Chapter 3: I'm in Love with my Best Friend

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I was standing by my locker, slowly gathering my books, trying to keep myself awake, since I slept like crap the night before. Sam and I had been dating and practicing our duet for about a week now, but we still haven't gone on our first official date. I leaned my head against the locker next to me, trying to relax....

"Hey, Charlie, you okay?" Sam asked, startling me awake.

I jumped a little, but relaxed when I saw Sam.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just really tired."

Without responding first he pulled me in for a kiss, intertwining his fingers with mine.

"More awake now?" He asked laughing, still holding on to my hand.

" Not really, good try though"

He pulled me in for another kiss, deeper this time, wrapping his free hand around my waist. I pulled away remembering we were in a school hallway.

"How about now?" He asked.

"I suppose..." I said smiling.

He leaned down and gently kissed me forehead, "Good," he whispered, smiling back, "Are you ready for our duet today?"

"I'm nervous..." 

"You'll do amazing, I'll be right there," he reassured me.

I smiled,"I have to get to class. Okay? See you later?"

"Yup, later"

He gave me a quick kiss and started to back away, pulling apart our intertwined hands. I smiled and waved, and turned on my heel to go to class.


It was finally glee club, I walked in, Sam was already there, sitting talking to Finn. I nervously walked over and sat next to him. He quickly ended his conversation with Finn and turned to me.

"Ready?" He said, wrapping his arm around me. 

"Yeah," I said back, smiling and leaning on his shoulder. He rested his head on top of mine.

Finn and Rachel interrupted our cuddle fest, with the most offensive, rude and just plain weird duet.

"That was really rude..." Sam said, out loud blankly.

A bunch of other comments arose from the rest of the club saying pretty much the same thing. Finn and Rachel acted shocked, but something seemed off to me.

"Well, getting back on track, who's next?" Mr. Schue said, bringing us back together, as always.

Sam and I stood, and looked at each other. I think he could tell I was nervous 

"You'll do great," he whispered, squeezing my hand.

"Okay, I just wanted to say, I'm excited and that I couldn't have asked for a better partner," Sam told everybody, looking at me.

I smiled back, and put my hands where he'd showed me on the guitar, while he strummed the chords that we'd been practicing all week. I tried to block out the feeling of everybody's eyes on me as we swayed to the beat.

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