded on them.

Yato glared at Bishamon when he got a conclusion on to what was happening.

"Are those real...?" Yukine asked mesmerized.

"Yes, but it was nothing really," she replied.

"I... I can't have this, it's too beautiful," Hiyori said worriedly.

"It's alright. I want you to have this," she replied.

"Thank you," Hiyori finally said.

Hiyori then turned her attention at Yato whom seemed unsatified with the situation. She smiled at him and then placed the pin in his hands.

"Would you help me please?" She asked, still wearing one of the warmest smiles Yato had ever seen.

"Sure..." He replied, baffled by her request.

He took a grasp of a couple of locks on her hair and wrapped them up in a bun. When he was finished sorting the hair, he placed the pin. The gold contrasted perfectly with her dark hair. Everyone payed attention to the conspicuous moment and pretended they didn't see it.

"Oh I almost forgot," Yato remembered, "I have been invited to the Kami Kai this year."

"You too?" Bishamon said. "I guess this year they must be low of guests."

"Or I just happen to have a shrine now," he replied.

"What's a Kami Kai?" Hiyori innocently asked.

"It's this huge event the gods do to celebrate one more year of being venerated by the humans," Kazuma explained.

"The Kami Kai? Oh, yeah we've been invited too!" Young Ebisu recalled.

"Sounds fun," Hiyori commented.

"Yeah, and I want to take you... Two, you two," Yato replied, with doubt on his words.

"Count me in," Yukine said.

"Sure," Hiyori agreed.

Lady Bishamon then let out a tear fall from her left eye. As soon as it touched her cheek, she skillfully wiped it out immediately with her hand but as skillful she would have acted that wouldn't have prevented Kazuma from noticing.

"Are you alright my Lady?" Kazuma asked as he handed her his tissue to wipe the residue of the tear that still stood on the eye's periphery.

"I'm alright Kazuma," she dryly replied. Her lead Shinki was still not convinced.

"My Lady, I'm begging you to remember that I am here only to serve you, my soul purpose is to be at your aid. Please, if something's ever wrong feel free to let me know so that I can help right away," Kazuma reminded her.

"Thanks Kazuma," she smiled. "But I'm fine I promise."


"So," Yukine spoke, "what's up with you and Hiyori?"

"What?" Yato asked, pretended to be shocked. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"So what happened on Valentine's Day while I was gone? Did you guys smooch or something?" Yukine joked. "I bet you did and went for it a couple of times!"

"Shut up!" Yato yelled. "Stop speaking nonsense."

"Come on, as your lead Shinki I'm kinda' required to recognize when something's up, or when you're lying," he raised an eyebrow.

"Would you quit it?" Yato blurted, "Hiyori and I are great friends."

"Yeah right," the blonde boy replied sarcastically.

"What are you guys talking about?" Hiyori said as she barged in.

"Nothing," Yukine said as he glanced at Yato. "Don't worry."

"So, what do you think?" She asked as she turned around, displaying the present she had just received.

"I think you look great! How about you Yato? It looks like a little drooling is escaping your mouth," Yukine teased.

"It looks nice," he barely replied as he glared at Yukine. "It looks like all the respect is gone..."

Hiyori giggled and hugged them both, "Thank you! I'm so lucky to have you guys."

The Fallen Shinki [Yatori (Hiyori x Yato)]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant