Chapter 16: Don't Cry Sammy

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Sam and I sat in our usual spots in glee club, he had his arm around me as we listened to the quiet chatter of the room.

Until Finn stormed in, angrily confronting Sam, "What the hell is this dude? What blondie former cheerleader is having a secret moonlight motel rendezvous with another big lipped blondie?" He read from the school news paper.

Sam stood up, confused, "Where does it say that?"

"Right on the front page of the school newspaper."

Quinn interrupted, "you don't seriously believe this do you?"

"Well why shouldn't I?

"Because it's gossip Finn," Quinn said, trying to calm him.

I stood up standing next to Sam, while all of the sudden Santana stormed in yelling at Brittney for something else on the newspaper.

Then Finn interrupted her by shoving Sam and yelling, "I swear, I'm gonna punch your face off"

Sam shoved back, "Hey you've got a lot of nerve accusing me of cheating!"

I squealed and tried to interject, "Sam stop, this isn't you!"

Finn gave Sam a big shove which made him stumble, knocking me over. The whole classroom gasped and in seconds he was on the floor by my side.

"Are you okay?!"

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine."

"Okay," he said grabbing my hand and helping me up.

Keeping his arm around my waist, Sam turned to Finn, "You're an asshole," he said more pissed off than I'd ever seen him.

He took my hand and led me out of the choir room, into the hallway, but he didn't stop walking. He kept going, holding my hand tight, I struggled to keep up, but I could see the fury in his eyes.

"Sam!" I squealed, pulling his hand, making him come to a stop. He turned around and just stared at me. "What is going on?!"

He looked away and whispered, "How dare he...."

I stepped closer, trying to comfort him, but he stepped back.

"How dare he accuse me of cheating.... after all we just went through," He looked at me, with his blue puppy dog eyes that I was too familiar with. I watched him take a deep breath and then let it out.

"I'm not cheating on you."

I stepped closer and he let me this time, wrapping my arms around him I said, "I know.... but something else is going on. Please talk to me."

I pulled out of my hug and lean his face up against the locker, mumbling "I'm homeless."

My mouth dropped. I barely heard him, but it was enough to click in my brain that this was bigger than the both of us. I leaned my head on his shoulder, unable to come up with words.

"My Dad lost his job.... then we lost our house.... So now we live in a motel, in one room."

I took in a shaky breath, "Why didn't you tell me?"

He turned his head to look at me, but his face showed no emotion, "Because I didn't want you to think any less of me. I wanted to stay strong for you."

I sighed, "After all we've been through you should know you'll never be any less than perfect in my eyes."

He put his arms out and pulled me close, hugging me tightly. I smiled and said quietly, "It's all gonna be okay, I'm right here."

I felt him nod and he kissed me on the forehead, before pulling away, "I've gotta go."

"What? Why?"

"I just... do. I love you," He turned and walked away.

"Sam!..." I shouted, making him stop and turn his head, "I love you too," he smiled and kept walking.

(Time skip)

Later that night Finn and I showed up at the motel he was staying at. Finn stood in front of me, and he knocked on the door. I heard the door open and Sam answer, I took a deep breath.

"Um, I'm trying to get my sister to sleep," he said, trying to shut the door.

"Dude, please! Just let us in," Finn urged, holding the door.

A blonde little girl with bright blue eyes and her hair in a pony tail peeked out from behind Sam, "Hi, I'm Stacy."

I came out from behind Finn, surprising Sam, "Hi, Stacy... I'm Hailey," I said grinning.

"Well she's up now," Sam said, stepping aside to let us in"

I let Finn go first and I followed, kissing Sam on the cheek as I passed.

"It beats a cardboard box underneath an underpass, right?" Sam said, "We keep the rest of our stuff in my dads car."

I signed, "This is everything you own?..."

"We sold everything else"

Another small child, that looked like a tiny Sam spoke "Can we watch TV?"

"Yeah." He said, picking up both the kids and tossing them on the bed. Telling them to keep it it quiet because of the neighbors. His siblings giggled and I smiled.

He turned to us, explaining what happened. "I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to keep up on the glee club."

"You can't do that, you can't quit," Finn answered.

"You don't understand..."

"Yes we do," Finn turned around and walked out the door, leaving Sam and I alone, until he came back with two guitar cases in hand.

"Quinn told us you hocked your guitars," Finn said handing them to Finn.

Sams mouth dropped and he opened the cases, "did you guys buy these back for me?"

"We all did," I answered

"Look man, we'll do whatever we can't to help, anything to keep you in the glee club," Finn continued

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