Danger....and an Old Friend

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Christine And Erik were happy for the next few days. Being content in one another's love. Erik was still in shock over what happened with him, his face, and her. Christine kept telling him that he looked beautiful and wanted to see him without the mask, it didn't make her afraid, she loved it. But every time she asked he would reject, not being able to see her point. He didn't want her to be poisoned by his face any more or any longer. Still he saw truth in her eyes every time she said it doesn't scare her. He wanted to believe desperately, but he couldn't. When he rejected she slightly put her head down and nodded in defeat. He hated to see her sad so to take her mind of off his face and mask he played some soothing and hypnotic music.

Christine loved it when he played for her. But she had yet to hear him sing. She on the other hand was have voice lessons with him daily. It was hard and stressful, Erik was such a perfectionist. Especially when it came to her voice. Sometimes it made her feel scared of him when she didn't sing the right note, phrase, etc. Or if her posture was slouchy. It wasn't completely her fault on that, they practiced for hours at length. But it wasn't all for nothing, Christine found her voice getting better and better. Erik found how much beauty she possessed inside her. It was amazing, the talent she had. But it was sometimes tough for her to bring it out, her being shy and all. Still they managed a way to get through it all.

Nadir was happy that they were happy, but one night during their lesson, he got a phone call.

"Hello....yes this is he....he's she is here....okay.....alright, consider it done. I'll pick you up in a few minutes....it's that urgent....alright I'm leaving. I'll be there a.s.a.p." With that the conversation ended and he went out the door. Knowing not to disturb their lessons together. 'I won't be gone long. Besides Christine will enjoy this surprise.' With that he drove away, towards his destination.

"Did you hear something?" Christine asked. Her voice lesson was going on their second hour and Christine already felt tired.

"It's probably Nadir going out somewhere. Now sing that note again." Erik said, well demanded, quickly. He knew he was being harsh on her. But if he went soft her voice wouldn't reach it's full potential.

"But Erik I can't" Christine answered. She tried to hit this note and she could not seem to do it. They song they were working, on for her, seemed to be the hardest song she ever came across and to learn it. Erik picked this song to make her voice strong enough to sing one of his songs from 'Don Juan Triumphant'. He wanted to hear her sing that song so desperately. But she was not ready for it quite yet.

"Christine, yes you can, I do not train you to doubt yourself. You can and will sing it. Now again." they tried but Christine failed. But that time he was sure he almost heard her sing it right.....for a split second. "No, No, No! That's not it."

Christine was getting a bit tired and cranky. So she got a bit snappy and said "If it's so easy then you show me how it's done!"

"Alright then I will." Erik said not realizing what he just agreed to. So with that he sung the correct note. Christine was in shock, no sound had she ever heard sound so, beautiful, amazing, wonderful, angelic. It was truly Extraordinary. When he was done he saw her shocked expression and raised his eyebrows in confusion. Then he realized what he just did. Obviously she seemed hypnotized.......'Wait...she doesn't seem hypnotized just....shocked.' "Christine?"

She jerked a bit coming out of her shock. "Oh, my, Gosh. That was....AMAZING!!!!!!" She was smiling, she loved him singing. "Can you sing again?"

Erik was confused by her expression then when she was smiling he understood that she loved it. So again starting from the top of the song he sang. Christine joined him. So when it came to the high note, neither noticed. When they sang the high note together, the sound they made truly was heavenly. Christine was even singing it right. Erik stopped in the middle, just to hear her voice. He knew she could sing it. He gazed at her, until she stopped singing the rest of the song. Then he pulled her into his embrace. Then he whispered in her ear "I knew you could do it."

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