Decision's and backstory

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Erik told Nadir everything about him and Christine.

"Allah Erik that is where you spend your Saturdays'? I still can't believe Christine didn't call the police."

"Nadir she is scared to death. She would've been terrified calling them and seeing her fathers reaction." Erik suddenly grew even more worried.

"Erik, we got to tell the police and make sure she's safe. Wait does he know about you?"

"I don't know Nadir, but I don't think Christine would tell her father about us. Especially if she had to go through many beatings." Erik suddenly grew very angry. Nadir noticed this and also began to worry about his friend.

"Now Erik, pace yourself...."

"I'LL KILL THEM FOR HURTING HER!!!" Before Nadir could protest, they both heard a blood-curdling scream coming from Christine's room. Erik raced to her room, with Nadir following and saw her sitting up one hand over her throat and another over her wound.

"Erik!" Tears poured out and he rushed over to her side. Holding her gently.

"It's okay Christine shh- It's alright, your safe now." He noticed her clutching her hand over her throat. "Christine what is it? What's wrong?"

She looked down, as if she could see her throat, and looked back up at him. "I-I-I thought I lost my voice and I couldn't call out for her."

"Whose her?" Erik asked while wiping away her tears.

"M-m-my m-m-mom. My dad killed her-" She stopped and looked down. "What happened to me."

Erik noticed her looking at her wound and sighed. "You had a deep cut across your stomach. I had to stich it up for you, or else. What happened?"

Christine closed her eyes before saying "Raoul, he t-tried to h-have s-sex with me, and c-cut m-me." She was trembling. he held her a little tighter. "Thank you" she said.

"Your welcome Christine, I'm sorry." He took her blanket, pulled it up more and laid her down on her pillow. Pulling the blanket over her. "Everything will be ok. Now try to get some sleep." He was about to walk out when Christine called out to him.


"Yes Christine?"

"I-I-I'm scared." He then looked at her, went over and knelt down beside her.

"I'll stay here till you fall asleep." She smiled and closed her eyes. A few minutes later she was fast asleep. Erik stood their for a moment then kissed her on the forehead and walked out of the room. Leaving a little bit of light from the hallway on for her.

"Is she alright?" Asked Nadir

"She is fine for now." Then both said their goodnights and Nadir went to bed. Erik stayed awake and sat outside her door. The next morning Erik went into Christine's room and looked at her for a second. She just looked so peaceful, he didn't want to wake her.

Christine stirred in her sleep, Erik tensed a bit. She slowly opened her eyes up. The light shined on her and she squinted a bit and sat up, until the light was out of her eyes. Stretching her arms out and above she turned her head and saw Erik. Suddenly she put her arms down.

"Good morning Christine." He smiled. Christine jumped out of the bed and stood straight to face him. Then feeling a slight pain on her stomach, she lifted her hand to her wound and bent over a little. "Morning."

Erik noticed everything and walked to her side. But Christine stood up, when He walked to her. Erik frowned in confusion "Are you alright?"

"Oh, Im fine thank you. And how about you?"

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