Chapter 9: Sectionals

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This week was sectionals and I was so not prepared to do this without Kurt, but I'd survive. Sam and I sat in the choir room waiting for something to happen, it took awhile but finally Mr. Schuester walked in.

"Mr. Schuster?" Rachel said standing up, "I have an announcement, I've selected the perfect, moving ballad for Finn and I to sing, to launch our performance at sectionals."

"Me first," He replied cutting her off, "Two things, first our competition at sectionals are your classic school choirs, great voices but they don't move." Blah, blah, blah, we need to dance, Mike and Brittney get a solo, blah, blah, blah. Then Rachel made me mad.

"Wait, there gonna dance in front of me while I sing my solo?" She said, irritated.

"Oh my lord," I said quietly, rolling my eyes and leaning onto Sam.

"You're not getting a solo for this competition, Rachel. I was thinking that the winners of our duets competition would take the leads," Mr. Schue announced.

"Ken and Barbie?! Are you trying to throw this?!" Rachel complained.

"Are you kidding me? I am the opposite of Barbie!"

"Yeah seriously Rachel, back off," Sam said, standing up for us. Rachel dramatically flopped back into her chair, arms crossed and all.

(Time skip to after school)

I walked into my house and was bombarded by my mom.

"Hi Hailey! How was schooool?!" She wrapped me up in a huge hug and refused to let go.

"Mom....I...Can't...Breath..." I squeaked, she let go.

"It was fine..." I said, walking down stairs and into the kitchen, she followed me.

"Just fine?"

"Yup," I said opening the fridge and grabbing a Georgia Peach Peace Tea.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked, concerned.

"Oh it's nothing, my best friend just transferred and I had to listen to Rachel whine about not getting a solo all day, no big deal," I said, sarcastically with a smirk. I turned and walked up the stairs to my room, tea in hand.

I got up to my room and grabbed my phone out of my backpack to text Kurt.

Me: Hey, are you out? How was your day? Did you talk to Blaine? Anything exciting happen? Tell me everything.

Kurt: Yes, I'm out, of class and the closet. My day was good, it'll take some getting used to, but it was good, and yes I talked to Blaine. If you count doing an audition for a solo at sectionals and not getting it exciting, then there's that.

Me: You didn't get the solo?! WTH

Kurt: It's not a big deal, seriously. I talked to Blaine, that's enough for me.

Me: How's that go?

Kurt: It went good, he comforted me after I found out I didn't get the Solo.

Me: That's adorable

Kurt: Yeah. Enough about me, how are you doing? Sam told me how upset you were.

Me: Better, I still miss you like crazy but Sam helped calm me down, he spent the night and we cuddled, it was nice.

Kurt: He spent the night...?

Me: We didn't DO anything, we just cuddled and slept.

Kurt: ....

Me: KURT! I'm not lying, we did nothing. I swear!

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