Chapter 5: Breadsticks

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My alarm clock read 11:37 when I woke up on Saturday morning. Or afternoon? I rarely ever sleep this late but I guess I was preparing for what was about to come. Our first date. I spent one half of the day planning out how I thought the date was supposed to go and the other half on Pinterest figuring out what to wear and what to do with my hair. Sam was picking me up at seven, so when the clock hit five I decided it was time to blast some music and jump in the shower.

It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me

The chorus of Adam Lambert's Whataya want from me came on and I couldn't help but belting it out and dancing. I knew breaking it down, dancing in the shower was probably a terrible idea, I didn't care, but I should have. Knocking over a bunch of bottles trying to catch myself in the process, my right foot slipped out from underneath me, leaving me in a very uncomfortable, almost splits position. Now I had to figure out how to get out of it without breaking anything. I tried to scoot my foot back up to the way it was, but that didn't work because it just kept sliding back down. So then I decided, bending my knees and trying to plop my butt down and then standing up would be the best and only way I could get out of this. I could hear my phone buzzing, each time interrupting the music, it was probably Sam or Kurt. Most likely Kurt. I stretched to try and get down, now this was difficult. I am not flexible, at all. This time I almost had to make myself. Staying in the shower until somebody comes to save me was not my goal for the day. When I finally got onto the shower floor, my thighs were burning. I quickly pulled in my legs, so that I was curled in a ball on the floor of the shower and just let the water run over me until I finally got the strength and courage to stand up again.

When I finished dealing with my shower catastrophe. It was getting close to six o clock. My fancy Pinterest braid hairstyle that would probably take like 10 tries to get decent was not gonna work tonight. So loose curls it is. I walked over to my closet looking up at all the clothes, overwhelmed both because there was so much and because I knew I wasn't gonna be able to find anything. Turning my music up a few clicks I started rummaging through through my closet like a mad man. I eventually chose a black maxi dress, with a cross back, and a slit up the left side. It had small red, orange and blue floral details all the way up and intricate stripes of detail along the bottom.

I was sitting at my vanity, two inches away from the mirror doing the last details of my make-up when my mom called up, "Hailey! Sam is here!"

Oh god. Please don't say something embarrassing and pl-ease don't pull out any baby pictures! I looked like a bird!

After finishing my makeup, really quick, I slid on some three inch heeled sandals, since being 5ft, my dress was way too long without heels. I took one last glance at my room before leaving, my perfectly made bed was covered in clothes, so was the floor around it. I sighed, that just means I have to clean it up later. I turned around, slowly opening my bedroom door, I stepped through, then walked down the hallway, and paused at the top of the stairs. I carefully walked down the stairs, feeling like a more casual version of Cinderella, and Sam was my Prince Charming, waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. I tried to keep my eyes off of Sam, since he looked gorgeous and focused on the stairs so that I wouldn't fall flat on my face. Which, to be honest, would probably make for funny memories later, but I'd rather not break my face on the stairs. By the time I got to the bottom I had totally forgot my mom was standing there next to Sam.

"You look beautiful," Sam told me, giving a small smile.

"Thanks," I said back, blushing, "Not too bad yourself." Which was true, he looked super handsome, he was wearing perfectly tight jeans, a light blue button up shirt which he'd tucked in and rolled the sleeves up to just above the elbow, and his shoes were light gray vans.

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