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AN: This might look a little bit like the little mermaid story(no copyright intended). So far warning.

Christine and Erik met often and they always practiced their singing. It was Christine's favorite part of the week. Erik would always bring her to smile and be happy. He noticed this, as well as more injuries she had. Her being with her father and him beating her was getting worse. It also didn't help that her father was trying to get Raoul to have sex with her. That became more of a problem. Instead of him coming once a week. He came over once a day. Cornering her and taking her clothes off, forcing a kiss. But Christine always had gotten out of it. Since he was so drunk all the time she used it to her advantage.

But Christine grew more and more weak every time she went back to her home. She'd always would find time to be with Erik though. No matter what her condition. Her being and getting hurt made him angry and sad. Angry, of course, to see anyone hurting her. But sad because of her not fighting back(except with Raoul) she made it a pointless thing to fight back. Even drunk her father was still a strong man.

One day though changed both their lives forever. Christine was singing for Erik again( She noticed that with each passing lesson her voice grew more and more better than ever before).

"Well done Christine, that was very good." Erik rarely gave complements except when needed be. And this was one of those times.

"Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you Erik." Christine blushed a little returning the complement.

"It's my pleasure, but it's you who are singing it. I'm just an admirer." He was starting to fall for Christine and he knew that. But he wouldn't let it show.

"You brought it out of me, I never could have." She really liked spending time with Erik. Considering the trash she had to put up with at home. They stared at each other for a second before Christine, once again, noticed the sun setting.

"Oh, it's getting late. I have to go." She started running home.

"Wait Christine!" She stopped and turned back to face him.


"I think It would be wise for me to walk you home, just in case. I don't think it would be wise for you to go home in the dark by yourself." Though really, Erik wanted to see where she live and how badly she was being treated.

"Okay, um come with me then." Christine took his hand and they raced to her home. She stopped behind her house and started climbing a trellises that was hidden by vines. Covered in red roses. Erik followed her until both reached a small platform of the roof, right next to were Christine's bedroom window was.

"This is were I escape and come back to."

"Escape? What do you mean by that?"

"Erik you know why. It's just I can't leave for another reason."

"Which would be, what?"

"My father loved my mom. And I know their is still some good in him. I just need to find it, thought my hope for finding it is fading a lot." Christine explained with a heavy heart. Erik understood.

"Christine, just be careful."

"I promise, see you soon?" she smiled

He smiled "Yes." He then went down the trellis but not all the way. He didn't want to leave Christine, so as soon as she was 'safe' inside he climbed back up and hid on the roof. It wasn't that long before something tragic happened.

Christine climbed through the window and closed the curtains. She then got cleaned up and went downstairs to make dinner. Her father was passed out on the couch. So she just left him a plate. After she ate she went back upstairs and read one of her mothers books. Normally she hid her mom's stuff from her father(she never called him dad). But since he almost never came up here she didn't put it away.

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