The Potion

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Even with Erik and Nadirs promise to keep her safe, Christine Still felt scared. Every dark corner she passed, she felt a shiver. Every dark room she avoided. And when it came to nightfall, let's just say she never left the fireplace awake.

Erik noticed these things and was sad to see her acting this way. He tried to help her, but she kept avoiding it. When she fell asleep, he picked her up and set her in bed. leaving a nightlight, though she might think it was childish, he felt it was necessary.

"Christine why don't you go to bed and get some sleep." He asked her, again, while in his arm chair. It was very late at night and the flames kept dancing. Keeping all of them warm.

"In a bit, I like the warm fire." Was her answer every time. She was sitting near the fire, though the warmth was great, she felt comfortable with just being, and feeling, the light around her.

"Are you sure?" Nadir asked, he was sitting on one of the chairs reading. Even he knew her strange behavior.

"Hm" though Christine did feel tired, she refused to sleep in the darkness surrounding her room. Though she was very thankful for both of them for welcoming her into their home.

She then walked out and laid down on the couch. watching the flames made her think of the 'Hellfire' song from 'Disney's: Hunchback of notre dame'. Feeling herself weaken from keeping her eyes open, she felt her eyelids getting heavy, until her eyes were closed. She was fast asleep.

Erik was(like always) watch her the whole time. When he was certain she was asleep he picked her up in his arms.

"Erik, she can't keep doing this." Nadir stated.

"I know Nadir" Erik said softly(so he wouldn't wake her up( yet still forcefully. "But until she feels safe, she's going to keep doing this."

"And what if she never stops?" Nadir asked "Its an experience that scared her for life."

"Nadir, do you think I don't know that!!!!" Erik asked though really it was like a statement "Shes been through a lot, yes. But that doesn't mean we can't try to make her feel better. And lessen her pain."

Christine stirred and moaned a little. Erik looked down and held her more tightly.

Nadir sighed, not wanting to argue anymore "Alright, but if the continues, we're going to need professional help.''

Erik was about to protested but Christine started shaking and trembling. Whimpering a bit as well. he sat down and rocked her back and forth a bit. Rubbing her back, arm, and stroking her hair. Whispering words of comfort. She stopped after a while and just started to breathe deeply.

Nadir found the whole thing quite sweet. Especially after knowing how Erik was. He decided to leave and get some shut-eye himself. Bidding Erik goodnight(and a silent one for Christine) he went to bed.

Erik held her for a few minuets more. Then standing and walking upstairs to her room. Setting her down gently, tucking her in. He then kissed her forehead, whispered goodnight and left. He went to his music room(or as he liked to call it, his sanctuary.) and sat at his piano. With thoughts and slight emotions in mind, he continued to compose his 'Don Juan Triumphant'.

Something he had been working on since....well(to him)....forever. He had hit a dry spot(which was very rare), but when he met Christine, inspiration flowed through him. Christine was his muse. With that in mind he composed.

Nadir had been getting a little worried about what Erik had composed. It seemed 'innocent' at the time, but now its getting to dark. Perhaps to dark for even him. But it was not his place to say....yet, so he kept it on the hush-hush.

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