Chapter 1: New member

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My name is Charlotte Daniels, all of my friends call me Charlie though. So far, my junior year has sucked. My dad passed away from cancer last year, I was 16. I've struggled with pretty intense depression since then, going back to school hasn't helped. It seems like every day I get asked how I'm doing, and I hate it. I know what they're referring to... my dad. What I really want to tell them is that I'm doing really shitty, but unless it's Kurt, I don't. It only gives the bullies a weak point, and I can't be their weak point.

"Hey, stop daydreaming!" Kurt snapped me out of my dream haze.

"Sorry," I said, blinking.

"What were you thinking about?"

"My dad..."

He frowned, "I'm sorry Charlie"

I half-smiled and gently nodded.

Kurt knew not to push, especially in public. My dad was my rock, I was, well, still am the steriotypical "daddy's girl". He pushed himself to be a good role-model for my brother and I. He made sure I knew how a man was supposed to treat a woman, and my brother knew exactly how to do so. My brother, Cole, came out as gay months before dad passed. Still my Dad made sure Cole knew everything he taught still applied, no matter the gender. So growing up, I experienced just that. He treated my mom like a queen 24/7. They made me want a love like theirs, but my dad made sure I knew that love would come and everything would be okay. Today, I needed his reassurance.

Kurt and I walked side by side to glee club. "Did you hear Finn recruited Sam for glee club?"

"No...." my voice trailed off.

"He's supposed to be joining today, supposed to be cute too" He nudged me as we walked in the choir room.

We sat down, in the front row, next to each other as the bell rang. Surrounded by the rest of the glee members, we listened to Mr. Schuester give his lesson for the week. Except Sam wasn't there, I want to say I didn't get my hopes up, but that would be a lie. Who wouldn't get their hopes up when a new said attrac-

"I'd like to introduce our newest member Sam Evans....!"

Well, that definitely woke me up. I look up to see him striding into the room, with the biggest smile.

"I'm Sam, Sam I am, and I don't like green eggs and ham."

He was adorable. I could already feel a hardcore crush forming and I was not ready for it. He had piercing, grey-blue eyes, and bleach blonde, 2006 Justin Bieber hair. Everything about him screamed perfect. I must have zoned out again because I was brought back to life by Kurt discreetly nudging me and glancing up. Lincoln was standing, right in front of me. Right there. There was an empty seat on my right side.

I felt a tap on my right arm, and I jumped, "So, how cool is this choir really? Finn seems to be hyping it up."

I looked over, he had leaned over and was inches away from me his chiseled jaw looked stunning with the natural light from the window, and all my body refused to function properly.

Kurt jumped in, "Why don't you stay awhile and find out yourself."

Sam winked at me, "I planned on it."

Our lesson was duets. I wasn't sure what to do. I could do the logical thing and just do a duet with Kurt. I didn't want to be logical, I wanted to stand out, Sam was attractive, and I knew all the girls would be wanting exactly what I want. I couldn't just sit in the background and hope he came to me. I knew that wasn't going to work, it hasn't worked any other time, so it's not going to work now.


The next day, after 5th hour I was walking down the hallway to my locker when I see Sam get cherry red slushy splashed in his face.

"Welcome to glee club, lady lips," one of the idiot football players says

The shock and sadness on his face was enough to make anyone cry. He let out a deep breath and just stood there. I sped up my pace. 

"Need some help?" I asked, sympathetically

"Yeah, that'd be nice." He replied, with the cutest side smile

We walked to the closest bathroom, which wasn't far. I grabbed some bright red towels, which all us choir kids hid in the bathrooms to clean up after the tragedy of being slushied. Sam dipped his head under the sink and I walked over to him. I tried to convince myself that this was happening, I wasn't dreaming. He came out from under the sink and looked at me. His eyes pierced through my soul, I had to force myself from not just staring back.

"Here, let me help"

I took the towel and messily folded it, I gently wiped the red liquid off his forehead, water dripping from the ends of his shaggy blonde hair. He looked at me again, this time I didn't resist. Reaching up to move his hair out of the way, I had to go up on my toes. He smiled at me and giggled a little.

"You have pretty eyes," Sam said still smiling.

I dropped back to my flat feet, blushing and looking away.

"Thanks for helping me."

"Well, I wasn't just gonna let you stand there cold and alone."

"I think that says something about you."

"Maybe it does, or maybe I wanted to help a cute boy out," I said, surprised at my burst of courage

"Cute, huh?"

I blushed and nodded, looking away, "We should get to glee club."

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