Chapter 2: Under the Stars

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In Glee Club, we sat in our usual spots. Sam on my right, Kurt on my left. We didn't really do anything, watched Santana and Mercedes sing their duet.

"Meet me in the astronomy room after class," Sam whispered, when glee was over.

I blushed and nodded, letting him know I'd be there. He got up and walked out of the choir room. When he was gone, I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath. Kurt looked at me with another one of those best friend looks

"So what's going on with that?"

"What do you mean?" I said, playing dumb

"You think that I don't realize how different you've been and that he literally just asked you to meet him?"

"Yeah..." I said, blushing, and looking away.

"So are you going to tell me or not?" Kurt asked, all sassy like.

I started talking really, really fast, "So basically he got slushied and I felt really bad, so I helped him and then he told me my eyes were pretty and I-"

Kurt cut me off, "Woah, Woah, slow down. Call me later and tell me all about it, go get your man."

"Thank you," I smiled and hugged him

I slowly stepped into the astronomy room, the different planets and stars hung from the ceiling, and the natural light from the windows made everything glow. I looked around, it was oddly romantic. Sam was already there when he saw me he started smiling like a little kid in a candy store. I walked up to him.

"Why'd you want me to come here, out of all places?" I asked

"I love astronomy, something about all the space makes my problems seem kinda small."I nodded

"That one's Venus, planet of love," He pointed up to mars, totally oblivious. I tried to hold in the giggles, but I couldn't.

"What?" He said confused.

Still giggling, "That ones actually Mars, which is a planet of war....."

"Which one are we on," he said, looking at me.

"Does it look like we're on Mars?" I said smiling

"Fair enough," he said smiling back. We just stood there looking at each other for a few seconds in silence. Sam broke the silence.

"Soooo, what about this duet?"

"What about it?" He turned around to grab his guitar from the corner.

"Singing will be easy, so I'll start playing." He said with a giant smile and doing a spin, "Now, get behind me," he said still smiling. I looked at him like he was completely insane.

"Get behind me," he said again, more quietly this time, but he must know my weakness because he gave me the most adorable convincing look. I smirked and slowly made my way behind him.

"Now grab my hips, and start swaying"

Embarrassed, I did what he said. Leaning my head on his upper back, I felt a connection again, and I couldn't stop smiling and giggling.

"Now here's the cool part, give me your hand." He said, taking my hand gently in his. 

"Do you know how to play?" He asked, looking me in the eyes. I shook my head, feeling the tension build.

"I'm going to be terrible at this," I told him, laughing.

"It's easy." 

He took my hand and placed it where it was supposed to go on the guitar. He told me what to do as he continued to strum chords. We swayed to the familiar tune, and I didn't feel alone anymore. I looked into his eyes, as if asking for approval, but instead he looked back with this kind of fire in his eyes. I blushed and felt my heart begin to pound. He stopped strumming and started to lean in. He's going in for a kiss

"I-I can't..." I said, stepping back, the tune was too familiar

Surprised, he took off his guitar placing it back into its stand. "What's wrong, Charlie?"

"My Dad..." I felt my tears in my eyes.

Slowly, he guided me to a nearby table and told me to sit, "Talk to me."

"That was their song... my mom and dads. He used to sing it to us, before..."

"Charlie... I'm sorry. I didn't know."

I shook my head, "No, don't be sorry. I just miss him."

"I understand..." His voice trailed off, for a moment, "We can take things slow if that helps, but I need you to know. I like you, Charlie."

Something about those words shook me to the core and left me with a sense of ambition. I smiled and looked at him, I didn't have to look up or down since I was sitting on a desk and he was standing. Our eyes locked and the tension between us grew. I didn't respond, not with words. Instead, I closed the distance between us, gently pressing my lips against his. I felt him smile and slowly pulled away.

He put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer. He softly pressed his warm lips against mine, for longer this time. I slowly put my arms around his neck, while we kissed, under the artificial planets and stars hanging from the ceiling. At this point there wasn't really anybody left in the school it was just us, and it felt amazing. He pulled away, smiling at me, and I instinctively smiled back. I rested my head on his chest, and he held me close.

"I think we're on the way to Venus," I said, grinning.

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