A Twist in the Night

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Christine had so many things to ask Meg about....they haven't seen each other in six years. But with her being nervous about the whole plan made her forget asking. She was shaking in her seat looking worriedly out the window. Apparently she was shaking more than she thought because she felt her clasped hands being covered with Erik's. She looked up and saw his eyes looking straight at hers. He then leaned in for a kiss then whispered against her lips "I promise."

She nodded and smiled back. For the rest of the drive he held her close with one arm around her and his other clasping her hands with his. Her head resting on his shoulder. Both Nadir and Meg found the things quite sweet. Them two looked at each other. It was only supposed to be for a second, but then they just couldn't keep their eyes off each others. It seemed to last a lifetime, but really it was merely two minutes. This didn't go unnoticed by Erik or Christine. They knew what was happening. Somehow that made Christine feel a bit more comfortable.

They soon arrived and Christine started to feel a bit uneasy. But feeling Erik's radiant presence she felt more safe and ready. They then entered. And it was such a sight, people everywhere. All wearing Costumes and masks, though Christine did recognized some. The room itself was elegant.....and outside. It was simply ravishing with Gold and glimmering. Like something out of a palace.

With one last glance at Erik she went through with the plan. She entered to the middle of the room and waited.

"Ah there you are you pretty little thing." An unmistakable voice behind her said.

"Hello Raoul" Christine said turning around. She found herself curtsying to him. He looked a bit differently, but he was very well covered with his costume.

"Well, I can see you've got my message. But let's not talk about now." Grabbing her a bit more roughly "Come lets dance."

From his point of view what Erik saw made his blood boiling. He had to grab on his sword to keep him from rescuing her from him. 'Remember the plan Erik! Remember the plan!'

Nadir was watching from his own place...which was oddly near were Meg was. Meg was at the punch bowl table. both praying things will go well.

"I must ask, my dear Christine, where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you." he sneered "Why have you been hiding from me?"

"I have been with a friend Raoul that's all." Christine said keeping her strong composure. She found her fear vanishing and being replaced with determination and hatred.

"Really, who might I ask then, certainly not Meg, am I wrong?"

"No, an old friend."

"Really who is this friends name?"

"No one you would know really."

"Try me" Christine was then spun around roughly. She was turned into his disgusting arms and he was about to lean in and kiss her.

"If you would be so kind as to" He looked a bit startled by her spoken words "To let me grab a drink. I'm quite thirsty, please." Christine couldn't help that she was groveling to him.

"As you wish, dearie. But" He pulled her close "You will tell me your friends name, when you get back." He then let her go to the punch bowl. Christine practically ran to the punch bowl. She heard a small whisper belonging to Meg's instructing her when to go. Christine slightly nodded and ran to a nearby area to swap.

She was gasping for breathe and before she knew it she felt a hand come upon her mouth. She struggled but the next thing she knew was in a pool of blackness, but before she went completely unconscious she heard these simple words being uttered "Now you are mine."

Erik knew something was wrong, he and Nadir were standing at the  place to get away but neither Christine nor Meg came. "Something's not right." Not being able to stand it any longer Erik went on his own instinct and headed towards the mansion.

"Erik, No!" But Nadir's cries and please were futile. So he went with Erik.

Christine awoke with pain all over. "Well, well. Look whose up?" Christine looked up and saw Raoul, and feeling angry. "Look Christine, I know why I did this and all. But I have to say this makes for an interesting surprise."

"What are you taking about, Raoul?" Christine made sure to say his name venomously.

"Oh I mean that Meg is here to join us."

"Meg? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER!!??" Christine yelled out so loudly.

"Calm down she's alive.....for now."

"W-What do you mean?" She didn't know what to say.

"I mean is that, unless you cooperate then she'll die." Christine sat their motionless, not knowing what to do. Raoul seemed to have made her understand so he went on explaining.

"Now it seems you want an explanation." He continued without letting her respond. "You know very well about the deal your father and I made. But I must say, that I didn't need the money. I only needed you. But he didn't need to know that. It would've been simple enough just to kill two birds with one stone." He then looked at her with hatred.

"But since you had to run away, my plans had been changed. You see, I only wanted you because, well, my family is dying out. Only a few of us are left alive. I needed you to carry out my family's lineage, and keep them alive. Of course I could've chosen a random girl to do it with, but my parents loved you. They said they would be happy if their lineage went on through us."

Christine realized what was happening and took on a look of pure horror. "Y-You mean...?"

"Yes Christine, I do." Raoul said with a look of evil lust. "And if you don't comply, well then Meg surly had a great life."

She didn't know what to do .....yet it seemed like their was only one option. "Alright....I'll" She gulped "do it."

"That's a good girl. I'll even let you walk out of here freely after words, if you don't say a word." Raoul said threateningly.

She nodded and it was the she noticed she was in a library of some kind, on a couch, and she felt herself tied up.

"Alright, now you stay here until I get back. It will take a little bit, but you're not going anywhere so." With that he left the room. Christine moved her head downward. 'Oh God, what am I going to do?' She felt more hopeless than ever.

"Christine" she heard someone whisper. Looking up she saw Erik through the window. With Excitement she walked over their, but was stopped short. Being tied to a prison chain and all. But the window was open. 'Wow how dumb is Raoul anyway?' Erik climbed through and picked the lock to get Christine free. Then he embraced her and she felt safe, also not realizing how much fear she was keeping locked up inside her.

"He's- He's going t-to..."

"Not while I'm here, Christine."

"Where's Nadir?"

"Daroga is freeing Meg. But we have to go before anything else happens." Christine agreed and both headed towards the window. Thankfully it wasn't to high and they both climbed down. Racing towards the car they had hidden in the woods. It seemed Nadir and Meg were already here.

Quickly they both got inside and they drove away fast. Christine felt herself getting dizzy and feeling lightheaded. She then fainted into Erik's arms. The last thing she remembered was him saying 'Christine' before going into a pit of darkness.

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