Chapter 6: First Movie

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I flopped onto my clothes covered bed, taking a deep breath and smiling. I think I'm falling in love with him, I thought to myself. I rolled over to my stomach, grabbing my phone off of my pillow and texted Kurt.

Hailey: KURT!
Hailey: AH
Hailey: I'm freaking out!
Kurt: Good freaking out? Or bad?
Hailey: Uh... both?
Kurt: What happened?
Hailey: I just had my first date with Sam... I think I'm falling in love with him
Kurt: Falling in love? Or in love?
Hailey: Honestly, I don't know
Kurt: What do you know?
Hailey: I know that he makes me really, really happy and that he makes me feel safe. That's something I've always wanted to feel and never have.
Kurt: As your best friend, I'm going to tell you now that it sounds like you love him, but I can't tell you how you feel. Only you can do that.
Hailey: Yeah... do you think I should tell him?
Kurt: You could if you find the right time. You could also wait until you know for sure how you feel.
Hailey: Okay, thanks, Kurt. I don't think I want to say anything, yet, anyway. I'm just gonna wait until I know how I feel for sure.
Kurt: OK, good luck. Now go to sleep.
Hailey: Thanks, night.

I closed out messenger and put on some quiet music, tossing my phone back onto my pillow. It bounced and I cringed, hoping it wouldn't fly off the bed. I pulled on some sweatpants and a T-shirt then shoved all the clothes off of my bed. I lazily rolled onto my pillow and then fell asleep around 11:30.

(Three-week time skip)

It's our one month anniversary, and I'm still not 100% sure how I feel. Kurt still thinks that I love him, but I don't know. Maybe I do, but I'm just scared to say it out loud. I know for sure that I'm falling in love, in love is just a lot to admit.

I was at my locker, gathering my books for math when Sam walked up.

"Hello, beautiful," he said grinning.

"Happy one month!" I went up on my toes, to be taller and gave him a quick kiss. He kissed back.

"Happy one month back, " he said. I giggled as he kissed me on the forehead.

"Walk with me?" I asked. He nodded, taking my hand to turn and walk down the hallway.

As we walked, he asked, "we should go see a movie after school, to you know, celebrate."

"Yeah, that'd be fun. We'll talk more about it later, though, because this is me," I said gesturing to the classroom.

"Okay, cool. See you later," He gently squeezed my hand and then let go.

"Byeeeee," I said, smiling and walking into my classroom

"Byeeeeee," I heard in the distance, and I giggled to myself.

I had math with Kurt, which I am always super thankful for. I set my books down and walked over to Kurt who was sitting alone.

"Hey," I said super upbeat.

"Hey...." he replied without looking up.

I paused before saying anything, "Kurt... Are you okay?"

He glanced up, "I'm not sure honestly..."

I sat down next to him, "what's wrong, please tell me."

"The guys made me go spy on the Warblers. When I went there was this guy, his name was Blaine, who was really nice. He didn't treat me like an outsider, it was like I belonged."

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